Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 06, 1991, Image 19

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    Continued from prevloue page
Wilber Ben vm fi< .hr«l .*?;,} batik
v lothmft
• 10* *k ) *»m •*k ;
Mithiirl Bertirtti White l ij{ht uiuN'*
makers jr*elr> »m»khimcs mttbiles
ami mofr
•hk «k 1.2 *4 s
> jin« Breere Shaprshifters
healing rattles gcmulets vunikts
§12* *k 2.\4.S
Rkk Browning kamtrrr Ikrsigns folding
vamwl baskets. Isrrod A bagel sl*c»
original t shift*
• 10*4 »k 1.2. '.4
( ividr Prrsb*Irrian Church
("hr i\tmas sandles -straths ik<oral n ms
to benefit AIDS Hospur
•< 20 sak t
< hrtstene Ceorge l»,i n Sursitd! I• w*l
flint A magnesium firr starling tool
(tamping tool' hoodmaik t.'loth mg
•41 *a k 2 V4 *
Peter Cuampaoli Silver SiIka ( •* vast
and fabricates! )C*rlfv .KalikrJ skHhmg
i»»«K-rcfr u ulptufrs
• 1.12 vak 2, i .4.
Man llarprr J«»> < reaimm
• »k M
hrltn llunnk ull (luatrrnaian fah*n
v«'U - thair wraps! and napkins handnukk
intfr v ar«ls small bags
f I 2H wk^
Kkhard Muni aff«*<UMc ramiiy
hrmelcu, ami net k las cs
»i :* >*k i.2.v-i.5
< hnstma llulc hmM»n'< i>fk> Km li
futu! sr'vk'H dr*yw-hats .iih! Kf*’\
i. htldrcn s vM**icn
•t I I.: 14'
Mark Keefer Vkuh Uj M.h ,
Plasdo fuv«1 glass and
In>memade jtlasikmgh
• IU‘ *k I,.' N
Kristine levin K< • l>cluvc products
f*r,t<lvs.*fk knitting pen u*sum
inMrunvcrtts orgaitk Ivertvs rk
•( '21 *k I .V < 4 S
Paul Moon MmuowimI A Ms Muse
tarsrd vsnnd items ifivh houses >
fahrtt itolK carves. rugs
• 121 vs k I 2, l
Hrauliful Mountain Manual Oil Hindis
tie vise I shirts ilrrsw i hxhmg
lie a* I vs or k otlv halms plas slough
•*IK v. k 2. I 4
Sunn* Nlnr V> ( nlmwork' pcwcIis
\cffn prcvKHix nImik-h i-rufiH'K A riH «jI
v*ihhI ilrurttv t’l.tNs icuifr''
» v%k I.; ' i
hlMimi O'Shea •-•»**•'! isif' U'»l
hitil bouses inisA.cllam'«Hjs Jinn
•'I41 V*. k I 2.'
\nn KrsnoltH lay u Art A Vntuji*-<•
ct«. hr-il ft tv art rct^cln f«* dsn!
i !«Kluny snwil1 uf-pturc
•v* *k i ; *4/
Sur I hr-olaw i ,r» :uk*t M«*• : ? .»■ it .*•
fahru b«|f' A j*HKhr . uimpmHC
sashc- jfHrnvr Is lipts
<T j « *k l V i A
| <»ni \*<w»ds M«mIht *. Imi fi^hrtctl
•.« cairn stuffed animals A »k*»U
»N6 wk 1 '.4
Ruth Hcnwrti I r»rndl> Strrri Hears lillir
teridv bean huwi*cs. cats *> and uncftrr
mwik* dirvvptl A vitiikv fairs
•74 *k i.:
Martha ( hnslman ! rtends soft
uulfMiitr s«*!l s* ulf»<urr pnf> up tk»lls.
«*ther ass«>ric*J stuffed item*
• 70 wk i.2,\ 4
( and IMa/io Su/maker shi kbrn s .hr
up imlunv\ i super hero anil fantass
I 4pCS * l « «ll li *S S I »luv'» and*
• I V' *k I : 1.4/
Ierr* t.allihrr 1!< !.ile» luWvi Kami
and finger |Hipprtv late» statues
f 100 »k I 2 1.4/
Heed t »ra* f U mg < lipprr lead** r
fmrfhags juggle halls twiddle sink
•*k i : ‘ 4 /
Mindi Kirk Maivim fkr f'<nij*rc stuffed
animals, urns bunnies fun sluff
• !<*> *k I 1.4/
I ihjimt I'avhrlkr Sksssinks U»>
parm flutes fm ast»**n figures
tn wk i .;.1.4/
I hmnas Smith Kangsmith \erndynarim
!oys han.k rafted hnnmcrangs original
iVesigm f«* noSRC and esjiert
• i • ssk i : V4 s
Jrff \lkft vctljf hml frt vkr tmi Imhj
*S4 *k I.M4.'
I*rlrr Nmn \1.fa JuikIhhi Makrrs
hanJwo**! %c»vii\jk’ ami half
ofwnlctl items
• u * k i ; '4
i *ri*4 \ime Hrrg <hrp*«> I * j »<* l »n« jm«k
U»4v4m-' it>>\ furniture spc\ ul onk-ts
•i :k *k i : m . s
( 4M>I HufM)»N Umj»s howls pUu -
h«ues mdvk imi the 1*1 hr some lamps with
slamrd kUss
*i V ■ wk | .2. M.'
Hmd < artcr Hn\.1 *, \k »**lw<*k;n*
Items of <».lk v»itul lw msrholtf .n v » ■ ■ »n.
* 11‘> w k i : ms
VNrmii lh*t«rltr >a ■ * *1 hu!'; -.. .■ ?. fair
w.*h1n hia I4iiic tr trndship hi a* dels
*r«T< * k I MS
William Druinin a,-si uivinr
haiuk 4rvi*«J name hurvis M>m\ folk
v of .mmuh figures
»< U wk I
IMrta Ifarman i'* 1 r < ; '
W , n *!* .?ri s punt ! - j u r f ‘ ran it ■■■,
bnhirrs clock * lufTWtl p»r\ es
•4* -» ; * i <
kr< k Hinton I -»mr■■• I bai ••' «
*«**! Nun v a sc s punk' and
i|M s*k 1 :
larn kjufnrs \ub»r> Mountain
1 ahles folding tables . ascetic Nur
pK.turr frames
•<•;: *k i : < 4 \
I im I title Hutll !<» last Vk <**!* orting
icvsclrs bold *<**1 and tansas t hairs
and other umhhJ arms
*4ft *k !.: i O
J |). Motitor Molitiw Ny«w*M*t>*1 im.ts
m>rtk«W(l bimls. trass i and.lchnktrrs
clocks some furniture
« -a «k !i
Mark Vhrafer < ajuurrd Sound Kain
Sinks ram sinks and surf sinks
dide inters'
» *n *k 1 : * 4
t.ars Smith Valkrs Vk nod 4 strut*;
futureia\s shaped dulc . inters tables
desks v ahrncts
*H t >4 V4 k 1.2, M s
Ktihard St a nek 1 rratise Khsthim
sfctsmJcn ttw drums
»i:v*k iu:
Norman V\ rtf ht S>m Vkt*»d Slvp
lawn chains toss pep boards sl.Hirtl
bines buoki aces
• W i vs k I ,2; V4 S
I’htllip iHctr Spirit R**ks enslaved
stifK rrsfinMii^ Indian pctrigltphv
fsca* c I shirts
*14 ' sc k 5 4 S
Irdds l*ets herbal |>rt products herbal
|*rt collars natural tots hrds mist gifts
•4f. s*k i: \ 4 >
band Miller I n»*. • J**kr B * i j-rrateM
**krU«<‘k^ m iIk- »ifM
»*<> *k i.; * as
Jiiirkr So»fickl cpf artist
• i ft * k i: V 4
Jo \nn Smrr MutUm I^Uw* vust«*oi
matte ik» it MHifvrll badges ibufhwisi and
pdiittril r«* k^
■ c *k i : \a s
( ortmr Bender i.iph trailer
•ft' a k 1 J * 4 ^
< hr is ( aief leather hu •>
• I IH *k !
Drhri ( urt»\ I »vkrI I-i'kct Bask' '
haivik lifted baskets of all tsj»cx using
o.rtumi and rev)tied material
tM<* *k I
K lujlirth Nlncrh Matt s Mat' luiul
iOVCt Arid hnmd blank h**»k‘ pa|*.'f
ih*h snapped picture frames for displas
9 I Ml vtk | <
Irtmrvo I'aglluro I’jg Bj>* • . ! t:
leather and v am as fw and hu k p i* ks
duff eh fanm |U\k'
#14 * k I ' 4 s
Tofu Palace
h>b\ Al\e\
Tofu Pishes
• ii *k: v4
Dana’s Cheesecake
l>ano fttimmtin
H.iicd Goods. ('hcrsrvdics. (offer.
!)cuf lea' ami Fruit Dnnks
• 12 *k
Fudge Factory
Old l avhKNVd Hand rn.uk* Fudge
*■* *k iv4.s
Ritta’s Burritos
Hitto timer
Vladr to Order < irneriHisIs f illed
•4 *k I.2J
Jellicle Joes
Ho'two (iemn
t tpresso ( offer ami Special!) Hot
H >> *k I.2.M..S
Kinetic Bagel
Alien (itltm*re
•( ki Ak
Bangkok Grill
%am*in Htirnumgkram
T’fuu Specialties
(M *k I.2.V4
Lulu’s Smoothies
( / ;>rrr\t K1> Ihm rll
\l! % Mural f rrsh Fruit Smoothie and
•ft *k l.2. V4
India House
Sehoilian KlrkioJoth
Chicken A \ cgrtuhlc ( urrs Pinpthi
Fan f ried \oodkVT ca
#2 *k 1.2.1 4.5
Sweet Heaven
Ht;a \ rnfirnc
•* *k ! .2.3.4
The Whole Enchilada
Yoltiruia Paule
Fochitadav Hue and B<-anv S*.Ik>\.
»* »k 1,2. M '
Golden Avatar
Man Rett her
\i>rthrm Indian Vegetarian l-ond
• II »k I •CO: v>k 2.' #4 »k 4 ,S
Renaissance Pizza
Janet Ahurnhrrf
Handmade Pi//a b\ the Slue
wk 1.2.M.V
Afghani Shishkabob
(ihuftHH SurJut
Afghani (imme
#7 wk 1.2.M.5
Perri’s Pate Chaud
td Sthodorf
H V2 v, k I
Cart De Frisco
kit Jangtriyttfuitd
fiarheque Out ken Sandwiches.
Chicken Strips «mi a Skewer
• n wk i.2.3.4,5
Helen's Bagels
Helen lolum
•CO I wk
Family Homesteader
hw Tntten
l rmonadc Drinks
• 10 wk 1.2,3.4,5
(■( jIuiii Smith \|'cniiir XSi i
iKHttmcM Uu.lv.ajic autt Milrfilfr
»i : m '
I »ntla \\ alfrnh^rjtrr l \u.U I >-.<i It
baskets Mi.fc.ic i>f vt\c»1 fcc.i atul mt.i
jk’fjw and I,*briv
• 45 wk I
I inda Williams VIjiijum ! ntrrpnsc
wail planter masks vavrs planters dried
floral wreaths, bouquets
wk 4 s
Wheeler Pavilion
The Lane
I ▲ I ▲
Free Parking Free Parking
•Totally Wheelchair Accessible
•Bicycle Parking Available
•Free Auto and Camper Parking
•Served b\ LTD Bus Lines #30 & #32