HOLIDAY MARKET ROSTER OF CRAFTSPERSONS ARTWORK PAINTINGS,SKETCHES Static Kdwardv valtigraphs prints hamtpamted stationers. v. ards etc *io' wk i,: 14: l//v HcU hcr of initial paintings *11 canvas, vasts. verariiH wmdhellv ornaments *140 ssk l.:,V4 V I hums Haworth Trom.Our 1 .-and'Nature (rafts artist conk etc hm gv-t tree mushrooms* pen A uik drawings • Ml wk 1.2.' 4.S Marie kcis f ant.ivapes pnntmakihg ilnho. etching! and drawings * 115 wk I *n<) wk 2 *121 wk 4 I rsllr Newcomer Ierra Nos a Trading Co -original paintings with vats in misiu al vettings, pins magnets shirts *122 wk 1.2.V4'.< Sydney Knarfc SydneV Roark Publications miniature pen and ink draw mgs w w atcrvolor/limited edition •71 wk 1.2.C4.5 BEADWORK Don Addison Hirrc Arrows Beadwork headed kc\ chains. earrings. knives lighter covers, cu. •r 7f» wk 1.2. MA l rrrv Broomberg firno k\»d nceklates bracelets broaches. kinetics # 77 Wk 1.2 *4 A < and kurtis llie Beaded Dragmi headed eamngs. nceklaecs. bracelets handles, hags «l‘> wk 1.2. *.4,5 Mates Mar/ headed kirrettes and ic*clr> »< \7 *k 1.2. \ .4 A Multi-Beadia real I s cool jevselrs m sterling ami goidfdl *k 1.2A.4 Michele Rose I reasurc use smailcs! class k*ads. gemstones lor t>thei jewclts #11? wk 1.2. MA Ions a KitsrnfHl • Is vs k I A < arid Walker Morin Horus Beads fun.* ncvklaies cantngs arul pins a I t< > * k I t CANDLES JulM* I >e\ IHIIIJ4 H ■ H !i t arsed \ n.iUiic .me rrfdljhlr (itll hnuvt .1 \ S' ‘ ( .j lands*, apt qualil) laverrd candles ■ 1 .'4 *k ! i,! \ ( j( Hriillr t 1 rk M-«'i ! dipped and L»|»cttrd «. andlcs hand •cies led and hat . red - : V •ril vt k 1 ; ■ 4 .*’ I tnda I nMirf i ,t . r' ■ i ... • hand dipped A {*oured jnd candles potted plants mosaic % »*> a k ! ' 4 > Mid re* I ijvm i v hameteoti agalt/ed *,*U*^ . ..whiles aiul wen ted items * I 1* * k 1.2.1 l S CERAMICS. POTTERY Hint Mini < ' i. ■ ' ! < oik I (unitional putter) *ith vhat octet fates. ilium’s p'Wen etc vik l ’1.4.x (tan Bet krr i a U ;• and pt«tcr> ’ »k s : m s Dan Berggrrn In; Dec Studio slabvsofked potters a>tles. houses people shafted hells ,V tiles -tones* arc,earth #VK *k I V4 S lanan lH*an ’ t p»*rn\ » ’4 uk \ AS Ml hr a < ilitin • I \S *k * non Halr> rrdu< ti>-n hred \iourwaie futK (tonal hand thrown jn.Hlrr> *12't wk I .J.' 4,' <«il Harrison (ill Harrison I’otlci utilitarian and non functional potters «'I4 wk : * 4 > Barbara Irvmr (**-? . cUin j**xtcr> . cimiik'N quilled wall pieces and pillows I’Uk I v4 Jill kaiver-i irstw«*rk Potters u^os and functional ware w md chi rues fish •61 * k I .*» \le\ I anhain Muk ;>**ttrr% *114 wk I,: M.s Jackie l arson I arson Stoneware functional porcelain pottcrv \t*»ncware *1 10 wk I..' V4,S Mark I arson V* ' < • • k < eiain ceramic talking ai'Ki duinhcvk drums *< d wk I '.' 4 Slrsen Ink plate ’«•* jewrhs magnets, ornaments, eggs and gum purlers *1 J5 wk I.* s^ndra Pivarski furxtional porcelain . bv ssofks • KM *k !.:.* 4 v IV I rrilr llaklrd kindred Spirits Kmdrrd Hearts porcelain jewelry. dishes and ornaments angels. s ats. and hearts • I V? vs k 1.2,' 4.* Marta Vrrof Porcelain t*himr\ ami Kilters handpannted j^sex eUin v htmcv canines pun tile plaques pottery *ss vsk i ; * 4.v Mackir \an*ag«»ncr Simply t lay Ivinr jvicvumrs sv ulptcilmohlcdI town s las featuring vcgies and bcrT>rs • MV Uk M I aura V\ irtklehlat k Bus k < rrrk IN Kiri s turxt tonal stone potters handpamted high fired »M N*k 1.4 CLOTHING, BATIK Jellule Arts .Stephen' (>ppcnhetmcr vsaxed dyed, patterned hatik v l»*thmg infant thru adult 2\ lrg •4: vsk 1.2J.4.5 Brian Healer ( nlar Springs !estiles batik v lothmg. Cards. htx»ps. vsalihangings. quilts, rwtbiles and pt I loss • I M vs k 1.2.1 4 CLOTHING. HAND PAINTED Ji»el Hrixlskv Cart a graph it, s silk s* recited t shirts • VI vsk I • 14 vs k 2 »4‘i Wk 4 v I athv ( laussenlus Athena PhhIikImhis handpamted clothing for vs omen children ami infants • i ir» ssk i.: V4.n Krbccia Pearson SpUtais handpamted siM *C n .11 Hi app*UCl »!IUk i #i IH *k 2 I rrrva l*il/rr Heeling linage IV vt!, western iUHl paintni ». Wrthmg *nh hamJpamlrtl ik-Mgnv silvciw.4fc * iruk hinws **'> *k im s ( hrishr Siofxr hand painted mI^ -narvn. tie* cainuolcv Kitretlr* and • llUi M 4 M CLOTHING. PRINTED Irnmfrr I h akr i < > i • • «•! . I'loftvji aimnah -.v rcrivpfintrd -n i \hirt-. « mi .*k i .’MM s \r»n*i <»illn^ vs y i »t I!*. «( K ihrf ji» uphu > I mi V\ allat r 1 S\ 4/i>I!u.4> i40 411 Miki ircrvcd on t lofhmg Shrill VS it Whim! Miller VS ... k Ik >»jjm mIK m.icch printed Hut*-* v htthtrn^ for 4II ages #4l> *k i JM Mar W / ugMiiilh in'vpif4li>Kwi. origin*! design clothing ■ 'I *k I * 14 vw k ; «4) *k 4 s CLOTHING, TIE DYED lir Mil Mrumlu i i *- ' unique I > lie dyed natural fiber clothes *41 w k i *L'l! v*k 4 I rMiia Vpplefrre fiiu hi f‘r > \u dved clothing in ail ->i/r> and \lsies baby tlCJtls adult »< 1M *k I'4s ( hur Irs < .arnbell I opi \|»f■ **-" haruk rafted dyed clothing fin »omcn childmi/mcn. graphic design screen {Hindi)).' • IX »k 1 .S * I 18 *k 4 Faithful Kiisr Mr' -' \ < .»r.-i Nilhanth v nlorcd c Uxhmg fur .ill ago lajars tries A *all hangings *.H* *k 1 2. V4.S Piilruk t.ustin SI.*, k 1 ifx-r \rh hr dyed clothing in mom difterrni styles from Vilcks lo f)4(uiail4N »ik ak : V4 June! Jufrgrm i » let \ ..ifar tic dvr clothing and handmade incense sinks • i:< *k i •] is *k 2,\ 4.S Hubert Imnurdn ptI A tic dyed clothing, beaded *.rsstal jested s one **i i k ifkJ bottom *r>S * k i . >4: CLOTHING. HAND SEWN Ju M \ndrrMHi ■ ’ ■. jnd itMCN * ' »k J vO Kulh \lihrr\on < : ^" < cimportable clothing, cvp ri**»n> pants »i>«k i4 l h/aln-th 4 .if von • K i made i. Itwhing «.’4 s How to use your craftsperson directory: ( rafter's Name Business Name product description Space »\\k Sol line 1,2. '.4,5 Booth Space Numbei (see map on back page) Weeks Selling: wk1 = Nov 29,30, and Dec 1 wk2= Dec 7 & 8 wk3= Dec 14 & 15 wk4= Dec 21 & 22 wk5= Dec 23 Sh«r> i rwkrr Mappings h arukr * n i. lorhmy adult v hi Itl, pi Me I cm* il>c t nsihrtird hats M**k {Hint clothing *i i *k ; vi Hi/a birth Meriting \i*Mhict Mjtm 1 rrasurc ssvtol jackets shintl«W*t hags vegetable snap •in *k i< 1 ' Hdlv l-ov XX ildfU>*er t ItHhing Hand dyed. 100*4 a ortons lothtng lm iimv Jittl women. Jfrsvr*. skifi-. tops pants jackets >Mts »•*<' *k ! .' < 1 Darning IrrrM'iiiKi luu action wrat leggings, shorts leotards lops headbands drrsws **4 wk l 2.* ktl kirk Morhct Hr,h Is' i a ». lothing t lights svsunsutts, jog 4‘-' t*c dsc ckMhin^ r/*; *k I : i 4 s Marti Moondamr Moondaiu - (>rigifvdls hand stikhcd garments, i off on vrlnur, silks ethnu faNn -. «K4 wk 1 ' Susan Mi kinnes hand In , blouses and bloomers aitel banked drew* *\r. vsk I *'»1 wk ' I Sii/an Mrrn ha?-. arid Ik adb tnd »< i W • vsk 4 ! aura Xtrobrl t al I i r ■! - Haf r tlx* ha I floppv tupped Nimmol hits with velvet nr otton *t ; i ^ k : ' M Mrlrn Wharton »\ I aik I unkc ll.n Mats \ Happy Hands hand, sewn hats »of Kssrhs Jfkj puppet* « sk i 1 n < hut \n>ng FIBER \nattii \tas.i Mi:' \ * j»>/!s»scat hat- .1 k ti\ - V . is tt' >2 vs k ! - ' 4 S J h/ahrth Hognet r 1 > «. hardier math- of ! aura \shtev prints #r- ! vsk i » Sf> a k ** Hill Hooslangh I't ' * ‘ilk A J-<* k ItT .S |l I!!.! • « 'X wk I h 4 s Hat Imi a t oltths . a ■ • X ■. r N » far It pads he aft Isays It ill pillows Nril I rirdman ' 1 . gifts, v heap thrills »M 1 ' ■ \ Karen <• Mjnnom Ham ‘ • I r quilted a ail hangings hand kmi berets, apphqucd sweatshirts • i ' Ak I Barbara I if* hut/ ; • ti quilting hand * caving » Vf, *k l 'Is Bets* Met lurr lam-fune I' >‘ ' A Stull mat ramc him elets , n^hetrd hats and jwnivhri drawstring pants Mtsi vv k ! 1 • ! I K -a k \ WiS a k 4.> I in v Mi her < )nr Of a k nd bajukrivhcted hats ,V a*. «> essonev I vailed K-sscIrs quilled items »;n Ak I „M.4 s K*a Philips ireliiu' aid . and paintmg-. HSf- A k V-i Nu/u Km li 1 ; if i and custom orders. quilt instruction and c on suit at ion available a I 4 a k 4 Koni Simone Simone hand a. a ear a hies m 4 \ a k 4 , s I rrr Spem rr Sd . ri I* --im Vk m . uu1 hand Aitsen and hand made i lotlnng accessories hodv attornment and home m ik aK ! ,2 < I s 1 mdses MrsensW}; . \ I >>. * ; n , stuffed animals, dolls Ivan , rabbits. etc #u4 a k ! . » 4 \>ala T alpai fblu'rrxr natural fif% folk* car and tinrimv itcrm wk i : i i' \ «m> lha<* V \man V;t ami IVsu-n Himmy; »*Nrstt*A himfH ami treasure boscv • Sf, *k I r^-*k V l FLORAL Samira kaa Jk \ VII 1 tried fK>*cr vwrralhs tMskrts ami arrangements *iMftownv r> hoards' • 14 *k i •< w *k: v i s. kaishea krglcr 1 lower I arm dried flower vkrrdlhcx nrrml ’hnstmas wreaths t in M-j'uxi' \ m he ted Kths hats •< 4: * k I : » 4 l>ais* I apoma 1 vcniiu Ins pressed ■ M* >wrr lampxha«1rs ami piitufrs nuvwi jars lamps • l U) * k 4 s Niinn Mas Mjvllowrr^ o>ri to varieties of dried flower* rinsed arrangements. wreaths IvilU * aids »!’wk i : i4^ GLASS Marthol Maker stained v1 Li-. * »< 10 wk I,.' 14 N Nams Harrs Kawn (il.i- ■* . •NO wk I .\ t 4.' Sheila hrnsl 1 iim.1 Ik i ■ rk Studio fuuulhli>w n glass. ink pem ornaments {wrlumc Unties • 44 *k I >4' ^ nan and lorn Hopkins Nitglass ( >f i >rrgon wildflowrrs mi glass light . au tins U>\cs iewelr\ +ts *k I * V-*.s < r Hut>rr < »j!.m v < «Uss ^ .m k kjink's*. sljmcil j,*ljvs -^ulptufcs »! i: wk i «m *k : * \ M jmsvj I inn I i^hi < >i<‘n S*.i.• = - ! (ii i sljmcd nU*,» vMiutn-A fun*'mgs framed Jilirriw . paturr frames . .untie hold » l.H -vk 1 * I OH w k ‘ i I’juIj \\ r»l.iml < i* • I »j>n t -ns si.lined v%tiul4»ws and ufttameMs «'• i »* k I *. V4 H I >j\ id VN mship W Ik . i tw . u hm,: and lustcnn, » « H w k « I ' HERBAL PRODUCTS I Eiv lit Johns 1 '• I ■ • " T • ‘ f'iniil. herb Il.»s>'* if; I'.t'kcl • un! * * • > -a k ’ . ‘ t ' |ji k )i*\m p*xp*Him bath wit1* and % -ismctk her Nil jnmluvts » a k ' JEWELRY Joseph \llliitinillii 1 N S' ' irvstal rjintiK' aiul {KUulafUs , Uct *'*rk. • 11>i im s I C * iMjiilliu^r r», ak i V4.S I «l\ Ihr Mr s4iil I .1'. M 1 :* * luiuk fUflCii vwc-l» V b:s Ak i : < 4 s l lmliu < urrcrr < w: ■ VV> .u,iMi \n earring*. pins holos. Kindles ustnp nmr«l nvnli.i .»ih1 slump'. Iroin vMir Ids* u!« • SO vsk I I 4.S Judsmi I urusonr m ai(Ii U\»J vs.»rk jftivrd to tirifisMxxl rtiMk I< 4 S Iirorijr I rites < »r»•! A (iti l>».«*. cU*l\nr\ kl.K r . euirmv's * ’*cnn pin h*us **t»mh's • si ■ a k 1.2.1 4.S Sullies Dekoinu hun.lf--imnl jw»»«. ri.uii Ik-.hI rwcklatcs. puis currm^s, totems ifKrnsr hosiers •.'i .sk i : i i s kuhurrl Ihimmgur/ i .in; i turn pemtunis htiHcldv .ill h.imlsnrough! no <..»srs sterling. ! 4k • •'.’ *k I ' its Mesaiwlrr t i» hmuii : . • « iiKcnsr glass l**a«h «’ t Ak i : us « I. <1« I limit ,c*rlr\ • V' *k I : its kuiinon I rum k ►. vfs>iul' ukV- Idling silscr gold lap' tar. >s. >t k •" ' k 1 1 4. s lunrt I rirtlmun I . • 1 p.i}>rr )cvsrIrs »' a ' jamr* I- t«rl\m huh Jim Oik- Yt \ link- u\>Uh vilsri. br.kelcfs •fkf* Mk I 1:4 s Hoot (tllmorr W go \it tusntmjhtr sidling stiver ilunn wovrn mUci ilniiv, an w ork ihi titan •< 44 wk I V \ 4 V Jiiinn <»n*vs I "Ik. Novrau sterling stiver, brass copper fwt! .uni "Ml pins . earringv button vover* k»I vl .V M Jjnkir (lardnrr ).n ki- silver goi.i jewelry. |»crfume tattles nlvrt boves • si *k .’.' •O Mark talk son I oik Jewclis sterling nlver axWl gold jewelry •? * ^k '.I Irene Jasper tasjsrt Works pins U»l«*s earrings barrettes A tir \ lips mask- » slav. corns .gemstones .head r*> vsk i : Jerald keener Smu I Vsigns ck bed and enamel jew cits 0fA I vsk V 4 S Vincent larnvbelle sterling m«! brio »< i i vs k \ i s Dru Marvbbankc l Vsigns Ms l>»u veiling silver \ 14k gold jcwelrs gemsti >ih- tv.i, Jed ne.s kl.u f V br.i* elcts n'^k i : ' i Stephen Mi I aiigblm I v t >t IV World visstal je^dry silvriMWthing. rU • I I H vs k I Nlnbrllr Mri/nrr Sunni he Jrwelrv gold and silver jewetrv wsUwn designs «ti wk i : ' i Krk (llsrti f ih s Jr weirs ,V l apid.uv rings (k-ikUni- ix*s kl.u r rjiimp matte w agates. semi previous stones sterling • 104 wk I,.' I 4.s Krlxtva I Jfdo polviiwi «!.»'. K^rlr*. earrings N*lm pins (H 1^1 IMP Kim P(»l Inline mIs- i v*iap nit.-, Ivr.ntv n>stdJs -.irfliny silver losi »4\ «( 441 w k I ' 4 *> I imia Krcl (irni’iiMii Vinmum Je*olr> luruiknoned ecimuwn t.»*I no k !,h c-- •! nnfiiul ilrMgn • 141 »k | ; 'is I iiid«i Smart \ Hn»u .m.l < 14k ,•<4.1 A \tfflmv’ ■ • • t• W . hi ,i • 'in.iitu nt luli* sjmki h «' 4 i : 1 i a I Ii/.iIm th I ago ht;.nl stiver je ss c I Phillip I rrju I i 4rrtmg silver' I eigh VN illiams VN . pl.iks |iinv r.i;nny ^ P^s i A Sage slofk* Mils ^ htiKCk'ts. iulanlv cU (I 1 im Jr a ! . !u ••'.! ..)<< lies glass U»M*s LAPIDARY \i nul A k I Mi' llfvrrh (.lass < I , ! i Mimnv Ltpfdaf* .111* I .1.1;' f ? * *1S l itu* IHIffJlVM'M h ‘ vi i » ! I * k » k i M I hm^ Staler I I M < k k t r> •‘1**1 s y.ithcted mmciaU fussdv ttnOC | >i c [1 I .ip 41 s w!o; vik 1 2 V'i ' METAL llrnrs I rsMird V H ’ a h i .'»p|Vf v«. |fr ilfMi'l: 'A|!h jd.-tss S4SCS I'M plants «it ornamental t>mi •<■*> * k i. l *' I or i Mingus t and ustom jr*rlr> *< l| *k I .V k. i s I )rbr a \ \ on nr I* : - ■ M* f r« m;k .«i i. tuned vsifidt him*' *k i .\ M MIXED MEDIA Kom \l>l».»*pour \ I M (it.ipfi. dk s. rrrn t shirts rern printed slatmnars. h.uul det orated jewelrs Ixncs »< :s uk i : ■ iM li« lift Xrirntrong ' \ r,h .lulls