HOLIDAY MARKET DAILY ENTERTAINMENT SCHEDULE THANKSGIVING WEEKEND milMV MJ\LMBfcK2» 1(1 R) I AI K V K1 Ml* < M>i«hj fuse tlw '.ones aihJ mutual talent of these I ugene performers \u*ittonnm I? <10 IAN A MARA Popular h*al folktingrrt fake us through ft>r las! twenty of so years t»# thought provoking material \uJihn turn L’ IMI MIR A HK*>! S< HOOl t At ( < )M I ! I S SH« >Vw < HOIK Hhrflrr | 2 k* H< iH IVAKKI k ImgmaiK M»ng *filer plws ir with synaptu vtimulaium iiivd Ik kies live ear port4* as we assimilate if ( . >ur fvitrd I IN ASD'l Ml kl)/l K A I kll NOS An«l>. the nunw store man tfirts out the ol ( A VA<1s ami Swing era favorites, as s*»me of his taVi*nte t**m nanioils help him along \uJifonum I Mi I AN A MAKN Vr |.» 0n> H her Ur ' in \( i|( k < lk< 1 1 Regional all original r>urt\*jrJ } Wi()( Ak( >1 \SS"i I kS Superb >#// guitarist show* ases fus lalrnts with several other l»* al mu ms notables KuJitonum I h m \k< »l \NS ( I >NS< >K I ( S< i . M * i W hre't ' mu mi ikv ns .so- . t4' .WUKDAl MJNLMHLKJfl 10 43 Jl ST AVI KY < «*otewtf* war > and traditional ft»4k arul Huts musts only Asrrv --mps cm like Avery Ik hrrlrr IKIOt Ml! W IIJ MARTIN Sav yiHinj: pr«»pfc and 'mu\K in I upenr ami VA ill Martin * ill suit!) u»mc lo mtfkl am! lively wmjjv >( I I Truly t lassnal in every sense thiV t% a i.a// vrnr (fuftiurj I is Ml lHf I 11 MIM 1 St NSMINf H \ M> these y ounpsters uj*ho|d ihc dvr uuiM' tf/rat ( hrepel tradition aikl \pini as their chirrs AmJ/M/turn 1 VO JAM I N AVI «>K hi DANA Af/K an inspires! marimba tunes performed by litre dedi .ilctl los al artists ( <>urt\iirj : Ml |*f Tl K SV If I >1 Vk rs u«\yw riter \N»uts »Hit his l>slan es«p*c adrn. .mi shin ft u%.-nxKt ixrtihl) jjjaifltl \ apitalistu joeed A«*/’h lye • Nst known for his nip an Kjk kyrnund musn at 4 ht£ Springfield JM//J works Am./..' ‘‘mi*! I t * IT II K W U I >f See 2 Ms, kV hrrirr S III J| KK> (ill AM >N A I Rif M >S ( tear and lilting guitar strokes lightly lead this uasrst of ja// tons Am !>LM)A\ DLLLM15LK 1 III MI Hl(. f II >1 >1 IS St I I N( ! I f \ND JOHNNY M<«unta»n hnrOown guitar |>Kkm am! fuklltn V4 hsrit* J1 (If) ( I 1J S 11 KOSI |tvelvvtortcv am! mam vtwtgs *c s*n all join in singing Something for uv l»« ka/ti gift *raj»pr*l in e«li ^ lever «>fal tiatlition p?r vernation 12 <10 SI I mil 1 IPS Solo if Ho takes u* thnmgh UK1K (IliVMlI Am! v.>nx* folk material 12 1* I VI S< H I MS! I KSION S< HOOt I tench language muvk Irani element ax v vt bool inmefMtm viu AM HI H ! IIH Vk ,!h p.-werful v<* ab ami rnuvK lartchip thiv dun lead* u% on. a vunnv iarasan through swing ( , u'(\iirj 1 1 A IMIS ill I >1 I lute .ami v>nihevi/er blende*! artful!) bv Vine Hurke ami I <1 hammerer 4 mJi/o/ turn 1 U» St | mil I ll'S See I 2 <«>• H hrtWt 2 <*» SHI MBA lU Mrk an marimba fvrats to warm the v»mtrr dark ing sjnnt. Immune of lugenc s j*rcmter manmha families I ,*urturd Ml ft)(iA l HI K Male fn-.l * « hiv!k guitars and harm*trih. s«nals 4it*iih>num 2 44 ISf ISMl Dl See I I'' Mh< l>i N> < 1 vk\KI> M! .»rigma! new age material that rrallv ••(*rais to the heart fmm a talentr.l nc w >. W krrlff *> til M( x )NHI AS! Steve I ali*r returns with his deep «. lear folk singing ami guitat ptasmg AuJih >t iun: A' . f ' / nmt m n<<, I i . i . ,'■ / \frrt mfu f I v it. \f ( . . v • • • < hilihrn \ *. < m/v • .N / l/'f A' .. /»/ill < Ml.'/vl/ i Dt i ('mht t /' December 7 - 8 SAUKDAY i»LLLMi«LK 2 .I I \kl VHt-l I I 1 tx !-!* ' ti.ivrllol < Ufc t'.n k -triu i jin! '*nttt*n •..Mtt" m .♦ mimlvi of tanruj^i's \\ h, , - « KH IKit M HI k H ' •• ? has u'vcdttv tvcn «wi * iixuit arinmjf the tiiMfu I *- m. h»w>H v rrdti*’> .1 sfict ul t * i. 11 A . i l III.- . * ’' 1 ■. i f vi. mlci to*il 1.1.i\ t-'.i.iitkwi \u.f; • mf’ ■ HKI W ( l I! \\ s, Mith iltc ^uit4i 4(k! harmomt. 4 fiisn .mw of 1 Mir v t»nlr?n|KMAf \ men ■ •• f. ■» \ . . ' S\UI.|(lk\SS< !- ! f H I jith .»M!rx .mil lh<‘ vnit hit -* •»v. itik'ii • i"k> W '. < 1;’ l’ \ I K I< K I H »l >11 In th 1 HiH «*! humumtv .iml s>* 14! justur I’-ti will r\ish in *hetc mom leaf in Hr*! ■ s YV I I It .K \ss s. . Wl UK I \N ( I II \N See 1.' »' W h,< .< - • I \« .1 I I’ \K k SI IM H \S!> I nil KA H f*.*.-. . • ?-.» ni h.»v k •' I V.ti 1 nf ifw I u^rnr Sired Hines fn» .in 1 \xiliny fhvtrk Nuc\ stoo* »n t HU t » St HVS \l I A IKII SI >S ! 1.. IU- I.H^'iimr !i-;n her .iikJ inrikl n! mu'h tonnes the mu\u •! Irt*!.»:i.! !n the M.iikd %U» f m mmfvimcil h\ .laughter l\inc S\ hv* ill AIkt |V*u^* DjiucK ■ ' 4S J» I U KSt >S MIDI>1 1 st M< x *1 t HOIK N .Hinw teem -.haie Uwtr Mn^trtjk .nV\I cnihuMavm Ini the Hnlul-ts atmosj'tocre W hi >- < • ' D \\ ID i . I! D - , - musk4IU familiar .«nd poignant i ' t Hit o st MVS M i a I Klf NDS s, V . SA.l. s.l M>W ULLL.MULK8 "I i >1 UK \ ' UAM I: ■■: .... it .!!>.< t,-' > I-,:! -I > lVh.i J tvm \rai Mhnlft : ! « i. I \KI NOKt ! 1 I 1 r v . . 11 " i' i t. ’ ,atlila hr • ! , u. ■ i.i ■ all lhmf» iikw alitc in (Ik IiiiK* plat. Ilw. tan Irani a liltir I tf'Hh SlMMish jiul .ifi \ iliatCvf <*1 !ss>V if thc> >*4111 to %Wlg •Mil It >H Hh He-! >! tin Hulls!, IsSrs nuivKul tf4vlnu«) IftHii this Unal ' ‘ Is SuKIH I U.l M HI* .H St H* m »1 HU .HI * INI s U ha .t t **» H H \I l II M'I IN H \M> R.s k n full rhsthm n Hues Kim* puftl JVit 4fHl fhutttpcd «Hj! f'S MHifU* JuHal jiuf his jvals < Is H* >W \RDIII MINI XK'i st ||< k i| VS hi ii these north a r si I UK’civr vinjiik stcrs take to itw stage holnlas i heri is htnnui to Hr 5)*tr\lr»th\ Mice Saves • .,•* i *o t ii ii)ii vc i; mi it h"/,> ■ t it X )| > l 1 l \N I I N K.% k <1 tfvC N*' .mil ’v<- St Hi! CM’S s iHi 11 think s > *ii ssere tficre * w(\%rJ M> \1 * >1 I \ f IliU .Will J.’lilt4f viHTtbifK’ fi»f il.issival 41>v! fomafltU musu Stese Sarant arx! Peter Thomas have h.»nc.l then sk'ils f.< hftng us the tvsl in hoi u Lit pleasure \uJt(>>num 4S It )M I I SINK >N I ' • tv : uf his »mn am! i>ttiers vcMitemp**iats • • ssilh a sen^eafKc s >mr • me ;ke he *s a> Hsian Mur,veil W H, , ’ :• H \KMi *NS \ . w.J > r.f .>! a.-men singers. (**Ii\Ih'«1 to a fine holulas iiiusk al gloss \u-Jn .<•* ; !' UOI \\ Nee: Mi. W h< < f « I \k|N OAKS ! t I Ml M -\KN M H< m >| Hailes Hill aica s*um> :cf i) »n M i , sa ka.« ’ . I hi ItiiitW /KtrtliU Hat ■% \. \rmb<‘f kuJunu \fiinrrtf\i /»'.//;«/ N \t‘mbrr 10 December 14-15 SAILKDA\ DLLLMtthRU 10 V> KIDS AKI Ml SIC Young talent of the fugrnc/Sprmgfirld area produce w inter vfx»wv ace W hcrlrr I I ««• < l AIK C < MM K Singer and \torvteller that holds the attention epan of even the youngest with fun and challeng ing sing along* AutiiU>r turn \2 00 SI1 no N t niu S ( realise muvK from guitar and special pen uwion instruments ilesignod and produced b> this versatile artist Auditor >um i: n mai \ii KKI/y't I DDN Some of the tunes are old. sisme are newer but (lie impactful delivers makes each selection this due! \ vers own ( <»urtvarJ I IA SOI IH I l (il SI Hl< ill SCHOOI MADKKiAl SIN< »| KS Small choral groupOffers performarKr that is big on talent and vs arm with holuiav sentiment Directed bv Juti Stcinbergcr Auditorium 1 VI SIl no s ( < Mil s (See i: on, M hrrlrr 2 on SI (lAKHli IS Hluegrasv sounding It is a I funsters get v»mr blood flowing and \tnif lor* Upping ( >urf\,irti 2 M) JACK A I HI III l S J.», k ( orlrlho plfl> s guitar to the .k v iMnp.mittM'iil of I ri?> NA agiwrr \ flute arwi Shelley Rat/Lifts vixaU \uJilt*rtum : 4*> I l M if W < K )D1 VI K( .Ni l N I I I Ml N I AR> Si IK k )| Multi lultural by thml. fourth ami fifth graiir %!Uik*f1U fiom I UKrw* s South Hills UifCi tr»l by ( km Kraft W hrrirr * 4'- SA< Rl 1) HARP Originally an , .!TnIv**h Uihjjv of the I ugrne ( o»h rtl ( hou s.uirJ Harp explores the wivlotn ami c ot I .ulv Arnern ail hymns \utlu rium 4 IS J\( K A IHI ill I S See Uh 'i*i IX M (i l > A NII 1 S Intrv *luv cs the swath guitar which *k*vcl»»f» a full range ot orchestra! tones as a liable for his .„ns>h ripfrvhUKi Witonum SLMJAY L>LLLMilLK IS 10 VO N< »AH M \R I IN Sc urn. of a sm alisi/guitanst performing father. N.vah stands solidly alone to share hi*, own taster and abilities Wheeler 1 1 (TO R( X .( R M >t M AIN Spes \m uUr juggling ami slidesp!Ming humor for kuls of ail ages Auiiitoeium i: 00 DA\ ID Ml I I AND folk harp and mantlo vello original compositions bv one of I ugene s own prolific ami much engaged songmen \iul;t('num 12 IS MORGAN A PHH AN BtXh far travelled ami down to I arth. these women speak t*» the brst pans in all our deepest fiearts Wheeler 12 «) SI'('i ARbOO'l An all woman hand with lots of brass ami fanfare ami a stsle all its own ( ourrwrd I 1N INSPIRATIONS SOI NDS I ugene's claim to fame touring Gospel Utnipers pla> for tf>eir supportive'local Hoiidas Market audience, and we re thankful \ui.Utonum 1 U\ [)\\ID Mi l I AND .See 12 m> W heeler 2 00 ( R AW DADS (>f H R| l OVI 1 ike something right out of sour wildest electric bluegrass Deadhead downhome ilream ( t>urt\Hird 2 *o |>RN| l 1 A I Rl DDY Only two guys' N t hj 11 ask > ourself w hen you near inc tun rttnncss 01 mnr unn tour ile force \u*iitonum : 4s I MKHH I) H I MlM \H\ S( M(X)1 I rom the southwest of I ugcnc comes this elementar> school choir, directed again this vcai hs Ann ! cmplcton W htrlfr * 4MM KY\N .Strikin' and platin' the blues vs ith heart is I mi's ever rs< mug (.«*»tti hut ion ti> l ugcne s cultural music si ape \uJa " turn 4 1 S l I KM l I .V I HI DIM - See M)) H hftUr * (X) S 1*1 NNI K HI n i M1DDI 1 S( IK X )l \ South Hills school sends her voting and talented singers to brighten up our ahemotm. directed b> Shanxi William4- \miir>rtum December 21 - 22 ^A1LKL>A1 LM-LLMULK II . IISIII HI \\ I'crtlj) i!k Swingm cvt of the famous ( orvalits Briiu l mill heir pirsuk’s solo ttfistagr >4 hrt-if' « H \KU \k \ S I I \ l Ns M Vs l I iMIl S* 'ini .• -• . • >u IU'- ’ has ••• to see and hear to appreciate this vcoman o trul\ »a|Miuiim.' to attentisc children .itul ihru adults as *vell \udi ■■ ■ • |iK« m >k M i VMS I .i-.i Ivw.-i iMi s h Uurr o/i if.-. ! iU". nr mu* i>. v.ct*r Bn*ck van bridge sislislK and lanuage harriers to ^ m am audieixc \u*ii!>>riu»t ** IUN 1) \ \S |i ban . I,s- ai ■']u.• u a.kptls pci Im Hied on sitar am! labia h> tv* young Inca! .*v i>l)!r of |ho I astern tfadtlxm \h h*-fi f * I SI M IMIl M MM « I h \M > line .*MdU' .s.‘oj of tf»r blues fiotn (haka Ja{ an I mjs ovfij done his homes* ■ 'tk t \ urt\rtni I ! s HIN l» \ VS iScr i.' IS iuJ.i. I ^1 HR< x >k \l > \ MS Nee I.’ » H Hi titr * SO I HIl Sh "l l •!! }•;• • and v rcalisc clectioni* composition* from kes board N\Hlt»csi/rf•• and fxHh fair and familial stringed acoustic instruments \rvs age fans to rocket's scili all eiljov fills sfwav* ( o I j KKS \k \( »M k i trailsr and mtstem flute solos M*tthc and uplift Soar softls s*ith lens foi a svhile ! !iuf ; 4*> SH \kl*S \ I l MSI >ur honored seniors, based in Springfield sing favorites of thews outs and of the season U hrclr • t 4S U M II IU \\ See !»> k>; AuJil'i’ium i |S II Rk> Vs \l ,M k See V(I 14 hcflft S <«!> n H \ SH( »r HH Kyi \KU I > .Hi II hi- stwred and suipnvod as s»hi icarn to lose this Hig Hrass band \ ■■ num ^LSJlVl l.’LLU'lliLKg. |. •" I'l II K I III iM \S \ a,..s„ «>1 guitar is! .iii.I guitar icai her Peter sharps the most interesting items afxxit the . . .o oc al c omposers t He is insiruntcnta '<< ■! .»!!'.! !fK-: r «uik H , .t > K» Jt )HN (ilU’ \ IKK K \ mime show s*Hh sonic references to tfie ich gious origins of untie of the holidays that . \s |S krsN*ards guitar and .. ', <■ mute to U • if>.- Market stage KuJiU>num 12 1' BRIAN H \IN! s Wei 1 io.rd .t!reasts Brian and hr solo piano return the Hou.tas Maikt •* ;th >ome of hi - iioss familial originals W/ier.V' 1: mi lit )t»l \ S ( HOK I < >or ot I ugem p'ssrrful reggae hands returns hi celebrate the musk that is so sj»n 14! to then culture an,I heritage ( • - u*tvarJ 1 l*> BRIAN H \1N| s Sec 12 1'. \ uJH-' Vo \S IS See 1 2 (■>. \\ h,, • •OHM \l \ I S Mans in the Market hast- watched Olein dcsclop his strong Noes stsk* and lead guitar delivery for quite a number of scars to dwir great satisfaction < >urfy-ant 2 m) U VS J( 1)1) 1 rw docs tor the lukimcr w fiat Grandpa m the O/aris never dreamed When cc lek. triss uh tee is added die results are sophist! cated and csotu \uJih” io*i 2 4' l l < d M H \( f OK HK < Hjf ms. tai and ens irofimcntal cofmierKes would vurelv suffci and dull without the dedkatu*n and |*rr\ivtciK.e of these enicnammg singers Wheeler ' 4s HI 1 HI l II MIM I t HOIK Karr earth and soul’ mark this most spirited of local church choirs Mwass faithful to tfic cause of sharing tfieu scr\ spec ial musk turn 4 I S 1 I W M l>l> .See 2 Hh W Hreirr II (a I N| H \( I (HOIK «Vr 2 4s' \uditonum December 23 ML>>.L>A1 .l>LLLMliJLK I.IISS I MKI SHI K<. H.tmmri iT'iCr .ml.i: jih1 f->Ik hilp air Olcnn - frc^ucntU vtoovch instruments l»ut this mult! talented musu un has 4 Nujj f.»: ’{ ;v!!i'(iiiiiiy jh lies Vk he* , f > MOM \ t ilt »IK H tnu < hr V k I thiiu Youth 1 s the the named here tin- kuis iUM : , hfv4u*tf M'V tun \ujr,*nutv • k \SM kn.^v Last Minute Monday!!! i : I N \ !K< |IM \ ( (HI! N \ igtniu |Hits si*me v er\ ciifttempitrarN .uni Uncl> sounds inlo .1 puvikhe n! her creation. >ou 11 cnjo> moving with her ami being mined b\ hef W hrrlr' : 'I m Id f K(K, m< »H\S W Juilipn blues and soulful coundmg originals from Ivin voices and eighteen guild/ strings ! \*> \ IKt.lM \ ( OHI N See I.' Is \uJtronum k \Si 'i M VS ION -See I.' if U hrt'Iff * l 1\ KS A i nil I UNIONS i IV t o»»k and voniEMUiv take to the stage for ___‘ _i_Cd 2 k A II A JOAN Ness jvoustK pirvrntaliun of ffx" grossing hmls of ifiesc vnig writers Minks fcmimiK‘ jod plcnts pilfi > \udit>‘num 2 4S SAl \M\N( \ f uMIc ami guitar plas the jigs jjrs and reels that lonn the ho* kground of folk inusiv given to us bs the amicnts ami laic masters of the British Isles Whirift 4S K ( K t X l ) ( ONM >H i 1 his soft vlassual inusiv trio lias warmed the Market Stages mans times in the past ssc ssekomc them again this scar turn i 1HAT1 A JOAN See J in, \\ t>t, f • *»> SAl AM W \ See : 4V \