Presents Opening Frida) Nov. 29 Every Saturday & Sunday Plus Monday Dec, 23 t housands of Handcrafted Gifts iiti°nal Free Entertainment Holiday Market Sparkles at the Fairground Four Weekends of Celebration Begin Friday after Thanksgiving Last Minute Mondav December 23rd Added (>n I ridas. N<>\einbet 2‘Hh I ugcnes (xipular Salurdav Star kct makes 11n \ earls nuise indoors in llic I ane Counts I airgrounds where it presents its annual Hnh das Market lour weekends ol outstanding entertainment, a world famous international ttxxl court and thousands iit gilts hand made h\ lix al artisans i his scar market I'm’h will find .( new I arrncr s Market area where lixal growers will be sell me mu) w inter poxtui e and illiei) (lowers \ last minute (topping .las on Mon.las IX'iemtx'i u.l from I (tarn Inhpm has been added to the schedule Special pertorm anees lor young people. gill w rap ping anil a massage area lor w ear s shop(X4rs are just some ot the sers aes that await Holiday Market s ISltOts founded ill 10 otn Ux al artist I otte Streisingcr Saturday Mar ket is eurrentIs the oldest eontmu ously operating open aircraft mat ketplace in the l mted States Several sears ago after more than a decadent shivering in the cold, wet winters on the downtown Park Blocks. Market crullers moved inside to the l ane Counts Fairgrounds on thanksgiving weekend and the event lias grow n in popularity every sear since Saturdas Market is a non profit organization Its goal is to pros ide an affordable market place tor local artisans and affordable handcrafted products tor the cm zens of I ane ('mints Think Globally .. . Buy Locally — at Eugene's Holiday Market \V hen you \h<>p at Saturday Market Holiday Market imi only ys iIt ynu hint the linest lumlni.ule gilts t'ut you become an at 11yc yuppiorlcr ot total articanv at well I he greatest personal cvperient e at Saturday Maiket is getting to meet the lolks who actually make what you are buying and Salutduy Mar ket t rati standards ensure that your purchase is hands ratted amt origi nal Because most of our Saturday Market members live m our tom mutiny, tfie dollars that you spend stay right here in I ane County I vers time \iiu bus at Holtdav Market sou lake .in important step towards building a stronger Iih.iI Ctonouiv Shopping at Mulidas Market i eiien self'll lent Nniruv ksot Iranis need haul anti produil to I ttgene 11out tat.lories hurulreds ot miles aw as 'i ou won t find a lot ol w astc tul packaging itisl a pajHT hag it sou want, or mas he some lastelul gilt wrapping done hs volunteers trout W imien spate H in n tint sfio/> .ii Holiday Market at feel ■: .dnnil busing at « ell o\ giving Saturday Market's Holiday Market is lot tiled at the I t \/ ( (H \ I ) I XIKlikOl \I)S, I Uh A Monroe in I u^ene I he Market opens the I ruins after I hanks^mnn and continues every Saturday and Sunday from I hanksgtvinK through ( hristmas plus Monday. I>ei ember 21 ( all (50.1) bbb-SUSS for additional information. Holiday Market Free Four Week Entertainment and Crafts Schedule Inside. MARKETPLACE HIGHLIGHTS Grand Opening Day Friday, November 29th • 10am to 6pm •Open Every Saturday and Sunday 10 am - 6 pm at the Lane County Fairgrounds from Thanksgiving to Christmas — plus Last Minute Monday on December 23rd •Plenty of Free Parking at the Lane County Fairgrounds •Feast at Saturday Market's world famous International Food Court (what a great place for Sunday Brunch!) •Over 200 Saturday Market craftspersons selling thousands of handmade and original holiday gifts at affordable prices! •Live performances all day every day on three stages, featuring outstanding local musicians and entertainers •Gift wrapping service by Womenspace • Farmer's Market Area •International Holiday Zone for Children • Massage Center Save for Future Reference! Four Weekends of Performances Scheduled for 1991 Holiday Market Shows for Younk People l)nil> ul 11 uni 1 hi s Ilolul.iv M.ukct features over one hurulrcil live performances on (hire stares I hr re s something tor rvrr vonr .it this Market trorn manmha tnnsu .mil hi ties tm lassv i soumlv .tinl roi k .uni rep U.IC I vcrv iiuumiip .ii I I ,im ihe \uililnimm Stupe teulure .1 -|x 1 lal pei)nmuin.e t• >r \nunp people I he nutdixu ( 1 mrtvurd Stupe leu tun* the ' Sutuidus M.tlkel .itleriioon d.iiac mruerl e.uh .it lermx m .il ['in I his se.ii'- |xttiiimeirep (event the wide divrrviiv ut lalenl in the region i nr ummpiele pei tnnn.iiHe m heduio turn in pure J