New Large Format Copier • maps • posters • drawings • variable enlargement and reduction 40-250% kinko's the copy center 1265 Willamette 344-3555 Open Early • Open 7 Days [ 1991 OREGON JAZZ CELEBRATION | UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SCHOOL OF MUSIC DECEMBER 5-8 / a Thursday, Doc. 5 OREGON VOCAL JAZZ 8 p m . Goal! Concert Hail. Tickets $4. $2 at the door Friday. Dec. 6 JERRY BERGONZI, JOEY CALDERAZZO QUARTET 7pm. Beall Concert Hail. Tickets $M Geneva1 Adm ssion Saturday, Dec. 7 JON FADDIS, Trumpet, with the OREGON JAZZ ENSEMBLE 7 p.m Beall Concert Hall. Tickets $14 Genera' Admission Sunday, Dec. 8 VINNY GOLIA, Multi-reeds 7pm CATF Auditorium. 18th& Agate Tickets $10madvance. $12 General. $7 students at tne door Weasel's World Kraig Norris BAM WlLl WOkK HA JANK r ' ' Will . ' w;m , ■ FDOO M.V > h 03 Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen Mass murderer suffers victims’ fate 25 years later JOLIi; i 111 (Al’J Mass murderer Richard Spur k. who si.ii< k- d list' nation ;n 1‘Mitj |>y slabbing and strangling eight student nurses. died Thursday Friends ami relatives of his vh - ’ !• I ■ I'X pressed ri' i »■! ami ! : 11 * ' ness I til ink that ' s t shame tliut • ■- taken ’> long fur • ' if si v' ■ this earth.' s ml Bet! \ ju Pun : ■ Ister tins Anri Mali.see - , i k vs .r- j >r i a a ... ill el >' day ,it Silver C ross Hospital, near the Stateville Cor for iiotial ( enter where lie had been held lor nearly -i years said (turret turns Department spokesman ".h Howell Judgment day has lioalh ar rived for that sui ket said re ; ;red pal|( i otlii or jack Wallen da. one of the first on the mur der scene And lie died an ( .tv, death tie should ha Vi suffered ,i lot mom than he did ' imurders look, [lias «• at a residence near South Chit ago (ummunitv Hospital School of stifsing Judgment day has finally arrived for that sucker. ’ s; ■ • k broke m ! tic at night anti repeatedly told tin* young womi'ti hr only wanted money and vvasn t going to hurt any ones But hi; then hound them v\ith tie,! sheets and led them one by one to other rooms and killed them LjfALS St! KI'Nt.S Siudrnl Srtwlf w >■.,<.*< ,t! • . :»i »?!**■ l; i ji, I*.day a: 4 M'» - j. ?n it-. ?>• ! Ml ifowd K(»«in lo vni* >n « oftfirm.i;4un l 4 n 1? M t t. %! j t ii !! ( 4ft U%! «’ ( 1 ‘ ) t *;4 for ?n -r«» a-' rrTwitj 1 l *-n»tilulion ( 4»ur1 w » ' *»'• .?< ' ’ u KM' VS .i K ffl ! lf<« S«feftd« (oil »4n V/.4 fur • m 1 n fe’f m*ij Sluilcnl Health Iniuiim p ( ornmit le* * ns<■ «• t l lay at . t!> ; m r. KM. K.v • < »4n »»u*' f t •• ?• v: '-4 j : ; \\Ki *• Munir r^l Mnnur 14 i : 4 v* ■ n'ii' n- • V i b) ,1" ». “ *• ”* -yvn’. % .»? ;h<* Umviuvtt f M *U- lakf v ! . i4?;' «ll • : ’ Mil '■ ( ■’ ^ ' '''I' > !Kl! ! VS .inn-til: H.i . «’ ■ Hi k! UCJON ( hi \ Iphj < hntlian KplluMilnp vs ■ .ivt* 4 pr ogr.-* 4 Interested partus should meet in H " • '* SUsi .! C -«*ii 14 » i '*a> ? ; Student I limn w f*?a* ,rv Sarah .Smith tn 4 rnusi! and slide presentation of VS t hr.Htr.a* K» .j : » Means - at ' ti fli at the (a* dtinfl athlrui Miuiim (enter 2 2 SO Hams St .» ' 4 ' •!'*** ■ ■ - nu.' . f Ti .Jos LUBE, OIL & FILTER RADIATOR SERVICE *29" CHEMICAL TREATMENT POWER FLUSH.549.99j MAINTENANCE TUNE-UPS 4CYL. s49" s59** s69*® 6 CYL. 8 CYL. I SNOW TIRE CHANGEOVER »'»«• ■ ■ v* * | h >|h ?egu • • f *■' n,n! , nj! sho a % *_ ! '• >- i,_, _t;S . i auifiCf then • st*i •A-he«‘-,s Shop lee $1 for all items Tirestone w AMERICA’S HOME FOR CAR SERVICE 345-1 593 No Appt. Necessary 185 E 11th Store Only-Short Walk from Campus