Snow report down cold with sensor By Jayson JacOby Em«?fakj.-Ftepoftaf l!u» iii-itu skiers remember planning the lug tnp in their la vorite slopes, utlh to ge! there and find the mountain fogged in or covered with it-v slush' Larry Hambrii k. the head of Portland's Micro forecasts. Iru , said those problems mav he tilings of the past Micro forecasts uses weather sensors located at various spiits near ski resorts m the Oregon and W ashing!on ( as: adr mountains to provide tip to (fateweather ami snow .comic ■ turns .is well as forecasts lor the future Harnhrir k said the serve e which slid led Nov 15, was a naturaI progression from the cotnpanv s first lorei asting ven lure. U tndsigiil which, start e.j providing weather inlorma turn lor Columbia River gorge windsurfers on Aug 1S Petti A lot ot the w indsurlers are skiers Tlii'V wanted something iike (Wmdsighl) lor sksii:: Hambrii k said "There was .1 level ol llUstla lion that seemed pretty univer sal There was a void thorn and we h'lt well-prepared to pro vide what was missing." he said To tise Micro forecasts. cus tomers must bti\ a i ard that en allies them to acc ess the system with a tom h - tone telephone l lie cards conic 111 four levels ranging from .1 Sit) version tiiat allows it) minutes ol calling to the "star" card that allows un limited use and charges lees to a Visa or MasterCard Ihe system works much Iik< the University's Due k Call reg istration. with a variety id menu options Callers can se lect spei itic: ski areas and hear current ami expected snow : ondilions, as well as road con (i it ions and upcoming events at eac h resort Mil ro I'orei asts 1 overs I mi berime Mount Hood, Mead ows Skibowl, Mount Hat helor Hoodoo and Willamette Pass in Oregon, as well .is six resorts in ishmgton 1 iMHphnm* cards ar •* uni > available at DoardSports in tin' Eugene Springlii'hi .*r«'a. but Humbrick says a sales group will lx' coming to the area next week. which should expand the number ol outlets selling the service Humbrick said the company uses sophisticated weather forecasting equipment, hut the real advantage o! the system is that it s i onstanllv updated Form asts will hi- updated hourly it necessary he said "It depends on weather pat terns, hut we stay right on top ot it around the i fix k Although Micro lorei asts utilizes sensors lor most ski areas, it is relying on people re laying intormation from the Mount Bachelor and W ilium ette 1‘ass areas Hatnhrick said he is working with both areas to add sensor coverage to tile system Hatnhrick said he doesn t have exact numbers ol sub scribors yet, bill that l.r.oo poo pie used the Windsigllt system He Is confident that many ol those will also Use the ski ser vice, and that others yyiii be in terested in it as well "It s working out very yseii. Hambrx k said )CU!)AY A ■ KM I DRESSES sale 69.99 \ ersajile km! dresses in a large sele< turn o! styles and holiday (ol ors. Shown belted, long sleeve dress w ith huh hed shoulder detail and multi i olored jewel buttons Koval I’oiyestef Si/es i 1-1 Petite M/es also avail able A WID.t SfcLtC I ION OF SPORTSWEAR I ROM AMERIC A'S FAVORITE WOMAN DESIGNER SALE 25% OFF Shown j,K c| pattern i otton t rew no k swt-att f in in (ji.j’6 multi i ombina V tion Sizes SMI 6 OKU. "H.00, SALE 1 St ill w lute i santiwashed oik ^ Iiloust■ Sizes S M I ( )KI(, M.00 1 SAl I Stick h tvsill willi ,ul justable stirrup Khaki Sizes 1 I.’ ( )KI(, nH.OO, SAl I ANGORA BLEND OR COTTON BLEND SWEATERS SALE 34.99 Angora blend sweaters m tunu baby ( able ( rew or double breasted (ardigan sty les. f ashion (olorv ()KI( i 4I..00 r>2.(M). SAl E {4.99. Ramie 11 it ton i abled r ardi gan sweaters in ( ream, brie k red, blac k or hunter ORKi. 48.00, SAl E 14.99. OURfcN 11KI STOCK OF COATS 20%-40% off EVERY RAINCOAT EVERY LEATHER JACKET EVERY OUTERWEAR JACKET SELECTED DESIGNER HANDBAGS SALE 25% OFF Leather handbags from Amerii a s favorite woman designer in a ( hoic e of styles and fashion ( ol ors Small /ip top bag shown here, RKi 82.00, SAIT ( omplimentars (.itt Wrapping of ( ourse. (.itt ( ertifitatcs Avail able .it all Kaufman's Stores. .14/.lilCi i t ) . campus n ii i'