COMMUNITY Uncertainty lowers reports of hate crime, analyst says By Gernt Koepping Emotaid Reporter Two white high-school age males in a pickup true k pulled up alongside a third grade Inn walking home from m bool. The males drove alongside the bo\, who is hi,ii k, and la gan veiling tilings like What's up Ituckwhe,11 ’ Want some fried chicken7 Want some wu termelon7" The room was silent Puesdav night as hugene human rights analyst dreg Kikhofl told this storv to the Kugene Neighbor hood Leaders Council Though polii e later deter mined who yelled at the i hild. no arrests vvere made hi far I the incident vv as not even counted as a hate i rime, hut as a biased t rime, Kikhofl said Phis is an example of two ol the problems in lighting hate i rime, he said i'irst. even though the child feared lor his safely. the sus peris Were not Cited. Kikholt said W , need more - iur atror ■ , ■ that people know what is and what is not a hate crime, he s\s 111.»n> i rmirs were motivated In the victims r.n national origin, religion nr sexual orientation In addition, polite o f f i c e r s vs e re to In' ir.nni'il in recognizing hate crimes From |,mint!v in lunn tool. ,tj hale imill's iviti' reported in l.iiin- ( oiinlv Jr> linin' than the previous ymir The incronso was iiui! to a number of factors, iiu hiding .m influx ol mumritv residents and better reporting In til'' polls e, Rikhoff said ( it the 1001 hate i rimes. 1 1 were motivated in rat lal Ingot i\ live In national origin, two In anti Semitism, Id In sexual orientation and three by reli gion Fills is |llsl tile tip of the iceberg K;kholI said W belli er it’s t.iei ause ol a language barrier a cultural harrier. a tear o! uuthuntv or vv hatever. vs e as Innate lor even incident we hear about, three to five occur that vs e don't bear about ilenerallv the perpetrators .ire generally white, male, mid die class, and about 17 years iiui K Mi d! said W- ve laise.i ,, .r kids vs ill. living that just can t he met. :: .1 \cd vs: • e n HOSTAGE Continued from Page 7 hr set free But its warding was uni luai as to yvhethi r in- hud .it rc.iilv been released Anderson said in a videotaped Mat* m nt n leased V' -dm its t-v Ins captors to the AP in D.imasr us that In' vs.o. to t•-<■ to-r.l \itur finishing several stages v\ i lift idi-d to separate ’lie is an of our i iiptives Irum tin1 hostages in the pi is. ms of tin ■•u. mv and we're going to free our last captive, ''in Anderson, thus folding this page in the hostage file tiefore glorious Qmstmv the early reports >f his re lease Anderson's sister. Peggy Sav. said she got a phone * ail trolli Pres uient Bush, who promised to give her a big hug soon She rriss 1 rosseil the glolie meeting with world leaders, terrorists and spies m a dogged campaign to tree her brother He s one oI us, said Lou is L) B- >> 1 at.i; tin- \ P s pre -, ident and , hlet exec Utlve olfit er "I think the thing that m-ess th AP s rise lion is everyone in the AP lelt a Irene tal, us solidarity yvith hint \nderson headed the AP s Beirut offU e from 1'iH I until he was kidnapped on Mart fi Hi. 1 <»Hf> His * . .Leagues there i ried and also toasted him with champagne His daughter Salome was horn three months liter he was kid napped Anderson s estranged wile Mihoko ami their is year old daughter Gabrieli*; live m Tokyo They declined to talk with re porters 1001 I All Craft Center & Cultural Forum WINTER CRAFT FAIR * IAN IAS IIC HANPMAPF. Gil IS * * HOI SPICED CIDER * IIVI: MUSIC* KMIJ Fir Koom I)«*eemb«*r I St VC imIin-si)a> i'C TlitirHiiuy + -!• 10:00 a.m. '>SI0 p m. For m«»rr information rail A-it* I 1991 OREGON JAZZ CELEBRATION UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SCHOOL OF MUSIC DECEMBER 5-8 llil 11 ( Thursday, Dec 5 OREGON VOCAL JAZZ 3 o r: Be G (\ • • ■* Ha T - *>..-ts S-i $2 at•• dcsr Friday, Dec. 6 JERRY BERGONZI, JOEY CALDERAZZO QUARTET 7pm, Beaii C, no-rm Ha; T cEeis S!4 Gv * m Aarm-. icr Saturday, Dec. 7 JON FADDIS, Trumpet, with the OREGON JAZZ ENSEMBLE 7 p.m.. Be.!'; Ccnced Ha" T «.(.••; $14 Genera A t'" r on Sunday, Dec. 8 VINNY GOLIA, Multi-reeds 7 p rr ( ATE A .1! • Ag it- T $1-2 - , «. r; ■ . S’. Gfr • -; $ ’ t’ e door. Weasel's World Kraig Norris AS MN~lB Si " '■<' ' 'Ml Russian et. Sf« • p„». u ' Cf vWi 1 UAVt otr;t: ion - MrCCMC' . i S . S S\ “r/j h*,1 jkA'SZ,' KA»nc« M ’ < .V.: ? i M *• > tlJr. ’• * . IEVS N^' rWws- * ' «■» rtXCflDMCi fC 'AcIXHKi Ra;Ph 8/n> a .1 p "*.•>. fc-vr to s*tw that 810 BuS jim< wh; t 1JN lQA ' «/S • M* - / n EWS • I Hi Y nfM V • r „ IN ha?*’1 Yf . * Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS Please Be Advised The Oregon Dally Emerald Classified* no longer accepts personal parly airline llckel ads_ Pl.n •• Cant >■! Of Q/I A Q A Q y«.ur ad call JISQLt BEAT l^_l^ 1ft 0 ^ San' ' you »'»w Anni« wouiJ '■«J 1 !.r%j WorxkK^u oca.^y a^i hotctey wfUNSS^.a 'oo A,*3 a' f »p<»*vo Du/ I ’yf» gjft po*vt>‘.‘.4» *f« «'XJ*#SA /'if'!) You CAT find 1 tV Chou o» H*nd%. ’375 f*©*'! S? 10 6 Otfy f HjQy Uonna ’ jflJ* jfljl iff^ !f Smhi p», Mtrry X m** I lit* you AlOT1 Jon • Z 100 BIRTHDAY GREETINGS waka up* R a »Rna for a party H^jpy BirThd*y lovo. Annj* Boo \r \i [)«n« Gunmi would like to grfttutat* our IW? of1»c#r» M»v » I V«U P'MKSttr* J»5* H VP I' l <3 l m J VP H a' N-•. o«i ■ VP ScfOM»r»hip Mu«»,f <. . Ti-o.c. -'wr KmUc 1 M . M i 4g*>' N «. * /*,: **. 'tiM'v f ' W H’V'otjIH W '*«»• : HlA ./iO'd W* '• «y P f > •'O.i* O' ■ 1'' -y f > M • ,4 ‘> Ld-r Ai »to i gr»*t y##r* M 105 PERSONALS ki. Congratulate* M*fce Blakely on hi* appointment as the Greek kaifton to GAl A Btg John \ arl arwl Cartrta Gchthi on their pinning true love only coma* one# in a lifetime Scott Hottcudny on hi* *otce*s in tha Colofguard tryout* The ladies o( DELTA DELTA DELTA wish everyone a successful Finals Week' 105 PERSONALS To my mlm at I ft Good UjcI auth f maia ▼ *i«ida G Chi Omega Seniors MICHELLE E. and ALISSA M. f han* you for all of tha tana anar jy, a»*d Iowa that you hava into Chi Omaya ovar tha yaara Wa aoM mm you' l ova in Xu . ¥ our c>*»t a»a May Knibii hoa» alwul a romantic avamng arrth your yaf> W you fa ir» Taraatad laf ma » fwa I » U M#tdi Dirrtl n < *»if 4|5<#!»* '[>« Cof'rt'hW't ► ►rviftny G'<*jK*C4 CINOV 444-5454 nrn f~\u/1/iar , , I m.H . ^ 'Q