SPORTS Consistency, victory Monson’s goal for Ducks By Dave Charbonneau yme*a'*! Stxvts R»a 'V* ( (insistent y ihc one thing ()regon wn'i baski-thali ro.n h Don Monson would ltk< to see nut of ho. young tram In sides vjt torn--, is i onstslem V The sir uggl mg Dut k s foul their s. otr doubled two \m i ks ago In -in i?ni!)urrir«-*i per lor e against Athletes■ in Ar III. If l.lstVvi ■ k despite losing Munson is hoping the t. tin sliowd up .ig.itust MA shots s up tonight vs hen ( hegon !,.f . t -t) i- o s:!11 St.t!. Mi \; thur (iourt for a 7 to matchup ( Iflele ; V ely it w IS em our ■Iging to si us run tile fire.ik and store points against Ath lete m Villon Monson said "(jut we need to i ut down on the turnovers Against AIA many of tin Dm l pinV»TS. showed s.gns of settling into their-roles on tin* team • Forward jordy Lyden (ht Duil'.' biggest offensive follow'd ,t disastrous m\ |>>".nt crfortn.ii.' ■■ o'. ■ ti'-i V to m ore .’ t p. tit' iin 7: of points to imi along vs ith his five assists V. ns. n s.od in rd'-r t. vs in gatrics. Oregon would have to get belief «s from the rest of the team We need to have m- ie pro dm tlon from < lyde (Jordan! tie said 'We 11 si I ha v ep'l iieett getting imu It i (insistent v horn ■ air l ids off tile U ni h V. for tonight's i utiles! vs ill) the II .: I i 11 >>; s Mnnsun is m i s t 11 a b ' i u t I h e 13 u i k - ( ham « s Ihc-i .IT' .1 till Ilk' us b< (,ms'' thev arc a small team with a lot of i|UK kness he said They ills'. !a( k sly derneath, much liki us Ila oi"' advantage the Bull dogs have over the Dot ks is ex |ienciH • Fresno State s starting i 1 neii|) features four returning playeis from Iasi v ear junior guard (lari Kav Ihirris is the leading scorer for: the Bulldogs, averaging 1ft points a game Senior guard Wtl Ilnuiei is i ji - e behind with a i I tv rr.ige Fresno State will he coming hot off tile heels 111 winning 'he i hampionship a! the Coors I ight (dassil where it defeated Northeastern and Con/aga Satnrdav < 3regi n will lai e I)i vision II ( Ihrou^htax liclerrol s.»\ iu^n 1 I \ \ l K I I SR \ > all help pi n\ ide f he cxti .is that ss ill nukr \utir u-timiuMtl t» n I \ ni|o\ able I hex w ill supplrmr nt \ om 11 a Mi priiMDit and So. tal Sr, ui it \ ill uliir muil. and thr\ offer leal benefits now • I lie benefits ol tax drtri lai • \ liioad i.iidt «»t a!!o, at ion ( hou i's • \( ) sales ( In*i p’s Fnsurinj; flu* future for those who shape it. • \ ■ . • > S e s t ■ ■ , •! : ' » • insur.iiu «• .m«j mmuai fun*I unjust t tes' • \ \ t \ • 1 t ■ • . • i < im )ii(!ifii| lifetime i« t >i mu-1 if uu ome, 11.1 v n tent s ov e» .1 11 \ fil j»ei it h I, t »f .t1 i ash I I \ Vl Nil C Will IP M \ K I YOt K I >R I \MSl OMI IKl I With tin- h«* 11 • • f I I \ \ ( N f I n ! irmrilt t an Ik* youi t ham e to look after \ ourself tin wav v ou v t alwav s w ant it i \l tei all nobotIv »h t-1 % t :t iiioii' JHRC ft GET YOL?R FREE SRA KM . M j ■ . \ V p *■ I ) 1 v. , i.H I J \ . .. \ • \1 ip I HOI) H42 2713 rxi KOI*. I -— 1 _ v.„. I /•» ' i M.i.Hit uJ! now ) t\, 1 1! <4 i *n i»v ./*«■ >• ‘ N Vv Vi CN 1 H IWiI i Intui mu r i « /./yv' Vf>n, r< /n.w/wii* tnsiu c Vr»*l> *•% Club lacrosse whips OSU The Ore gon « 1 u I) I.) i r o s s e leam fin i s h e (I its seas o n willi a 10-f> win over ()regon Stale ill Snlilh Bank Field Tin high-M oring Nov in game saw I lave Hulier lead iht all.ul vs iill two goals John Dunce. Dave Stringer, hrik Bernei k.-r. ( ainer :i Baxter and Rob i.ngi islj .list. m iireii power goals lor the Ducks burlier in November. Oregon lost a pair ot games at a (illICO Stale tournament rive Dm ks fell to Washington State in their first match, HI. and l ’ (i Davis next lopped (iregon, 7 -i People interested ill playing for the lacrosse team during spring term should rail coordinator Boh Paige after New Year s Dav at d i I -Met2 in other Oregon (Hub sports new s • ! he (Jrogon t lub men's ultimate team was the tin defeated winner of its lust intercollegiate com petition Saturday and Sundas Tin Du< ks vv ere the ( lass o( tile eigilt teams at the Santa (iru/ tourney. tie.itmg ! (' Santa Barba ra. 1 .os Positas. Humboldt State San Diego State, i d! Santa (.ru/ San Luis (Ibispn and Stan lord Mo CLUB SPORTS mmm * sth street video PUBLIC MARKET GAMES fUOtMt 683-6464 VIDEO ADVENTURE (©■ Ivauity RfviR plaza - * Ar ^ Min*., kjjs tut rr TOtru uni rr HELP HEAL THE EARTH! The Survival Cenler is took mg for dedicated individuals with leadership capabilities and creative problem sofv mg strategies Positions are available for co-coordina tors Opportunity for organ izing locally, regionally or nationally Stipend avail able For more info stop by suite one in the EMU or phone 346-4356 Survival^lg Center ^al,