Last U.S. hostage free after 6 years [ Terry Anderson's release ends L ebanese saga ■ DAM A St ; s s.., , ,.\ : Journalist Terry \ruiersun. the last Arnttri. art hostage in I, ob a n o ti. v\ a ■ s e t free Ur ::h - V ! , lie. . :i Itirnii: railii als aini : i arms and warmly greeted friend • i •• i•:t .1 s onlerem i' room .it the i - 1 ■ Hr later left to meet his t, year old l i . : Sulome, for the first time Vllil'erson said sheer -''..dele: mo tt; through his { .iptivit v it ' . where and you .get through tie jn '■ . • d,t\ alter- d.n s.nd Anderson. A -■ . lOv: Press clue!-Middle ! ist i ore ;Sp. : ! ! was lie k\ --nough In have .cm ; ; - ;, most .tie- | ii i ,e '.Horn guess, he said His .appearance was dolaVed be hours ! he nils, vvho have kdlhiiiv rev. •' •! '.e: tf ' lease of nine hostages sime Angus: : o : Iteveil lie had been < aught m o sc anon and was fori ed to take -i e m;0., <, • , Anderson's kidnappers turned to: ian security officials who deliv'i red hoe ’ Ambassador Christopher Ross 10 Pan i ■ Anderson, wearing a white shot atm ■» iligan he ret etved only Wedn- o . h;s captor--, ek- ,| al- u! t.ght-lttt o ; said they were the first he laid vv ;n kidnapped You can't imagine how glad I am ' - - \ an emotional Anderson loot r epo: '.i thought lihout this moment tot a mug ' cot now it s here, and I'm m aied lo death d r. : know to sii\ He hugged and k ■' At s l-.ltv all AP correspondent luuling the news i onterent e • •; ! have a date with a couple of tieaulll -- ■ -o. t i m ilreadv very iate He was i> i; \.. ( t ■ . i •; ■! ;; i.i'! i •: A!. i i i. ■:. ; n < V,> : vs h i! 1: ’ i-.< vs. ■• is ' ' W.ITI hi- !■; lil.f f'.iu ■■ I'V-'- -l". 1 s *• ■ \nitrr>i'i! iv.iv in IfMw latt'r in ihi- «•%.»■ ririv>4 I. r W '! .!•!• Mir:!;,HIV .v !ur.' r; i ■ ':: I v •. i ■ • 1 . :! 11:;-1 i'. I ;i l.nift s s ; ■■: 1; misii i .ri • V ■ I Sit* in! ys ► 1-1: I II : h. Sil l i , h ,: .: in in :fy I ;; ■!. iv . ;! :ln. three Anu-r 1. .ins ■ i .f i lv : 1 .ITiii.ilh : III' hi-1 > ■ ' • iin! ' N S(ri rvln: v: hi'iU!! .ill |.i\Iit • .1 ( ; i 1 r s 1 ;i i his vim k .v ... ! ;t.I lx v • v v r • ; * t ' ■, 1 v i ■ 1 i. ■ ’ r'i: 1 !'V l:v; .1 . , :; ■■ \ a < y. ■ A\ - is ill \ ■ : . i : •i.bnut mts^nig isfimli M-fVii nmiirt) 'vs 11 in's! ». a - :ih! 1 .!!•.!«' in (XTsorufv the if;<1 :v.• h-osi.ire 01 ili'.i. I. I». ivi-i'ii. A ■ ;."i!l 1 vs V .. vs:!1 \ r 11 if - • ■ 1; s.i., i III!.;: V. i.. I • Mi.. ' T \r 11 s relists.- !r.,'v ireeil ri I ".l.i.s n-■ h«*!!(:. ,,li 1\ i .ill in(’ an ns hnsl.i^i runs l!i i' :rv i i I i: i ■ . h i -i ■ ■ ;■ . a i l.isl \ Hu try of : : mlr.ii in iiirv reports • iris in ’ fi i ti iv liiont Anderson s where.limuts : ! Ihr n; mi/mg ( vi it- iii taist'il and il.ishe; i ‘ fur rv it'.i'.i* from In-. iltiv ordeal t intil \ndvrsiin .irriwci in Damns.: us, ii w,i-. .1 painful tinv fur ills relatives ami friends ; ' I111T! ilk i 11 ii I .is!-: . i - An : son's in v •mi nnl brother |;iiin said from Ills home m Ocala. I- in 'Hut that's the vs ,n its been ji >r a I most si sen visits On- 1 unlusion arose after .1 live pa^c Arable ian^ua^i' statement from the Isiamir hhad ^roup vvli'.i it lu'iii Aml'Tson. .innoimii'ii '.ha! lie ssi.ulii \ Turn to HOSTAGE. P,vj» i s5.00 OFF Lazar s Bazar | 57 W. Broadway l 957 Willamette V DOWNTOWN MAI l I I C Rl AT f YOU R OWN FULL COLOR CALENDARS A PERFECT GIFT PfV : A R f ' ... N . AVAI l MU • Vo I UMI 1 )l' .1 OUNTS C -\M I'U S Lot At ION 860 East 13th Ave 344 7894 13th & Willamette 344 3555 kinko's tlie copy center Living in University Housing is more affordable than you think... Off Campus Living $470/month for rent, food and utilities’ Cooking everyday Washing dishes everyday Hassle of commuting/parking 75C washers/75c dryers $18.16 monthly phone service * cost furnished by Financier A d for '99' 9? On Campus Living $334/month for rent, food and utilities* Food prepared for you Dishes washed for you 5-10 minute walk to class 35c washers/free dryers Free local phone service * f based on remainder of jcodemic year contract) Pamper yourself and live where the living is easy! Living on-campus will make you happier, wealthier, more comfortable, and more secure ...for more information, contact University Housing at 346-4277 immediately.