Just Ii? Tinje fbr Cl?ristii?as ... Afo /tovmersfc '///Sf/urfry/ * ON APPROVED CREDIT W I Here Are Two Examples of Savings: HITACHI VME-10 - NOW ONL Y *889 SONY CCD-F77 - NOW ONL Y *999 VV»& 20% OFF all Mm accessories UO BOOKSTORE ELECTRONIC DEPT. 13th & Kincaid, Ph 346-4331, M-f 7:30 - 6, Sat 106 Get the experience you need today to be a success in the business world tomorrow. The Oregon Daily Emerald is now taking applications for a position on our display advertising sales staff. Applicants should have a minimum of 3 hours per day to spend selling retail display space to an established client list. The position requires use of a car and the applicant must be a full-time U of O student. Previous sales experience and sophomore or junior standing is a plus. Please apply today for this position by picking up an application at suite 300 EMU. The closing date is Tuesday, Dec. 10 at 5 p.m. Oregon Daily I he ()rxx<>n Daily hjiwrald is an etjual opfxirtuniiy employer. UNITY BRIEFS Public Christmas tree-cutting allowed with permit People who can't find the right (fhnstmas tree tr mi the local lurking ' vendor can hunt down u.d i ip llu-ir u# n trees this vi t* -it imr of two government sites ; hr ’tiiri-.iii of l.and Management ivui (How puhbr tree rutting . t: two of its Sites I hiring the first ! w. i Weeks of Dei inlier '’ermtts for cutting which i an • ■■ 1\ he ••-ht.ui ed .1! the tree-cut tmg sites from ‘l a m to t p m •••!< h. lav.«ost s:t per tree bach fum A i r group is limited to cutting tfiree trei , Maps to the tri e cutting !(« at ions < an hr- pit ked up at the hugene HLM idflce at 2B90 (.had Drive from n a m to Ip rn dailv Victorian' tour of historic house to open Dec. 14 t ins holulav season, hugene area residents cam attend the Vic. tonan Christmas hour" of a historic house built by a relative of Abraham Lincoln Thu Douglas House built in 1908 by Lincoln's cousin Samuel Douglas, will ripen Dec !-1 for public viewing from it) am to -I pm i tie Car will feature elegant Christmas decorations, refresh rnents, a c otintrv store and drawings for prizes Tickets are $5 at the door, and proceeds will go to the Spring field Museum's permanent exhibit hind The house, located at 901 South Lind St. in Springfield, has a third-floor ballroom and is an example of turn of-tln entury archi tecture tfelori the house vs as moved to its present lo< ation. it was on a dairy farm owned bv Douglas LTD service for University basketball fans to begin I,lie liansit District's park and ride shuttle Ini.-, service for t ill veisitv men s basketball fans will fiegm with the Dec 5 I resm, Slate game i he service ndi < out in lie through till n m>u tab r ot lie 1991-97 : . seits.i;; sisison i In ims fare is 75 cants each w i\ for adults and 15 cents lot c hddren age-s I 1 and under People c an i atch the shuttles from South hugene High School at i9lh Avenue and Patterson Street everv 15 minutes, beginning 5H minutes before tip-off A s | hi 11 It will leave the River Road 'transit Station ever y 20 mill uies, beginning an hour and 15 minutes before tip of) I'he Spring field i ronsct Station vvi II pick up Ians ev .-r% 75 minute1 beginning an hour and It) minutes before tip oil !' ■/;■■■ ir->! - 1] . . •• Pc ; . v B‘. ' , , Hi T jcs I ' -1- 1 am 2c.fip?” J $5 OFF] jr. Marten Shoes ; Lazar s Bazar | 57 W. Broadway I 957 Willamette I DOWNTOWN MALL/ WE.SHIP GIFTS IF YOU WISH, WE’LL PACKAGE IT TOO! Boxes & Packaging Supplies Computers • Stereos • TV's 1 to 1000 pounds • Insurance available *flH Packaging Shore 344-3106 2705 Willamette Street • convenient parking available