Carl Young 10. is the recipient ot a walkie talkie set donated by members of Beta Theta Pi traternity at a party given by the house House brings early X-mas joy to kids By Brad Brant emerald C nti : . Those who have never encounteied a Christ liltis season in which Santa (Jails d ain’t show up should count then blessings Main people sutler through the holidays just Irving to get bv. hoping their lui k will change tor children of homeless and unemployed par cuts, the cold of w inter isn't ulw ays brightened by the warm thoughts so often associated with (.hrtstmas It's these children the Beta Theta Pi fraternity wanted to help With true holiday spirit in ' idu ' < h’ lights, a Christmas tree and Santa the fra turn it y gav e an early ( hr istmits to chihiren of lam dies re siding at a local housing shelter The fraternity invited the children ! the 1 ami iy Shelter House to its second annual Cdirisfmas party, giving them food, drinks md ; -a ' Last year it w as it suc cess, and this \ a bigger Slit ess said I tuv Whittles ill ear ; v s phii.mthropu chairman and parf> organt/er Hnjit'lully ■.% > < .ni keep 11 goiiij,; The members donate their own money to pur : base the gifts ,ind the food and (leverages were provided t>\ the K( ( ola di sir dm tor in hugene The fesli vtties began as tratenuty mendiers and the kids gathered near the Christmas tree to slug anils Presents were then passed nut to the kids ' Ohlih ciXKMilll, said JO year-old ( arl Young as tie ripped into he. p.usage to find a set id waive- talk u-s Otfier presents intiaded a rem n i ontroi i at a pig., t e >. mil a T. a,u wtnih was put to use later during an impromptu U olhall game in front of the Iraternity On: e (he gibs were opened frati rnitv i:n tnhers ali i k Is teamed up to assemble presents Where ege i , •. I i: . , toys w ere testa-d t v U >th . kab : I o;: :: rn;H mends r s t suiiUy the tiifitnhers have at least as inui h ! a:. a ' e » ! d ( aini-in! Si: a vs a ' - ; y M; :; I '! a r-k , kids so- tala , e, as they gathered d AIDS video gives personal view of disease E3y Rene DeCair ASSCiT '■ 1 ! ' * Tom Fiix .i man w ho ii led wt AIDS sani something on video Ihursdav night that may sur prise poop to AIDS has hail a very |ius! 11vo otter 1 on nii',' Fox saui It's hard to say that but it’s true Atiout 15 people turned up at the Now /.one Gallery Wednes day night to view the video, vs hu b had l ux narrating tin last few months in his life as hr underwent treatment and saw many of his own friends with AIDS die I he video showing was spon sored by the Community AIDS Consortium as part of events in Fugenr this week, observing Dot 1, World AIDS Day This is the lourth year Oregon has olfu laily rei ogni/.ed the day Fox said AIDS improved his quality of life because he met many new people and gained an appreciation for everyday : V the li.irii !>.i!l ali- >n t this disease sometimes. fox said in the video You go Nuiinrwhufc and wonder :! you‘11 ever lx* bat k again Fox spoke frank!', about 1 iv mg with AIDS feet. mting tin* SlilO.UOO hi; spent utt merit That int hided taking the drug A/.T. undergoing 1 hem;, therapy, which he said gave him third degree burns, and in haling vapors that he said, smelled and tasted like halters and The end of the video shows l ux lying Its a hospital I • d at Sai red Heart Hospital in i.u genr with his lamlh around him, holding his hands and kissing his forehead before his respirator was removed -it his request After Viewing the video, the spot tators sat in silent e lor .1 few moments wiping away their te.irs and dis< usseti their own and thoughts on AIDS it.aim OitraUa, said Im s com men! in she video that lit* had one hundred friends die of AIDS, made iiei think, how dd feren! things lire in f ugone . ntn pared to bigger cities Here dll' sind. fewer people ■ire affected, people with VID.S have [ewer resources, and the . atiineinity gives h support Shirley Whitehead Freeman, ar M .treat h worker with Nh.mli in lutgene, said during that Magic Johnson scare' people were very eager to get mforma turn on .Mils Now she said people take tie- material, which Is better tli,in before Johnson annoum ed he was i n ft! die d w 11 h HIV when people would not even lake the material l! someone of fered it to them Before Magii Johnson, they wouldn’t take the materia), she said It was like if tfiev tout hod it. they would get it We have a lot of educating to do " ET ALS Incidental Km Commil!#« will meet tonight at b in EMI- (ajntury Koom A tail 346 17 49 lor mow information MJSCXULANHXJS dry frtrrdiwi * film about the anti a(MUih«id m South Africa, will be thown tonight a» * M) ir‘ Sludio H High School Kquivalaniy Program graduation Will Ua» }>la« r to mg): l bom 7 l<; st in the Ag-w Mail Auditorium A rt» apuon will follow from W to 12 p m (ail »4ft IS.11 for mor* information OPPOHTI Mms S«iual Mara—mwnl V4<»rfc»H<»fj fi*r (»Th Mill uk* jjU< ® u rf! *-j *4*» .‘***4 i'-t mure in lot rrwitiun kkljuon r>»r (.ri \< i or din* to John * . :«pn of 4 HtbU »tu«iy u».n* J•*-»*«’ ’ Hi at th« Vwrrvin Corner M’<<) Krrnr.i. 1 St ( *, t4»- 4 4»*l» lot rr. r Hun 2 Used Records or Tapes and (let One FREE Happyv Trails v '■. 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