Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 05, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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AIDS victim talks to young people about virus
By Colleen Pohlig
t aid Hoixyief
I'll ii h I on (I m o h a w k , I h e
lightning holt tattoos deooral
the sides of his hr.id, the
fierce, ye! almost pleading,
At first glam e, one might
think Ins mission ((insisted of
finding a guitarist for his new
punk hand or seeking out re
i mils for Ills niotnn y< lc gang
OtK e past appearances, flow
ever. It Is easy to see that Clen
Spinner Jones is on a ( rusade
for life
llus is mv mission m life
lo he in liiigiitie. talking to
young people ahout the AfflS
virus, Jones said
j i ){jr V Will» i‘u | m\ T, ■ VC lor
HIV six visits ago. h.is been
talking 10 agers about
AII1S (or more than two vtsars
In order for Jones to rio this, he
has to he an expert In two
things the AIDS virus and
"hangin out
When talking to kuh. about
the virus. Jones uses ins per
snn.il exjierieni e with H!\
(novel the dangers of poems
c ulty and uttpmtei ted se»
I was verv promtsr nous at
the time I was infla ted, and '
don’t know who I got it from
Jones said 'Now I hast to 're.it
myself as a i rimer
As for the h,ingin out
Jones seems In have tli.il dow n
to a lee lie know s all tJie hip
• - ■ ■ : ••i!• i t■ i n ' *»
v ill; i.: i:f51-r ,i:ici di's|dli' the
I.j' I ‘h.il in is Hi visits old, hi
( . Is : vs *■ 11 vs it!) I hr dlffi T
: : i ftivvds. hr svtid
lit • . it' , liking til tt'lMl .Igfts
hi, thr siri-fts, Join's .ilsii dims
Ad is (in • ' litnTi work in 'In
, -1>id.:high m hoots HI*,
ou st ri i i-nt i hiss discussion
U. in* ■ i iv 1! V» t i.tmi 'ti
H SI hoot will'll in ■■ j ■ k i I'
ovi-r I CMl studi-nts
\Yhtli talking with tin stu
rh'Ots Jonis s t f fSSI'd ttli’ hut
tfi.it \!!>S rvtsis in our ntmrnii
;;.i v .old it i .in .dft'i t .mviiiu‘
'You h-ivi- ' tuft .if,, .id of \o i
t! o. I • , ..lid \ i 11 r vs ildost
dri-.ims, so phsisi* don’t do nnv
thing ! fi ,i t might result i n
We Pay HALF the new
tudent price on books
needed for next term
EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE: Dec. 9 - 12, 9:00 - 6:00,
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■ \ 1 . > > ; ‘ I I i l i > 1 . I J '■ i i ' ' I m\ ! J
Besides educating students
on AIDS, (ones also lolls them
■is ailing 111 hase sex is all right
ID mr losing your virginity
in the back seat of a car when
you re drunk is vucky with
(apitai letters. Join s said "It's
Ok in vsait until your wedding
day nr until you really love
Why does [ones target young
Me has three teen age 1 hil
dren whom he hasn't seen in
s;x years from a marriage that
lasted 1 ! years
I work with young people
til l ause I don't gel 11 see Ills
own children, and I miss that,"
[ones said
Glen Jones
Contr'jtxl from Page 1
LT;. ,-r>.11\ vin to i ilt. r with
! jii resignal h ;; < •! its sri ontl if i
■i , : r, ( .i|i oil f i > k• ■ • • |s it
i . Inn in ■ ( sh pro
!. If JO I nr si ! ! I • '• with
Sharon Sherman also an l’ng
h,!i professor
\ ware liil '.'In, Studies
is now a ronitiiniii program..
with Shnnn.m ting m n di
•. ti n ,.! > ok! :• < m.ii.
tii t ■ I l‘ ini Stud sis Thorn
- • . hu- ■ |jh; u i.ihnn !’ it Ihn
|i- r>; hn! i •'!" It! K.lili
If... future with 'tin program
n it .on to utier png
tin! till- nXpnu
U a . i i - no.. - il;
ng with
' > in : . - : We : i ■ r 1 I
ugiii/ml national I v as a untijun
;:n -gi.iin ertamI\ I y the lolh
jurists find otlinr organizations,
m. tin- jKisitiii sense (to
eii the population we have here
1 thuii. w • ; lining we!I
U lu ll you talk about tho
i-thiiii piipul.itnin in the st.itn,
on i i!!i|H then s no w ay you
Continued from Page 1
in-'- i'X|iti ssion of ideas
Brand said It then becomes
in institution among man)
with poiltu a! agendas "
I niversttv Journalism I’rofes
s i)! T iin (lienso n e c h o e d
Brands v tew
As a matter uf principle, the
mversitv should not be e\
ili,ding anyone Irom speaking
or ret rutting on campus. ' (Ilea
Ml!) Mllll
(Henson said the University
community must take it upon
itself to protest views it consul
ers unai i eptahle
II we as a community !»'
Iieve the militarv is engaged in
practices we disagree with we
have to .hav e faith that vs e i nn
petsu.ule other memtiers of the
community to not fie ret Tint
ed, he said I hat is the free
dom of speech prim tple thal is
at the s ore' of the University
m ( ornpare i\ luit we do here
a h tli.ii ill t U Berkeley. and
■ s ,i-.mini1 tor people lo make
iso k:m! of comparisons.”
' : iriu.ii! said ! hear this a!!
the time and It s ver\ unto!
»V "
S \ i ral Asian Ament an slu
mots lotted their concern last
spring atimit the ho k of an
Asian American studies class
Attn ii;h such .1 r'ass was list
ed :(! ! he i nil ersillv Bu Until). it
h ! : . I fieeri offered since the
r. civ i'lHOs \o pndesMir had
..II .11 .o' thie to teach It
l ire students met with Uni
• • In' V Brand
itf ud for the class whit h
• ; it f» reinstated tins
i: prim; term, is .111 sot i
lessor .,hn Lit teach
V itdhtro. an Asian
Amt i.« .o. sinitt lit and member
1 'V student; t.u.ul tv hthnics
I ties i oinmittee. agrees with
ji; ivi .un fs vi
'si;.: grain tfi.it t Diild do
I . tf,. stud, nts at the
i. i ! , ui Oregon m terms
! understanding rat nil and
:uin’ :ev Motohiro
i N‘\ tiustration right now
iii’h kthrii Studies is not to
il .mi ti e fat uiti. fail the f !m
vriuti > i eiall tommitment to
: tfi.-.k ion il find more and
in.ee that people of color are
n .. Lug ' Speak up tor their 111
teres!- ;i; fithnii Studies,” lie
s. i.d We o starting to work
togelhi I i se. a Verv strung stu
dent .Merest ami I think people
are .ui!!.. tli'il to it fltii it's go
ing to be a long haul
H- viifiti that fundumental
print iple, sin University in ob
ligated under federal law to al
low tin- military to rec nut on
t ampus (lit*.ison said Federal
law allows tho military to dts
. rimmale on tin- basts oi sexual
The use law seems to say
that this is a question tl’.at has
been preempted by the federal
government. Gleason said
The Supreme Court has con
tinually upheld the military's
right to dist rmnnate
Lower courts have decided
state authorities cannot inter
fere w till tin? ret rutting because
of the spei iuI role of the mili
tary in sot lety." Gleason said
That special role allows mili
tary recruiters to sign state
ments saving they are in com
pliance y\ ith federal and state
anti-discrimination laws, said
Larry Smith, direr tor of the Ca
reer Planning -11111 Placement