HUNT Continued Torn Page 2 The mown Krvm s law firm has t» .-n making off this case tor the past two years probably doesn't hindi'r his ability to pul aside his liking lor 1-rng and < ontinue to prosm ut«- him, either Harrang l ong Watkinson Arnold \ l and in paid bv the hour. a< i ordmg to their c ontrm t with the city Kevin couldn't give me an exact figure on how many hours have boon, put in on this c .ise but tie diet go so far as to say some of the court require very little time, and others require quite a hit Although their rates vary slightly, the firm is paid SBT> per hour for your average service performed by an attorney George Kelly, an attorney donating his servic e's on f rog s liehalf. said he spends between to to .IS hours per appearance If you multiply to In the five court appearances and then multiply that number by SH5 you get $12.700 This' has turned out to he one expensive- hunting expedition for the city But as Kevin said, "It's worth ''.titer'money to re-establish tilecity's constitutional ability to regulate business Meanwhile. I rog is working on getting (lie i ity to rethink tiie lain on humor peddling And Keym yvill continue to earn city moneymaking sure l-rog doesn't add to the congestion on l.tth Ave riue although lie never has In the lirst place I'm c onfused. This high tech friig hunting has g -ttii. too cum. plicated for a simpleton yy ho ju-d wan!,-. !.*> teas! on a Irog s lower extremities am more In the old fashioned day s of frog hunting. xVlnil you got uul oi it yvas pretty simple fa might iearn tin- various vocal ranges and intonations of Irog commune at ion And si thing-- went ream well, von might even end up yvith a to g - two ready lor frying But this new form of frog hunting developed by the city and its persistent prosecutors has mm h more social value than the old fashioned shoot i-ii! and c at -'em method employed for vars This Irog hunting lesson lias provided new in sight into things 1 haven't understood tut a long tirm- I understand now how tndiv ulna1- m io things a truly compassionate human being would find totally repulsive How could anyone have worked n tin Vi/, concentration c simps ’ just doing my job. Hens could polar and county ► k. ■ homeless i ouplt irvi lulling one pregnant teen ager ini: of lh- shelter they hail found in a v.i i iinlschool huitding, sending thru • , !|f: street in the middle o( the rainy ■•••r.. -n ' Just foUnyving the ruli's ■ ■ d a soldier ir.i\cl hallw ,iv i vvorhi liiiti i:hi (icscft to unl'Msh - m >t the wond'-' most lethal weapons on \•.i; furs u in many eases, hern conscripted 11 ‘ mtvii ■ ■ against their wilt7 We don ! tit poilt y A ills' t : I now how . niiimin, >i ir.i or iplc can do things that arc not so dci t-nl : I.- pn tend thev arc not individuals rather !!;-•% c simply 'mils id a i old. cruel Institution that ini - no use foi individual or personal responsibility i’cople use authuntV as a si apegoal lor i airy rng i' mot ally repugnant m ts So while frog is sitting ;n pel. is hr h.r. y-nnl id llo if ill' loses his appeals. h.i i ,11: ' ,se l rutoft snoyvirig Ilie people wh pr r ' md i ruel nistituiniii p.,t him then " ,;.k this win "'iii'ii; s kind I silly And 1 ' w e. ., lo eat h lie would have nothin,; n worry about LETTERS Foote stompin’ Men should not be allowed to ride or drive the Saferide vans The point of Saferide is to make sure women have .1 safe ride home free from possible a! tack If men drive or ride in the vans, that possibility would be present Not every man is a r.ip 1st. but not every man is com plainly non violent, and mini ni should hr <1 hit” In participate in activities without of !* mg altai krd If women no lunger have a safe rule home, campus groups will have fewer female rnein tiers Attendance a! University events will drop, fewer women Will he able to study at the ll hrarv at night, and fewer worn i n ,s ill In ifilr ii laLr night £ lilSSUN Men should bo allow oil tu work vv ith Safuridu I hi- pro gram duos not vuduto uipia! o|> |iortum!v boss Lot s maku sun that womon i ontlruio to havo o(|ual opportunity ai i.oss to tho ! mvorsitv ( li.ilull a I nolo Kugvnr CASH FOR BOOKS Smith Family Bookstores 768 E. 13th Avenue buying monday-friday 9:00-5:00 Saturday 9:00-2:00 525 Willamette Street buying monday-friday 9:00-1:00, 2:00-5:00 • A Gift that s appreciated • time and time again 'b^aZuiaL (sibet ctcUii^ Ij'awf Ctn'Jffi* \ jnJ AJut! Ami'r u'-'Vw *j»w «i\vW l;i»V,\« h*;h**\ 5 *!,' J*j .k. fi w'* r\ 'Bar. an "Ir ce # 11' ♦ I • iMiilll *vfcf '.k'l • I .’ ' / 4: r t . i THURSDAY IS LADIES NIGHT AT fiM M’S i ..AUfSt NJOY i Rt t PC )i’CORN AN!) O V! RAC 4 S f ROM 8 00 ! O i ' (X)p m NON I FORGf ! C.OMFDY NIGHT : Vf RY FRIDAY AT 9 OOp m 343 4 734 • 2222 Centennial Blvri • Eugene TNE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Acts of God LETTER PERFECT Graphics • HPISITTIMG • PASTE UP • L AVOU T • Of SIGN • CORSUl T» TIOR • CRNIRA • • T T PI SI ! TING • PAST! UP • UYOUT • DESIGN • CONSUl T» TION • C»MIR» • • T YPE SE T TING • PASTE UP • UTOUI • Dl SIGN • CONSUl TAT ION • C»MIR» • \f . ■!' 4 i‘< 1 I • ' '