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Cww. fw'p^.A C* «Sa r»:'•-» aooo 1 »? ?> _ "prelude • 1 Honda naw *fyla. aicallant condition S apaad powar •ufv moon roof *porl* •••’» * ‘ *paafc*r AUf M cataatta atar#^ tokJ down backaaat (NT w^>ar* faathar touch control* good hraa ' IS MPG* MTMotxi Kavin ■ M4SM1N ma*aaga /• Dalaun B?10 fWl H. ’. I' -9. / f ‘iA-agai M V • >t> A>->. r ria6 04/v iso MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 1®«1 C MT ,*:X Itooda o. V-pg , •*, *4 MAH t * V4 i ss BICYCLES 70 • Malatgh '■■■%■*» * • • ■» • ,-;t ■■■ ?*«*•?*. » ' ** » 91- *Vp#t iab/ad Mardrocfc . . its COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS A*. • *(<•** to 4 LG 4**M ' 4 Milatwa e i *i■ ■■*<’*t.t M ' Mr Ml » o’ Pi r !«' V4 i ' ’ 39 i T8 SOUND SYSTEMS ( ASH' 1 ,%«. no SKI EQUIPMENT KI W'l M HUt II T SNOWBOARD MW. BINDINGS NtVtM US I D 144 47 n CAU AMI H S 1 4f'j »A‘ tvoota 9 MO Ctl *tr*tc hpantt black »*/• 10 MO Me,. 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For (roe Information call (BOO) 645-8758 Aft *W*4 ***#«★* "I TAX WORKSHOP U S. NONRESIDENTS INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS & FACULTY Thursday. December 5 3 00 500pm f MU Walnut Room ' "What are my la* obliga Sons while in the U S 9" An international students and faculty with ncome 'rorr, U S sources should plan to attend this work shop Resource People ; i n-iy ■ tark Interra! ona! Student Adv set . o' . iary Tax Attcfney t rims Wuite, Certified Pubic Accountant I or more information. ontact the Offce Of I- •mna’ "a Services •at : Spo> seed by ".00 ov«< i rttSB ; l job M) lA 14 Cuwtodtal tiAtnwr. *. e1**'* *’«*' " .1 *j r>« ' .1 >' u-'* * ortfitSs r t- ' i ' '■ J“ i M ■ ’ ay® \_y !*«» • «*» t ' BA Ueg’tMi Si '—*■ t» * ' W ' at i! e- 'e . *4*. 1 e u rt 1 t . J** «» i ' * . AA t 1 < D*tk • at ttouUhan • Good "■ *f*J '«* ’** * '>■ ' '*•*» • .'u,tf load *»'*} gt»».i - ' *»•> Judy ?99 I ARN MONf Y K*.* l\ '..ru po'tf a • >u .» t* • •».. rt «>» ’ A“»• t iptntiKt Eug*rw • «./».. Vii'o • «> a ' ,».r '-t »y •»' A 683 '.M * I • All i» .»'**• *H* . . 'Ml A.'td « *• « *. 210 HELP WANTED AIRLINE 303-441-2455 Extension 9A APARTMF NT MGR WANT! D ,-r«; ■tr --o fW I Ho ’ 1 ovt rsi as jobs v* round A1 count'***. A. i '*•*» tnlo »V' 'u |JC. PO Bo* V »v 1 ikytxva [**• Wrt A SJMMI R JOBS COUNSELORS SUPPORT ST AFT >>vA1rtr^ CAmp4.t40^| 'op wt*Ary MUW) \ sundry Ttiv«* * kww»-'V u WAng acl'vstKM nrt»w> C7«**» .tMOAflOMiti txcychng d*rx o O'vnk* tf'unu W*x*"*g '*»*! *>oc>oy vR-ygo** g’*bttO rtd*OQ FV.X*? •, «g v*ut>« \«* 'wtary *Uxr»' «.* • r. wa*> mood M«. .* - ••**« «»■’.. W ■.*: * , u r** * NY *' *>4 ? 4-4 L8* v*l3 Worrstt'- CUT • * 'o a" , voga f;' O Bo* ' ’ D .•tK.'y. MA . J i •. L * ' 934 f VU T{ NNfS JOBS •"■ ’**>'■ * •*■ V • -. .«•• '-I *■•»•■ M ! r>* Crayon y t marald i* now accepting appOcaltOft* for an advartiaing graf>h»c d***Qn#f T h* fol) c r natal* mainly of drawing up <4>*< ad itlaa* that aataapaopi# can *how to cnanta and da»a to pm g promotional malarial* for tn* ad dajrt This i* your tfianc# to txi.ld your portfolio with (xjPIi*bad work Macintosh aipananea a plu* but f>ot tat #**ary To apply p*ck up an *pt>i* at ton at Suit* 300 in tha 1 MU I uti lima studanta na*d only apply T hi* position may c lo*a at a* , ttm a f Of. j T HI OREGON D All Y f Mf MAI t) W l* j .tp p - -i ' ' ' il ! -eft . or ' Oi’kpMiy -v.ng i uvin •• App is ».* •.>v.*d ''ilvn - • • '•* p**r day '.o *[**'»! . •-*» • u’ it ■ : vpiay 'o an : ca.'i«iH4*hM0 • Hint at 'r-*» pOk ‘K a ■ ^im a H*s • U o? 0 1 " «r. *-Ki* *,;»«*. *fcip*»' *#■ * M i ta-xd vopnorrxyw or • 4l*ncfcny a ;» •• r app'y locUty tor 'r‘-5 j po*'!n>*' Dy p* » ■>- ,.p w apportion . dl * ■ 'a I MU 1*w Mjvng dtttl i % T *j>-+ \.tj {)»*t t C *> ^ n- { Qf _ X MAS BMl AK Ml IP' l a ju 'w aion* ru>it c * ijw ' »y% n on ytx.r EHtai* t* ui;«> «» > ii u; 'i»‘ I in N>.’S Ori '•* ' ’!JU t *?np V«g« P O Hot w; i. Duift ■ 'Y UA \.■■> v f * ' *34 6VX 215 WORK STUDY Raaaarch 4 Sponaorad Program* '■*1$ wt>'H M uOy pop. ton op*f*.-tO.-1S . ■s -1 <***>* ilv tl> «4i> V1 "i tvou' . bin.* romp..!®' «»• »*:. M ‘ ■ « « Wy wr, V 33 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Baauliful Studio cottag# , ,\n.) a vj d*x> . ::y"*o-!o ca'npc.*' Boy-*' • [ ■*> i ‘ V-1 ~’U \y i g?i*r t bdrm cottay* fancad yard ... fv ■ ■ Vi -.«* • % Ava ' .i.1 ti Bl DROOM MOM* with •rntnil^i hraplaca hardwood floor* W D pri vata yard ? bath* & 2 krtchan* & CtOSt 70 CAMPUS .vn/y , 345 8S63 225 APTStHJPlEXES Avaiiabl# Dac 1 Sth ■ >;■ *i a. ' * wt*V j' .a-'p ‘ V • V • ..a a. t» • ‘ ' i‘> f ' •' 141 . ’4 Available Vvstarday' .. a. • V v; • . i .• M..S i '4!> » ‘ '4 or T-v; 4 • Hv4. A i ARGE . Cl ( AN QUIt T ' :» Avjiaoo ■ w r . " *-)sg * TT o- DWtfcsp. ’ ; » . «•* a .<*•■ • • " ; r*> a .• «!ry ...uHk . 6aiB‘P(.l A larya, c>««" qpu»at 1 bdrm 1 blh U of O H- ;wa* f » ... .#! par* j i ,»V«,lry 4B4 4' < C*ii Now F or MOVE IN SPECIAL Naw & Beautiful 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM SS05 ! * COVE Ml U PARKING a WASHER DRYER HOOKUPS a t UHOPf AN KITCMt NS a FfTNt SS ROOM ; a CONVENIENT TO VALl C Y RIVER CENTER 1 611 Kif^gtley Rd 34J-4549 NORRIS 4 STEVENS Marxagemant Co I N U L t tf t A 1 Today and tomorrow are the last 2 days to place a holiday message to your friend(s)! So... Jingle all the way to the ODE today! South Eugene Chiropractic Center * Sports Injuries * Stress Reduction * Chronu Postural Problem*. Or. Frank F. Muhr )% E. 18th St. 683*9070 Stusk nt rates Near C 'ampus a X’ l)ooncslmr\ UY GARRY TRUDEAU I. p • • . V . . #£AT : . '<>10 ]