ms Discover Anthony Lakes in northeast Oregon INTO THE OUTDOORS BY JAYSON JACOBY Wilts list' lung < Itristmas hollll.tS (.1st .ipjiriliH is ins; I thi .light it appro pH.lit In vvrilf .11m>11! .i winter !<•< (i .iimn sptil ,»l! fhr way un tin- other sicif .t! lhi' state I In Anthem ! at ■ area <\.si • if Maker i it v in iicirihtM st < If. Spill !’ solltewhilt nit till' t»>.l!fll path 1 luwe \ f i ll oiler ii -nails *‘\t t'tifiil snow c < > i *c i if it j i is i'll ,ii111• weather ciiitl si.mi- unit|Uf c i.f. c minits skt trips in s;r! to A lit (ion v t a t f ■ w till h IS ol if of Oil IV two (iovv ll Inti 4 min fat ititifs in r..isti*rn ( ties m ;|ri\ I- i .ist ol I’ortl.ijii! mi Iriterst.itf HI through I'fii .U. lnn .III.! j slf .I.IM'tc- to Nnlttl !'• ... tif t l et.,- till I-Vlt .it it: .ill town anti follow thr • igns to tlif ski area which is Jl) rnilrs funn tli>' tri i ss as At 11iti ffct Anthems i at. lias tin 111 w;IH• s! Iiasr i legation ol am ski r>‘s. nt in ( )i r unit a ml III.' .urns lift*' is tvpic alls r s i flli'iit |H.udfi Cross iountrs sku is have mam i Inn. i s mug mg from the nasv one mile gloomed trail around til ac ti Antlions I akn to an fight tnilf line ki ountrs 11ip loi .■ sjictis A pass lot the goM»m* A ti ads » ‘>\t •• jUSt S'. VS i1 I •’ h , 5 . itr a bargain » ompared to ntnn> -in'.is in the ( .«isi aiii.'s 1 r ** 11 * are groomed 1 hursdav through Suiid«i\ find - the downhill ski lifts an UJHMI in nil ‘I a M: In \ ji in nil ijiose d a \ < I low» ver k »* * r arr v\ »• !■. ■ . * f -. i < the trails at am time Beginner. should start with tie Anth« . : .4»• 11- W til- h takes uf! from tin south #nd d tin* patk nig jut 1 .his' trip pas - siih alpine fir arid sprnre trees ■ lions' the frozen hik< s ■' n tra\ eases through tin* summer i ampground and follows a snowed under road to a rusti* fores* serve e guard station that is not maimed tn tin- winter -Ol'i deaf d«iv the v iew s alotlg till lake an -.pi', hu ulaf I ess than two miles to tin* south and rising to over H If Ml let-? is (,unsight Mountain a < r a g g \ lainh -peak w e I i named for tie brre< h m its s u mmit t hat re si tithifvs I hr Sights Oh a rifle I he other groomed trail in t fe area h < 1 > ai re Hl.n k I -.ike starts I nun the south ea t slfjl < if \nthi ms l aki I h o isn't (juite as eas\ a the flat trad around the higgei lake as If < Itltdis aliout JtMl feet feiJUlf mg some downhill skiing sk ills Hlai k I aka sit-, m ti nar row basin on the slmuldei of Ciilnsight Mounttun ..awl is Mir I’nundrd In >ioprs of granitr wtfh a f#m hards sub-iilptix hr* add Whitrhafk p.ih*“• Hut thf advmturrs (Idii t stop with the grooming max hi nr ■ I i V'.l . I *! \ .1 :s« rd nk M * I ‘ 'll .IV f .on . |il«* 4ipportunitirs to trst thru sk i I! •• Thr f r • *, ; 'a i !.'?*' • S ..*i »"• ‘ tins alpinr tarns wfhn h Im -h) it thr ft‘fit of ; no foot 1 o IN .4 « : 'n- ioi vr? along a north fa* iug si opr on ■vvhit h drift* ofton r< .oh fist* \r< t |2 j. pfii A not! !«■; i t is •*<» (on 11mu* wt’sl on thr highw .in ■whiclv is tmlv plow rd to lh** n* sort Hut tin higgrs! i hdilrngi whiih aIso offnrs thr most iMMUt ifui ititti \ .tllt'il si fllff v is tin- « tght nnlr loop from thr rr-oft around I n v }'* 4 and ( din sight Mountain and hack I Ins trip is ddfif in It to do in on#' short vs int#i das .Old it should orris hr undrrtakrn bs \s r ; ; i* (| u i p p«* d -A i . n g and stio\N i ainpuiv: ‘Sprits til noth mg h*ss than prrfr< t wrathrr I fir r. t s j»• > | was 11 - t aft tills Ink is to pas Si lor a on** ! imr rid* t•» lh« top f th- -4 lift 1 nun thro follow tin* top of thr ridgr south to tin Crawfish Ha s in trail, n hit h wind s around tin* south doprs of I ri1 s IN ak aho\ .■ c xpallMS r In .‘li^nou'U'iUiemertt of WORLD AIDS DAY FACTS: ❖ AIDS was the 13th leading cause of death in 1 WO in Oregon. ❖ I out of every 5(X) college students carries the HI V virus. *> There uas a 28r< increase of AIDS among women in the last 12 months. ❖ As of Nov. 25th 1W1 SIS people ha\e died of AIDS in ()regon. Check out the AIDS table in the CMl lobby Today SHARING THK CHALLENGE •Sponsored hv th« I ifiMOe Wanning l*rt^runi. Student HcVtM Voter Anthony Lakes area in Eastern Oregon otters unique cross country ski tups in a picturesque setting much ditteient trom the Cascades ( !.* f Ish Mradutt 1 his trail t limbs ^mtU to tin* Klkhurn < rrst I rail, a National Kr< iratnm I rail that s popular m thr summer with hikrrs ami rqu»‘stnans. to thr v irv\ of a llfrtimr at Duttll 1 hit Saddle (hi .1 I Iim! da \ thr prison !m k\ enough to make it to this point .uni thrtr air few who (in treated to most of thr 1 i i ! ! a \! antain - an ntipirs s1\ » 1 lavti;'. i oilia ? in!' • ■■ peaks mm h different m si rnrt > from the mmr ueiI known I om .nit" \nthunv lake is tour mill’s farther tilling the i.lkhnrn C rest 11,111 w tin h i limbs lor tbo tirsl mill' to .inothrr s.uliili- before desi ending gradually to the 1 a kt ■ I nr those who know oni\ the t is .ides timl who think I nst ern Oregon is just .1 desert this trip will he ,1 reel eve-opener /,n son /iii ii/n is .< s/iu/fs if porter tm thr Kinerald Sittin ’ Pretty IVr sonali/id Professional House Sifting You're north the pein e of mind II hat \ important to t mi is important to me l.otinn < arc For Home \nd I’rLs Handl'd 345-8415 One FRKF Visit W it h This Ad OFF COnVERSE It s W'lut S ills kit' tint COUIILS. u u*upon FREE CONVERSE LAZAR’S BAZAR shoelaces with every w w. Brn*jwav pair Of shoes Downtown Mall WIN A $500 Scholarship in Duck Call Tuition Payment Sweepstakes H • U) vixji advantage to pay your tuition bv MAH irtaiMf Nk) slw kif line it was mailed to vou with your bill and c lavs siNvJulr 2 No payment lift* just drop your chtx k fuyment in the U.J* mail tx use Or University of Oregon Drup Box in front ol Oregon I kill Sw eef istikev Rules: 1 !o qualify you must be a hjl* irne adrnfled Undent at ttr University of < >ejjun v fc * iou of niifriirtvlitj mail: OK b into the LrvvvfMtv Oregon t>op B v r< moo of judges fS lirvii iMJNDtRUMb aawwsEi) 5 ,C VIDEO ^ GAMES 5th snurr PUBLIC MARKET 30WWT0W* t jOtMi 663*4*4 VIDEO ADVENTURE VALLEY RIVER PLAZA T»* rr rov'u mu rr _Z—ZJ RIDE SHARE Traveling soon? Net-<1 ,i ride? Offering a ride? . ut rh.- - i!.in, 345 7600 I or Wc ship your stuff home! 1 to 1000 pounds Packing • Shipping Boxes Packaging Store 2705 Willamette 344-3106