WRITER Continued from Page 1 sulking ship Roberts s.mi \iut .is they re moving tnU tile .ire.i the\ Ve got to hav' tlieir own sp.i( e I hey're Wlp mg otil the other lu< .il gangs Rolierts had to (111 evtnrisive research on the suhji*i t mix li nt which was done riding with Seattle polit e ottn ers on then heats A month later Roberts was oil to tin1 ( i cist (maid I raining t.n dittos at ( ape Disappoint ment near Astoria I here he researi hed a mov ie env isioned as a 1'ti/i (inn of the (.oast (luard It s a ver\ formula type of lllltl " he said 1 here'll he a i old lit t between the older guv who has been at it tor a while and the vniinger guv And of course m the end the younger guv will jump into a ho.it to rest ue someone all single haiidodh And d I h<»ve im w av he'll die " W in the sad ending ' I think th.it s true to lite Roberts said ' I don't think anything ends happily late is svnnn\ Minus w ith tragedv Ills attempts to write a tragu ending tor f 'ool Rage have been pievented try the film s produt ers and ar tors Roberts original Iv intended to kill off lus main i li.trui tei Hot tin' ai tor portray mu the i harar lor protested the grrsh ending Noberls was willing to make < uni essoins I he main » harar ter -.nr vises hut tin partner in the mm ir In"- Inv '.rid A11 *i ev erybodv else dii's Sii hi* s tin* nnl\ oiii' Ii'tl .it thi' end I’ri ni.ii 1I \ .1 nm i'! w r11• ■ r KiiImtIs w.is un.H i rrstnmed In the rigid formula ol movie m tijits Willi no formal framing in m rfi'ti|ilin writing Rulierts had to If am t hf si v If' v f r\ quit klv I had no time to makf thf a hange hf: said It was real 1\ diffii till hot aviso I in murf ol a desi ripfive writer and ob\ i ously thf s' rffttplas is all dia login Kohftts studied id her films to got a feel for the wav dialogue is translatfd to tin- si ri-i-n Ilia t hf I |>f'd . hr said \»d I'm kind of a moviegoer anvwiai lin- thing that did it for ifn- really was that it w is sin li an on redihie iipportumtv that 1 had to i nine tinrtmillv iii partit ipalr in iialiiin.it polilii s through I SNA II this dors11 t i li.mar 1 dimlil d we will ni'r .ri si»\**u .it * .v; 11! ! nivi*fsit\ ol < )r»»pun students u , into s.- n.p- r Hattie Id s - ill a r and talking to him about fin.mi i.il aid Hills has rmivtdrd outlets lor students to rin . vo.it tin- .\SI l) reieived i t S1 1 tMM) 111 student Ires !. ■ |M\ iol with I SS.\ Si 1)00 it wlnih paid memhrtshiji Xhioit Sin non ;..iy- registration, lodging i osts for national i mivi'iiti. she l ** * 11 • •• i, i \ > • 11 n u .md lodging He i nvi'li r! Iis student |t-rs bn m dors not go dirrr tiV to 1 Nh \ ..lid t SS \ do lh.it ottd ot .dioul Its .iftll Ml ion lor is.itiiiii.il travrhng .mil ins Hills said i osts i an still NEW BULBS! f\) 10 t/ .Tanning Sessions $ 19.95 COgpO" (>•< Jl, iWl \ll\ It. N I \t \ t| I ( 1 344 26 91 1666 Franklin Selected New Guitars Up to 50% Off Our List Price Sony no trada Kcaptad or fin ofor Coupon eoat Ok X ’99" Music city 210 E. 17th (at Pearl) EUGENE, OR. LIMITED TO STOCK L l.l'M t U\K Mo-4 M > $5 OFF Dr. Marten Shoes w/coupon Lazar's Bazar 57 W. Broadway AND 957 Willamette DOWNTOWN MALL, Create your own { FULL COLOR T-SHIRTS from your PHOTOS® ARTWORK HIGH QUALITY IMAGES A PERFECT GIFT Shipping Available ■ Volume Discounts kinko's the copy center Campus Location 860 EAmJTH AVE EUCENE. OR 97401 144-7894 WEEKLY STUDENT shop 'smm SAVERS The Best HEALTH AND NATURAL FOOD /V 1()\\\! HOT FROM OUR DELI JoJo’s ({roasted chicken Sandwiches and mut h muf r Fresh Donuts ( roissants and Maple bars (tails Null I Ml is ut 21-; (lix’.l ihiu I? IU *M FA HO SPKISd MILK 99* ^ ^ i .■ 11 ii i.>u, G23 17 (’OBI K(i K<) \ I) Iti (XKS \M M Mi \t /IN 7am-11 pm 7i».\vs wvkkk AI) lll'M I IN I 12 4 thru 12 lit MU-X669 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON The class abruptly stopped practicing Here was an opportunity to not only employ their skills, but also to save the entire town Ki*c\cle I his papf r.