EDITORIAL Reinstating Colson to IFC the right idea "Hev. s»>» got s< rewed but we re nut going to do any thing about it So saveth the ASUO Constitution Court m the on going saga of Mike Colson Cist Wednesday the c ourt ruled Colson was unfairly ousted last suititm’f from the Incidental Fee Committee Hut in the next breath, they decided not to put Col sun track on the IFC because, as they put it, reinstat ing him to office would merely result in the IFC voting again to remove him from offir e That's probably true, lint the Constitution Court has no rigid to make that assessment The court's derision vs as based on the IFC listing the meeting when the Colson vote took place under the banner of "general meeting" rather than announcing that a vote would take place When Colson arrived at the meeting he was ambushed and summarily booted The ASUQ Constitution requires elected student officials to have adequate notice to defend themselves when faced with removal Obviously. Colson didn't get that privilege l>tst year. Colson was subjected to one of the most slime-slinging investigations ever seen at the Universi ty Me was accused of tampering with IFC minutes, and the ASUO strung him up 1-ater, after new IFC elections. Colson was removed from his two-year seat. Make no mistake, this is not a proclamation of Col son's innocence. Nobody is sure exactly what hap pened. and if by chance somebody knows, no one is talking. This is merely an assertion that Colson was not given the opportunity to defend himself adequately a! the |une meeting The Constitution Court is merely lip servir ing sympathy The same people who removed Colson from the IFC still sit on the committee, so it is likely that even if he is given his seat hack it will tie for mere minutes But if the ( institution (,‘ourt wants itself to be taken se riously. it needs to reinstate Colson to the IFC instead of Irv mg to predic t the future LETTERS POLICY letters tn the editor must be limited to no more than 2fit) words, legible, signed and the identifii ation of the Writer must be verified when the letter IS .submitled ()rvx<>n lKith Emerald ij-i t U«i { r •• «•* - >*•«'’ Asia • I d(1f’' • t: > i# ; .( iio Vt» ( cJAOf Sight t ditor Photographer* -** Adv#Mi*./>g *• (litsitred » ».% M.i .i>» . 1 flo ►.»" » ‘ • * » Production ;•».! *V • »’ .»■ * * * .» A .. » .i * f ■<»(•«, kf ii ;. > ;« •• >* * - I-. M.f i '» M ' «* W.i' M> m *«• Ho».i *' ..*» '«» 1 A m - «>;. ’ «» v *>' '<•' • !•*'»*» i General Manager •!, Advertising Director 1: . « • K * Production Manager M * ou (i, • s Sewarooro 346 5511 Dreplay Advertising 346 3712 OuliriMl Office 146 5512 Classified Advertising 146 4143 BIRD VlOKK Ousisay I NO I KviRnpoSwt! / ll 'MW i be or assistance ?' LETTERS Repaid I like to srr instill linin' In tin pt-oplr vs tin prr\ nil nur so i.icty mi 1 t)i*i a mi* i tit tons alinut I hr (nst nt till’ tlirft nf twn i ,iiiil\ li.its from tin- I Hi vrrsitv Bnokstorr I i-t us iisstimr llinsr i .niiiv liars i nst HU i nits .1 [null' lit us fmthfi .issuiiu' tin numbi't nf stuili ltts at tin- l'tmttrsiH Is It. (Hill V\ lull tin- i nst tn rat ll st u tir n t I t a 11 u Ini r ti t S HOI Hi (MH) njUiiis 00(11 t nits l 111 lilt ' U I ti ail K1|IIIK 1,1 K1 littiki*' rlir tint- fnt an njtma Iriit tIn-ft was soinrthiny; HU ! Vtiu l*ri s. 1 i.1 . 1 til > til' ili lit w as tt-paiil \t iw about thusr tut I ton in i 11 . i -■ i - ' 1111 a n i i tax ri'I ia 11 ■ - Ini nut lit -tali- ( OrpuiHtr l.ltui nwlii'ts tin- S 1 iiisis and ; ' I k ! 1.11 : i -a I s With '; ' ' \ I IVtsutn (,ulf tin- lap** nl nur \mi 1 attn sail ( nail IiiIi-i ilisi iplmai v Privileges :< .%. . 11 * . ti nt'.* * 11« ■ s4if» *. -it t»u s«• *- wilii mm How n i. 111 v r.jpi-.t*. tii** s i! fti mak * !h» I'ht {,♦< 1 is that <>nr Hi iuui w omen will for i.tptni at .r.wi outm h«*r 111*• ,\ t ollegt* woman has a gn*ak*f t hant'i* ' hiMiig raped (hurt an\ other «im**i woman X recent survev UI I ! ik• ’ walk If I t un! m\seS! ► *p! la!' at si ht mj| a w ork ! have to t all home for a ride as ti I were a i hdd If I dec uie to . jark !t»-s-- i am - ;h}« < t to t 1111 « iso, In m\ friends for taking uniiet r- sat S 5 id Mollv I ness I heater \ i ts Watering ‘King « an 1 1 hut | his tree was not watered title e all summer long ami still has not l>een w at end* It is uhv 1 mis{\ in a state of stress and Will before long he dtMtl if it IS uni u ateredl As no out1 else seems tu t an \shii! happens In this tree one mav hope lh.it someone on the staff of tile /nirr.il'i mas he able to get to the bottom ol the mat ter and see tflat this tree is ss .1 tered on .1 regular basis |on < iregerson hugene Reminder 1 sure am lu< ks that | ( loss took the time to ( ops rtght his her insightful Dads k. o munii A ft 1 rriiatton 1 artoon ()1>I \os :i You see I was about to sub mil mv (erurge Hush and Dan Quasle as Hans and I rariz and Mario (ammo as 1 he t hurt h Lids 1 artoons ss ithout taking 1 fed it for ms brillia: t i oinii ideas Thane- t. n " ■ lei: I'm sure neither one of us wants someone else to steal our Mrs 1 e Ingmun I uglish Annoying not h< ftjssuii ,ii tear M hkt'U v oii lute s« iiQi -n* twn aiist* fh.«t prrson is mg \[)»i it v»»u art* iiimmfil 1»\ st 1! I H*t I? I *• Hit ts| ik » !\ lh.il v (Hi Tit* rinnov mg i uist (rit hkt* sh*u mg Hr\ an V\ »*sthv Student k r; . Ol v 1900's Shop till you drop / i99os y*C\, «i£ 6v*Mj