Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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    *5.00 OFF
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Athletics needs faculty input, Brand says
Ry Car^e Dennett
■ ■ ’ **'.t * A*. - ato ■ i * f
Prosidont Mylos Brand mask
i (.ii tilt V load or s ‘ ■ i I ak o ,i
mnro active role in govtirftanr o
of tho University *> inters ollr
gtato nitilfiii s program
i am i Iaivinr mi that ’.in- fa<
viit\ dI nut university must phis
a rnoro .iMiviv role in sotting
polir \ for mtdn pilegiale athlet
u s Brand vv rote in a Ndv 1 <t
lettrr to I rm orsity Senate Pres
idrnt Paul i.ngelkitig
a tier asked t.ngi-lking in
appoint a small adhrx commit
!*■<■ i n ..its ami student mom
hors III work with Dave Hubtn
Brand mi ulivo assistant, and
\ . !’r> • 'ion! ! Kin \\ illianm
i 1 ■ . r a is tor vs ays it i got
mot1, fin nits momtiors Involved
with tho Inii-rt oilogtaU! Mhlot
list ommittoo
\ t t lii \ (i v om t>r r s on a t o
mooting, sumo somite) momhors
•• .i!i«• ■' !■ ;r more !u< tv inv.\ ■ •
m< n! in nthletu funding
i-kc ,i . bem.strs pt
lessor. said ho will .irmiMim o
the ad hot I'omniitU!*' members
.it tin’ m vi University Senate
meeting on Dee 11
Kngl.-k mg said ho rxjici Is the
lunimitter will report to the
—:i.»‘<■ in .throe months
'! he llltrn ollegiate Athletics
(•'.nmmittee. established h\ tat
u’it’v .legislation lIt 1 BfH), r .itl
tiiake' rei ontmendslions t on
(iTMtng athli !. .policy
Kssentiullv, the next .h i I
sion. [itiirit wilt tome 'in Juno.
I Ug> ks.i ! so wr Vs, lit!
like in hi re.idv before that 1
Bv lute- the end of till' fisi.ll
year, the State Board o! High- r
lit lit* .tie >tl m iM elki ,i ill ci
sion ti in iv. to fund athletic
debts it Oregon. Oregon State
and Portland State Universities
Brand said despite at t usa
lions iil waste m the athletic
Mum iiiii til N.itiu.il History
Gift Shop
Darwin would have loved
our natural selection.
Thr Musnmi <il Natural 1 Itstorv gilt shop oilers an
altnn.itlve to thr same ok 1 stores and the same old gills
Visit oili (rtendiy. unrfowded shop and explore our sjrerlal
selertlon ol natuie related men handlse
t wnlh ' t *t eg-.'P •• N*twf»l I bi.if) '«* '■ Aw ! ugrf%r i*K>nr 19.**
l 2 to •
‘ <n ^ ■ h* j > h »jf% : V< 4 thnJUjh 22 i*rr d ivi a wer t 1 2 l-> s
department Ilf maintains ( <>!i
! life nr r in i he athleth s |Jri> ■
grain's management
Under the leadership of
AthlciK Direr tor Hilt Byrne, the
department has managed its
: • grams and finam.es well.
Brand said in a written state
ri.ent Ht'W e \ er. we need to
- k .it o n [mill res diflerenth
now bei dtlse w e re operating III
a new environment due to
Measure f* ''
Brand said the new i aimnil
tee is designed to ensure., that
tie existing ta< ullv panel re
mams irsponslhle lor overset
mg. department policy." unhid
mg budgetary pole \
VI', aim is to ensure that tile
1 'im etMh id (Jregon Interi olle
giale Athletics program is the
most eftu ientlx operated de
p.e tmeilt am w here he said
'Brand said an option the
i o m m llli'e might i o us i de i
would he l el lew II)g the pru< til e
■ d naming three public voting
members to the Interi ollegiafe
Vtrli'hi s ( ..remittee In toe.
positions lor three student vot
ing members were added In
i'i i three positions for non
I'lmersi! v i ot ing member s
w ere approx ed
Kh 'hard 1 ram isi o a stall
psyi hologrst at the I tuversitx
i omiseling I enter is i hair d
the I uteri ol legiate Athletiis
< ommittee Student members
are Ghnstopher Greyerbiehl a
junior finance major and Sliei
la Shekel a senior rot iology
major and former AS1 l) vice
By rne is a non voting mem
be! id the i ommittee
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