Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1991, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Grad student turns screenwriter
First effort to be
action-packed film
By Tim Neff
The landlubber (ought III keep
hi'- ha I am <• against tin- violent
|itU.l> ami yaw of the Coast Guard
( uttei .ts it knifed through the
i hupps water on the dark
moonless night
The sound of the trashing
waves gradually yielded to the
deafening roar of rotor blades A
helicopter desi ended upon the
ship like a mythical beast After
hovering for a moment, the heli
(opter gra< efullv swung hack out
over the angry sea with its cargo
clutched tightly in its grasp
None of the resear» h he had
done as a University graduate stu
dent in International Studies
could have prepared the ungainly
passenger tor this
Hut then again. Sean Roberts
never ex per ted to be doing re
search tor his own movie screen
The firsthand glimpse of the
helicopter exercise was intended
to help Roberts prepare tot a pox
able movie script iiaxed on tile
Coast Guard Currently he is get
ting his feet wet on another
si reellplav
Roberts i!7, has Ix/en contracted
by Si a; i Ventures a film < orr.panv
based in the Northwest to write
the si reenpiav tor a mov ie entitled
( ■ ml Rage
It's the perfect opportunity
R ulii: r I s said I've a I w a y s
dreamed about making enough
money through my writing to sup
port myself That's why 1 in realty
ext ited about the screenplay
Seaia \ enturcs offered Roberts
S.’.iMIO to write the script for Cool
?**• *; r ? ;«■" 7* 1. ...
University graduate student Sean Roberts has signed a contract with a
northwest film company to write a screenplay tor an action adventure
movie He hopes to continue working as a screenwriter
Bending the outtoroe of (hat
movie the film company will sivn
Robert in another tontia, t for
three additional mow ics
_Sc.il,i asked Roberts tu write a
high ac tion. shout cm up mm ip
about t hititisi* gangs i,uintng iriim
Hung kong to Seattle But Kuh
erts admits ttiut wilting si njits for
car c.liases and shout outs is some
what aitlstii alls stifling
One of the problem* l original
U had w ith f.'ao/ Rage w as that my
rough draft was too artsy he
said I definitely have my own
character ot writing Xml that's
kind of squandered es | ice lally
when they come to you and le*>
you to write a high ac lion flln
whir li i iltm't tiki- too mu* h I
don't want in ■-•'I- neoole wi
kilted And I «i;>*i t like t" *>• >'
blood and gore
However Kobe its ft.■.i n> the
t haHmiK*’ *»f writing 1,11 " 11,1,1 (dm
with artistn sensibilities
I’ve tried ti : i mm h Intel
If* 1 IIS I 1.11! Iltlu il IlHIVle willed
( CM)I
The film i' I>iiM il on •> irue stt>rv
about drug gangs based in Hong
Kong * .tiled Triads Keiently.
the gangs have established them
selves in Hritish Columbia and Se
all le
M s like rais abandoning a
Turn to WRITER Page 3
Con Court rules:
No fees to USSA
Exclusionary hiring cited
By Klrslen Lucas
Student lot's util ill liiHKri I'.iV till \SI ( ) inr>ltil)< i
shiji t*r (uirtM tpattoii tn * tuitmti.il Uti.len! htlybvlng
f t > 111 > . t< i ording to it \'-i i ) t mi >! j i ut i ■ > ti I Hurt in!
i lig l Ul’sdil V
1 he t otut ton in 1 th.it Uif ! i! drd •. ,! udrnt ■ \
mu idtinii ifiruutn.ih's again t whitr hrtrnr.rxuai
nsrii in its hiring polu v tor 111«* position ot \ftirtn.»ti\»*
\t ?ion t )ttit or I ss \ poll* s rfijuu. s thr otfu rr to b»
,i hadihonalK liiiiifni'prvMMiinl jhtmiii
l b.' \St < ) < OUSt st u11i.n p n > h i b'! s! udrnt t* * from
binding m 11v tin’1' th.it di rimmatr Ui thr Urns ot
|(Hi* of .r \ U.ll 111 !•' I! t ,11 loll . 1111 o I H * o! til*! » 0111 idl I I
t ions
I tin ••toff ttu ion it ! - - -1; - * i U;i! \ '■ t t) .iff i!». 11 lot,
with I ’ Ss A w tr 11 \i w i * " .il«*« j a p p m \ i mat r U
St! non m studrnt fiv*. tin yr.n vmiafrs tin A i t)
( onstitution
I umlav s i<*t until , .11h• ■ i*i ?*• iji uM* to i - oiuphunt
In, idu.iti* studrnt Hrnis Ohrison vs ho brhrvrs that
i ss A is gm It \ ot rr v ri r di.« rimoMf loo not on I \ in its
hiring poli< i»*s. hut ni its him lions
Hu. nrgnm/.it ion -• i • *1 m •. to bo i «*: t s j * i t * 11-* I \ bi.t-ni
against vvllilf tliab-s hr .aid I hrs <\ nil* thing
but thrv rt* bring as rui is! a*- thr sm u*tv thuv f• going
up against Two wrongs don t m-dr a right
I‘SNA Prrsnirn! ! a|rl Shah *.i(l shr st.ind*. br hind
ha*r oigam/atioii * luring puntur , and < hums I SNA
( )b» i son said In* w as < onhdrn? m his i .unpinin!
ion ? ! ' 1 1 I * ! fi r 1 ! 1 ! .; ■ ' o - . : - I ■ i I op Ur • U o ! !
w.i I prrtiv tut and dr\ situation t uurudy hrhrvr
lf.it this I*, a i Irai * a .«* of ogrfr >!;-a rimuiation
Shall and ASM) Prrstciunt jrmutrr Hills disagrrr
with t Vburson s r.itt>>na!r and tin t our! dr< imuii
Hills sau! f hr * ourt mismtr; pi Hod thr issur whirli
shr |h*I it* vrs is baud on polrrrrtl trrafmrnt ratb.rr
than (list i mmiahois
Thr tat t is that history pio\ * that thrsr proplr
i I lk»* ( )Ihm so; i > ha v r in » ba-o ■ !* a f h* o -U g '■ i i' ir I ■t o' Ur
i rimuiation. Hill-, -.aid
Why don I thr prop!. who lit liOliig ‘ ' '*• t
target thr \( \A to ).*t m< ; •! tin* women voflt-.ba.
tiMflC Ot bow a bo u I t *• 11 m g m * •. i * o ■ > 1 * •, 111 * ■ shr
lorn ’ USSA Pi ;*•
AIDS wreaking havoc in most facets of American society
By Tammy Batey
i ' .'MKJ Htjpl
hditors Not**://us is ihr List pari ! a
six part senes on \I!)S
Janet Sondui k .1 rnedtial so* idl work
cl at S.ll fed Heart ( iener.il I liispit.il s.ild
she sees about r> to 10 people .1 Vdir
who .tie HIV positive averaging out to
.dmml tvxo patients i month Her |oti is to
,u i ess ttie situation ol her patients ami
determine their tin.mi nil emotional ami
pr.it tit .d needs she said
Many people who are HIS positive are
afraid to reveal their status to family and
ti ends. Sondui k said
1 had one young man who «.is ad
nutted to the hospital whose mom found
out III tin* last III minutes ot Ins life that
In yvns I loth gay and had AIDS. .he
Though Sonduck salt! she hasn't
worked vsith a large number of HIV post
tiye patients who are minorities she said
the disease ran add to the problems
fat i'd hy people of color Also, the dis
ease can prove a Imam la! strain she
When you re poor and a person ot
color it's had enough Now you're po.e
Hardest hit least likely to have resources
Soiwini k said Stum* propit* have r \ i el
lent insurant r but tin* majnritv of pro
pit* 1 srr air reliant on sot i.i! set untv
anti vv ritarr < hn k « she said
I hr sot ial dimen ions of AIDS art*
• ndlr • > AIDS has wreaked havot tn a I
most r\ri\ sot lor of Xnu ritaii st»t ietv
< hdtiges have ik t urred in thr nature of
mttnuii \ within r**I itionships. thr no rs
Mtv for sex rdu« ation and methods of
protrc ting tin* pubi h from providing
fr* * - ontiuins to handing out < ir.m m*t*
dies to drug usrl s
AIDS tout Iirs on man; sot ia 1 issues
lii.it props* have troublr discussing in
t hiding srx and sexuality tirug nst* bo
mOM'xualilv prostitution and drath and
Put ?h»*m• issues logrthei in an* p i k
agr anti a lot of propir wii, >a\ If s thrir
problem, said Doug DeVYitl ••due a
tiori and outre,n h coordinator for Shanli
m ()r«*gon an \IDS educational or gam
/at it m
I or people who an* HI\ positive teii
ing others tif their status rnav mean re
reiving a hostile reaction. DeWitt said
port from family and friends hr said
It \ oij 11* 11 proplr v« HI h.ivr hr.irf tils
r.isr you don't have to worry alwml his
tug \ ntii }oh or apartment l)r\\ iff said
I Or soil'll? proplr w lio .Hr HIV positive
telling family and frirmls of their status
mrau revealing private drt.uls o! thru
hvrs I )r\\ lit said
(jin- uf tl.r hardest things foi a lot of
gUV's attri hr* ummg Hl\ positivr is to
make sumr det imoiin about dis< Insure
UeWitt said Who do you trl}*’ I oi .1 lot
of guys 11-111fIK thru parrots that they're
HIV positlVr means admitting thry re
w-i\ or that they us*- drugs
Often flu- proplr hardest hit by AIDS
arr thus** ho are th bast likely to have
tin* resoun • to dr.d .\dh it said Mar
elite Splgnef 1 :n\'■■■'. assistant pfO
{rs .. U of Si ho' b • d • :!\ hraith
Intt avrnnus drug users who in MBH
made up J 1 pert rnt of new AIDS rase
flourish in areas that air burdened by
: i n employ ini’iit. h«m;r Irsstu’ss welfare
depend* !!- \ pins' u .? .• .n i rune higher
st hool dropout ran and tree, age prey
nan* \ said Harvey V I dneberg in the
( )i tuber mart St i^rnitu \uinn an art it lr
Mmoiities .tit represented dispropm
tmnateK m the number ut AIDS cases
Spinner said \c i oniing to ImebeiK s *u
tulr blinks <i ttcl hispiiiiM s constitute
a I >0111 .'!) percent ')f til*- I S population
vet th»*\ make up Itt pen ent ut AIDS
j he reason i- snt i a! condition*.
Sp^mr s.1111 It stru tlv m« i.d ri a
nmnn >il r» id« !itml ami edm atlonai not
biolu^H .d
\\r \r done .1 soliV |ob helping MU
norites AIDS i . auothei Uraw bfonw;bt
on thru bai t s '■'pinner • aid
I he disease is r.ipidlv be. omniy: a do.
♦ms»* uf tin* poor Spignef s.iid People
who 11\ t- m low income areas in urban
• -iivir* ument an tin most at rod he
Whether a person remains monogam
ous or not the disease raises the ipies
tion of trust within a relationship said
{mi Nhoeiii.ikri White bird time coor
♦ imatoj With \IDS trust ma\ he fatal
he said
\\ »■ don f h ivr i of it ml oyer a hat otli
er people do Shoemaker .aid If von
trust 1(H) pen ent that this person will