Bush sending envoy to Ukraine for talks nd the election mandate for inde ..■■■ pondenne in the l kraine and said lildUSliLU H will send .1 top envoy to Kiev to discuss eliminating nuclear weapons and other issues as a prelude to l) S recognition We obviously are moving toward full diplomatic recognition," While House spokesman Marlin I'lt/.wa ter said "We commend Ukrainians for pursuing the domocratir path " But he added, It will take some time before we re ready to make final decisions on rei ognitlon " In addition to disputr hing Assistant Secretary of State 'Hiomas Niles to the Ukrainian < apltal this wrs'k President Hush w ill send Secretary of State James A Baker III to both Kiev and Moscow later in the month for talks with the leaders of Russia, the Ukraine and the i entral Soviet government Hush went to Kiev on Aug 1 t< warn lawmakers against "a suicidal nationalism based upon ethnir ha trod " He cautioned then tll.l! the United States would not try to pit k winners and losers lietween the re publics and the center Now. in Itii' political turmoil unleashed by the .ilxir live August coup against Corbie hcv, the United States is adjusting to the reality that the Soviet t ’nton as it ex isted for seven decades is no more Hush tailed Corlwchev ,mtl Russian President Boris Yeltsin, as well as Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mul roney, over the weekend to dist uss the unfolding de velopment* in the Ukraine l ass reported that Corhet hev w arned Bush before Sunday's elections that Ukrainian independence would lie a "catastrophe" for the republic . for Russia, tile Soviet Union and the world But Fil/waler said, "all the leaders ini hiding Presi dent Corbachev. want to be realislit in tiieir approat h to the changes taking place the l kraine with 52 million people, is the second most populous of the Soviet republics and has long served as its breadbasket as well as a major source of the country s iron and toal Bush congratulated Leonid Kravchuk, the t kraine's former Communist Party boss, on ins apparent victory in tile presidential elei lion Kravt link ys as Bush s host m Kk y and yisited him at the White House hist Sept 25 l it/water said Niles, the Stale Department's top offi < ml for Kuropean and Canadian affairs, will consult with the newly elected Ukrniniun loaders "on three is sues of fundamental importance" to future 1 S Ukrainian relations • Respect for human rights, including equal treatment of minorities, and wavs the Ukraine can demonstrate its respect for txirders anti adherent.e to such interna t Iona I treaties as the Helsinki linal Act • Steps the United States hopes the Ukraine will lake to achieve its goal of "non-nuclear status," including control of the missiles on its territory, and compliance with the START treaty and other disarmament pacts • The Ukraine's commitment to free market economic pole ies and to "free and fair trade both w ith other re public s" and internationally Niles will also discuss the Ukraine's obligation to help pay the Soviet Union's debts, estimated at S7() billion or more, the spokesman said Several members of Congress criticized the White House for not immediately recognizing the Ukraine This administration's failure to recognize Ukraine's independence shows that misguided White House de visions are not confined to domestic issues," said House Whip David Bonior. D-Mii h Auto analyst says safety is now key of industry W ASHINGTON I Al*) l or Amorit an i ,u makers, the ora of planned ohsulos Mnm is over .mil quality and safntv are new wad hvvords a longtime trhseryer and i ritu of the auto industry says (Manni’d obsolescent o is clearly a thing of tin- |iasi because tixlay's ion sumers plan on keeping their cars lor four or five yours and iho industry knows it. said |ai k (oIlls, inilhor of an annual rating guido to now and used cars As Aitotriiun autoniakors prnduf.tr moro quality oars, tho lung lovo affair of American drivers w itii Japanese vnhl i los appears to fro ecxilmg. (dills said Wore seeing Ament ans loss afraid to say they aro having problems with lapanoso oars. ' ho said lor example, ho said, many owners of (lie ]tgp| 'I'nytita (aimrv liave registered complaints with tin* l: S Department of Transportation In the past couple of years, there have treed improvements in the spiel It v of 1' S tars, < renting .1 more level play ing field with Japanese 1 ars when It comes to quality." fie said And con sinners an coming to the realization that its not necessarily true that if you bus .1 Japanese car you are buying a trouble-free automobile (.tills comments coincide with the publication of the ihuj editions of /Vie l.ui Honk which rates new cars, and 7/ie f \od tar Hook Both publications are produced in conjunction with the Center lor Auto Safety, founded h\ Ralph Nader (.tills said that improvements in I S auto industry have lieen accompanied bv a "phenomena 1 turnabout in the pro motion of safety It’s become ,1 buir/word in advertise munis." he said (jmsumcrs do care about safety, t.ilhs saici. and manufacturers tiave dis i overed that you can use safety as a marketing tool (dibs said that while the safety of ! ' S vehicles lias unproved, there are certain glaring safety defer ts, including new cars that either do not have air bags nr have them on the driver s side only "The passenger side seal lias often been (allied a sun tde seat, and it's never beam more true than now, (hills said The following Iist is the book s /lest /ir/a Idr 1 m/.,' giving emphasis to c rash s-dely and the availability of air hags and anil los k brakes as well as the Other las tors liest Satic (impacts Nissan Sentra Mazda Miala. Volkswagen (iolf-CTI. Hyundai Fxcel, Daihatsu Charade and the Oeo Storm. Best Compacts Audi 80. Chevrolet (Corsica. Dodge Shadow. Plymouth Sun dam.r. Pontiac Sunbird and the Chevro Ict l a\alier Bust Intermediates Dodge Spirit. Mer cury Sable, Forri Taurus, Saab 9000. Plymouth Acclaim and the Volvo 240. Best Large Oldsmobile Toronado Infiniti Mao. Buick Kiviera and the (Chevrolet (laprn e Best Mumans Oldsmobile Silhoti ette, (.hevrulet Luinina APV, Drxige (:,ir aven-Orand Caravan, Plymouth Voyag er (.rand Voyager and the Pontiui I rails Sport During the Holidays, Get Cozy with Delicious Specialty Coffees and Teas from the CO Bookstore Bush asking $2.6 million for election WASHINGTON Al’J Pres uient Bush on Monday request i d SJ. t> million in federal matt lling funds fur his re -elec tion campaign, while the six Democrats vying for the rlgfil to oppose him requested a com biried St 2 million The first matching-fund re quests of the 1991! campaign of fer ( leer evident e of the rela tive ease at which Bush can out-raise fils Democratic rivals Iowa Sen Tom Markin made the largest request among the Demix rats, asking for SI 1 mil ium in matt lung funds Nebrus ka Sen Hob Kerrey and Arkan sas Gov Bill Clinton each re quested SSHO.OOO and former Massachusetts Sen Paul Ison gas requested S-tHf),(H)0 The requests for matching funds are not not essarily itlus trutive of a candidate’s overall fund raising. Fund raising is far of! the pate of lour years ago Michael Dukakis, the Democratic nomi nee in 19HH. had raised Sit) million at this stage four years ago The matching funds request ed by the campaigns on Mon day will be paiu out in January alter the requests are reviewed by S i.G auditors IS Classifieds 346-4343