Sparky ready to enter wild forests again SPOKANE (AP) — Even as a wildfire closed In on their homes, residents of the Ponder nsa subdivision took, the time to direct wildlife rescuers to a frightened and injured black bear As a result. Sparky is alive and neurly recovered from burns suffered In the fires that swept through Eastern Wash ington six weeks ago He'll soon he released to a new home When Lorraine Durick of the Wild Animal Clinic first saw Sparky, he was clinging to the top branches of a pine tree near the Spokane Valley subdlvi sion. Mi! was shaking trom ex hausiinn and Iright," Durick said. She and her husband. Mi chael Durick, founded the non profit clinic .it Monroe l.'t years ago to treat sick, injured and or [ihaned wildlife m Washington stall). Sparky had a number of first and second degree burns, in cluding ones on his paws and rump After treatment, he will he re Ie a s e d. p r o b a h1y near Okanogan rather than in his fire-damaged former home range. Durick said. "We were really concerned for a while about infei lion, pneumonia and problems with Ins lungs because of smoke." I turn k said SpokAnimal CI A K Iv, anoth er licensed animal rehabilitator. rescued a lost lynx, three badly burned horses and a burned cat during tin; October fires Direc tor (fail Mackie said she didn't even know the Wild Animal Clinic people had traveled to the area because of the fires, hut holds them in high regard rhey're willing to take on things that other people can't," Mackie said of the Durii ks "They're wonderful people, and they do a really good job " During the Oi l lf> fires, the clinic’s volunteers raced from one threatened area to another, rescuing iici'r, raccoons ami horses They wort: in thn Pon derosa area when they hoard a ( ill/on's hand radio message alxiul a hlui k bear seen fleeing the flames People working feverishly to save their homes slopped long enough to point the workers to ward the txiar in liio pine tree, wliere tie had climbed to es cape the fire burning the near by woods. Durick wild Clinic employees hit the 500 pound bear witli tranquili/.er darts, then loaded him into a horse trailer for the six-hour trip to the clinic He was given strong antibiotics for two weeks The clinic treats 1,000 to 1,500 animals a year Few of its rescues ure us emotional as what staff members and volun teers experienced during the fires. Durick said. W WWW MMMM MM. JR (MMCrund f%0VBEOi W GAMES MiSTMIT S3 hsuc market i VIDEO ADVENTURE] VAUIYMVBPUZA •4A*CMf M*S *w »•>. m wit lllllltw DNA tests may solve murder mysteries t’ () K T L A N l) (AP) Police in vestigators plan lo use LINA lusts in an attempt to link a man being hold on unre lated charges to two rape-kill ings in the Portland aroa 10 years ago Portland police detective Mike Hofley said Monday thut Alvin Harold Brown. 3fi. is u suspor t in the deaths of four women who disappeared over a 30-day period In the spring of 1 OH 1 Brown was arrested Thanks giving Day on third-degree rnh herv anil aggravated theft charges The following day. blood was drawn from him to determine if his DNA genetic makeup matches that found In semen in the remains of Kim herlv Ann Stevens. 17. and Norene K Davis. .11 Stevens disappeared on Mav H. 1‘tfll. while walking to her boyfriend's house Her remains were found two days later, on Mother’* Day. near a southwest Portland ( hurt h She had lieen strangled Davis, a bartender at a [tea vurton area cocktail lounge, disappeared May 1H after re ceiving a phone cull at work telling her that the friend of a roommate had lieen in an act i dent and needed help There had been no aci ident Her body was found a few hours later in a wooded area in Tigard DNA tests could not lie used as evidence in the other two deaths be< ause of the length of time between the women's deaths and the discovery of their bodies. Hefley and Wash ington (lounty sheriff s deter live Paul l.a/enbv said at a news i onferem e Melina Crist. 17, was report ed missing May Ti, after her mother dropped her olt .it the Sylvania campus of Port Kind .Community College Her skull was found by construe lion workers in southwest I'ort land .! years later Sheila Burnett, 57, disap peared May 2*1, 1 OH 1 . after leaving a note to tier husband saving their son had fated in a traffic ai cldent and she was leaving with someone who had offered her a ride Again, there w as no accident Burnett's remains were found by police beneath a piece of sheet metal in the hack yard of a I igcircf home last August The home had been rented by Brown at the time of Burnett's disappearance. Hedies said In about the last year and a half, clue to new tec hnology in solving DNA, Detective l.ii/en by and I got together and liegan preparing an affidavit to sel/e Alan Brown's blood spec ideal Is for DNA testing. Mefley said Slovens and Davis had been raped. Hailey salt! InvuMlga lurs wore unable to determine If the other two women were raped Brown was arraigned Mon day in Multnomah County Or coil Court on the aggravated theft and robbery c harges lodge Am or Haggerty ordered ball to remain at $1 million Brown s court-appointed at torney, Ingrid Swenson, argued [bat the ball was exi essive con sideling tile charges But depu ty district attorney Cregg l.owe said Brown Is a suspect In mul tiple murders When Brown wax arrested, lie was packing and told investigators that be vs as moving to Idaho, l.owe salit l.owe also noted that the lOfll murders incurred while Brown was tree oil bail on a rape i barge A "It** band starts with basis pop songs, but their earnest and urgent performantes push those songs to extremes and often make them downright resonant." IA Times "Divine Weeks has recorded an album showing a rawer, more gut wremhing sound, with emotion ^ A packed lyrics and musital drama...a volatile sound.M| >EE DIVINE WEEKS LIVE AT: MAX'S — EUGENE - DEC . 4!h — WEDNESDAY THE SATYRICON - PORTLAND — DEC . 7th — SATURDAY ( OME IN & ASK TO HEAR THEM V ON SALE NOW!! 2100 W. 11th Atr