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Groups to switch EMU offices \! least four student offices tn the I AH will relocate following the rn enl completion of the- KMC Hoard of Directors space audit Tin- board -■ House Committee conducted the audit to determine the lies! way to reallocate space in the student union building The audit was necessary in part because campus radio station KVAK. formerly KKMA. needed a bigger space than it had to Ix-gin broad casting til* Office of Student Advocacy needed another room to house its Defender Division, which was placed In Room 330 in Septem her Thai room was previously the Incidental Fee Committee office The 1KC was moved to Room t, previously the Photo II) office However, li t members were unhappy w ith the new office because it had less space and room for only two desks In the latest decision by the House Committee, the 1K( will move into Room ! 5B. which will Ih- partitioned to create two offir es The citlter half of the rexim will house Innovative Educational Develop ment whir h will move from its current office in Room 110 on the mezzanine level The KMC building supervisor's of tit e. also on the mezzanine let. (-1. will become the new KVAK. offi< >■ The building supervisor w'ill move to Roont lit) There are proposals for future use of Room 1. hut nothing has been de< ided yet t rank Celtner. EMU associate director, said the plans are t untin gent upon construction bids that are lining submitted this wares hat h «rf the changes involves some work, Celtner said, such as plat ement of new doors and partitions and elet trie al work After the tiids are received, the hoard w ill review the KMl Build mg Repair and Reserve Fund to determine if there are enough lands to make the i hanges Celtner said the changes necessary for the new KVAK office will be funded by that group, however Survey to examine students' sex lives The Student Enterprises Croup is conducting an extensive sur vey of the sexual behavior, knowledge and attitudes ol college stu dents and is requesting anonymous participation from students nationwide Am student group interested in distributing the questionnaires among its members can obtain t opies of the survey hv w riting to SKI Inc It) Main St., Dobbs Ferry N Y 10522-2111 or lax a re quest to («H) 1/H-t‘I.IH Any individual or group can request copies Si.! guarantees confidentially and names will not appear on any liimi flu results will lie sent to college newspapers before next summer OSPHU. H-.- j j i<■ „ , , * vx. ; * *■ at .* J m ;n KMt Sw;:.» h . { *4»> 41" h;.t it. r*i in rridi.. u \m i*nl 4>rd*r uf lifunt* * ►.' • • ■ >m: •- H ■ r,. ) Ph**M ii Ihrt4|it Iki u|i«(liifl4l Ittri4|ii ^ *’ * w *< •at* 1*1 *4* ‘in hit rr. 'W inlrrmaU tn ( « rt> (> u • f a *. tti j r. r M’ « «n*i K is* > (.*. i44. 4 ! ? Sal .'oual Slwdatl t n hil^r ■ * *’ J ■*• * f«> -v Iktirn ; < i iSJ-’KU. .n;vr * , ,vl by » .! i* KM; '■ .tiU. ! fr. ;ti h a fti Slutienl l«* I !n»lr«i Sation%.Mt»dt*l l S v f f *: t y ! I • ■ l 4 M • 4 Orr^otiun% fm t hi Imn Krlutiii * T ■ . !? .• t.v. : *i < -ii 14 1 '4 '4 I if " 'f»- •:!■;! Cflrt' . • f. Dm you < ui i- about the elderly ’ t >mw< h :m riKs S u ui m <■ r ( m ploy in e it I P I i) |( I 4 m oii thop W ,* ; , * V • «' " •' ( -l • 4«. 4 I. r j r»* .i.f • r. I n-t-< holmtevoi winnuii; v* i*> i 4*i 44 ,»> CBS still selling Olympic time NI.W YORK. (Al‘) Thu CBS Television Network confirmed Mnml.iv it is still seeking buy its for 1’ |>»*rt *tjt of tin' coni' mercial time in iis rtmmige of thr 1 {tli- Win (nr Olympic (bum s which start in about two months Hut l BS spokesman (ieorge Sc hwoitzur s.nci tho network was confident that it would find buyers tor all of tho time at "good pric mg " (.BS hits agreed to pity 'sJ-t.i million for the right to broad cast cm eruge of the games It plans lei provide' about 1 1 ti hours of programming from the games over In days starting Fub H in Albertville, Frame i'hr! Strrrt whit h reported on the unsold inventory m Monday s edr lions, s.nd !\ ad lime was all hu! -. lid (jut months in advarit e ot previous Olympic games and analysts expect (IBS will lose mone\ on the games Si hvvelt/ef deelined to cum ment on whether the network expects to make a profit on the games, hut said that ad sales an on si.hedult) " He lonieded. however, that the depressed state of the ei on oim and sluggish demand for .id time in sports programming has made it more difficult to sell tin- Olympic common nils Classifieds 346-4343