Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 03, 1991, Supplement, Page 12B, Image 24

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We Buy. Trade, or Consign
i Holiday Student
i Nail Specials
Solar Nalls
Sets Reg. $45
2 Sets
Now $45
Full Set $23.95 I
Fills.$16 j
Manicures $7 j
fS or wach fWta'ntf I
S>ood tfvoug*' •» **•’•»* i
?\fai(s (By Tarn \
■)fc ■' oppt OOj" / OOO I
' *i jr Confer |
Oregon West
For the Holidays...
open 6am-11pm
7 Days a week 485-1624
v _>
'( '
v j r
et*n n
Local tree cut for Las Vegas display
4 4
nd so this is
Christmas, and
what hava wa
dona9 Another yaar is ovar and
a naw on* just begun Whan
John Lannon asked this quas
tion, and others triad to maka
us think about tha meaning ot
tha holidays, things wera pratty
much tha way thay ara today
Tha baautilul daoorations.
lights and traditional traas sat
the mood tor tha special occa
son — families get together,
bg meals are cooked and pic
tures are taken
it s a time of year when ev
erytxKfy seems to think that ev
erything is right and happy and
peaceful Bu! there s always
two sides to every story
was siting home watching
the evening now' when this re
pon came up A 1Q6 loot tree
wa; to be cut from W noma
Niatonai Pars to tie • on! to as
Vi- ta W 1*0 0 * W i h! t •' PI'
■ " ii •.i I",’ Chi • • • .a ••<•••
" i- nation
’ I- fop jft ' on! is aid ‘ .
troo the o- Mhf from our *
• i- P is •• ’ ” •• A •: t W f *.i
", the tr ad it a a
*" i4 • Now • ' ► ■,
R t v41 i-r center
! was over 'a :«r than the
|! !hn vv to ,»j‘,ii A' o'O
our President i>Ke a lot ot us
l • ! ’ ,|S " S OW" P , I, lOOlrn !
‘'os’py Cut ''ee
| n- stmas tree; have long
t is a part o! no id ay cn •*! ra
tons yet one must eiamme
Vaditors who" 'hoy affect the
••nvironment as the cutting ot
trees does
Oregonians foot a sense of
pride knowing their tree w
proudly be adorned by people
i over the world, yet some
may wonder how this tradition
w affect the future o! our for
As . ersnon would . ke us to
th nk about our actons during
the year and the holiday sea
Ae should OUdli'it' how
the cutting ot Christmas trees
aitet ts dWihd; • g fore' Is
■ bhstrras trees play a argo
pad • the i.v,ng out ot ttoliday
traditions but some also tee!
that the usage of them m such
I a !, or y
.s' ’■ : trtss-1 .r*■ ‘ovoiy to
”ave in your home as Ihey (ill
" i- roon w " the ' Of If**' ’
p • eedtc ye! other alter"-,i
t.ves do exist - .iiiemalives
■ uld been ess fan i: :
to the fores!
Whether you chose to ceio
bfale th< f day with a tret
"Ol, this .s an mportaru ,ssue
so ihmk about because it direc!
ty concerns the economy and
!he future of Oregon,
Mui Bi ridscn
Sa\ e
hk ;i
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