❖ s o c a s o n s O root i n ii s ♦> GIFTS ( on tin ucd from Page HR life with muse They also sell a wide variety ol cotton and wool stockings trom $8 to $21 tf all the names on your holi day list still aren't matched with a git! idea, float your thoughts to wards gifts that tend to be more globally conscious Bifkenstocks also offers ben efit for AIDS socks for $19; ben of it the wood Wildlife fund socks with giraffes, elephants and pan das for $5 and Doc Riley s all natural, no-dye, 100 percent wool socks for $6 50 Greater Goods, 515 High St . otters one of the largest stocks of environment saving products according to owner Cary Thomp son They otter ecologically mar keted light bulbs for $1 95 and a range of energy saving bulbs from $9.95 to $25. Similar ideas are low flow shower heads, air filters and wa ter filters They also have solar battery chargers for $6 50 and musical, solar key chain lights for $5 95 Full spectrum lights, which may help eliminate the winter blues, are one ot Sundance Mer cantile's most popular items selling tor $8 95 Sundance 2470 Alder St . also otters natu rat resource savers, such as the water saver Kit tor $14 95 The kit includes faucet show.,*' and toilet fixtures Natural Wonders at the Va 'ey River Center, which recently ere ated an alliance with the non profit environmental organization Conservation Inter national stsis a variety ot nature and sc.once tun items T ry some ot these on for s *r> wmd-up sharks tor your bathtub at $2 50, shells starting at $t wooden snakes starting at $8 SO various rocks and minor a - ranging from $1 to more th r $200 mfSalable globes priced from $9 to $'5 and o lamps from $5 95 SO $52 Still struggling to choc* off •'lore names on your g ft >! } Here are some things most ov eryone can use for the postcard writer, the U S Post Office sells blank stamped cards for 19 cents Cur rently the postcards are featuring Ahii’n a the Beautiful, Carnegie Ha and The Yankee Clipper Buy i oupie a Stack or choose , i i*nt stamps instead You might even huv 10 him• hooks at i h e I n i \ e r s i t \ Bookstore, it t<>hil purchase of $ I, and tie them up with a l e n g t h o f embroidered rihhon f r o m M i n d v ’ ,v Needlepoint I'aetorv How about soap7 Uncommon Scents which manufactures its products in f'ugene and runs Outlets at the f ?th Street Market and Valley River Center '-ells soaps from 65 cents to $4 50 They also offer non-animat test ed body care products and re fills You might oven buy 10 blue books at the University Book store, a total purchase of $1. and tie them up with a length of em Oro Cored ribbon from Mindy1' Needlepoint f actory, ?96 f f ihn Ave You can tie the ribbon m your friend's or sweetheart s ha.r later on Continuing with low budget gift ideas you might try f Ihng i tin from Hiron's 1950 Franklm Blvd . with bulk nuts dried fruit•• Q tips or condoms which costs about $5 to $7 per package Or " other hand, you m gr' buy your fnend a gift cor1',, ,jjb to h.-, or her most favorite p i «> whether it be a restaurant or i store May your personal Gr ’ ’ now be banished1 Jut (jueltru H ih'c BUY 3 GET ONE FREE! Gift Certificates (ipifCi '! 3' '<1 J Give a fK>t winter's soak to famity and friends They'll love you for it! $14 per hour for two Good ary night of the week Open Noon Midnight, 7 days a week ©risen 1883 Garden Av« , Eugene (across Franklin BNd from U of O) 34 S 9048 Pass it on. (please) Help us begin a successful recycling program or, campus by pulling me Oregon Daily tmeraid back in iis original tack when you've finished reading it This will allow another person to read if and/or be easily picked up tor recycling A cut above the rest. CARE’N FOR HAIR Ml I 13th AVI (UGINI. OR 97401 (303)4RS-4433 091N 7 OATS Haircuts ONLY s1000 w/coupon Reg $13 00 and up ♦ Condition ♦ Shampoo ♦ Haircut ♦ Blowdry Good through Jan 6. 1992 X $L00 OFF ANY COMPACT DISC (NEW OR USED) or 500 OFF ANY CASSETTE TAPE OVER $5.00 E" d„ ffl s W/THIS AD pace iPJIltuuc < «>. 886 E.13th OK I |{ NO I VAI ID ON SAIT MKK( 'HANDISK 345-1010 » Create your own TULV COLOR] Cj T-SHIRTS AND CALENDARS from your PHOTOS ©ARTWORK HICH QUALITY IMACES • A PERFECT CI FT Shipping Available • Volume Discounts kinko's gk the copy center ^*87 Campus Location 860 iAST IITH AVI EUCENE, OR 97401 144-7894 10% OFF T-SHIRT or CALENDAR ORDER Idnkp'l the copy center Campus LocatKMi OFFER EXM On twftr fir firm fr mft «9 «M4ft Ar J44-7894 IS 12-11-91