Seas o n s G r c o t i n v s « Iiln&i 7 • • i i liti——i tirflH i ii—hi ’.jp- . - -■ The statue of Santa Maria del Puoblito. a representation of the Patron Saint of Ouoretaro, stands as a symbol of the Catholic faith TRADITION ( oiuinuctl trom Page 6B a candle on the Menorah (can dlestn k) lor the eight days ot Ha nukkah and exchange presents each night. Greenfield said You don t have to give pre sents. she said ‘1 think it is a result of commercialism More large scale presents (for kids) is the recent thing In the past it was much more ot a religious holiday It there were gifts, they were usually small We usually eat traditional food during Hanukkeh like potato itkas We eat them until you can t eat any more Hanukkah ts the celebration ot the rededication of the Jerusa lem Temple that was taken ovor by the Syrians It is called tho festival of Lights because the oil in the Temple burned rmracu lously tor eight days instead ot one South of the border, the Mexi cans celebrate Christmas as do many Catholics around the world, but they add a new twist to the dea of Santa Claus In University student Manuel Ibarras house. Christmas is a time for the family to get together and eat and drink We go lo Mass at 12 am and after Mass the whole family stays up late eating and drinking until early in the mornmg We don't usually exchange presents on Christmas, but on Jan 6, the three kings bring pre sents for the kids. Ibarra ex plained Those three kings are the equivalent ol Santa Claus, and they, like Santa bring pre sents to the good boys and girls LCC student Maria Uquillas tells about Christmas at her home m Quito, Equador We usually buy a Christmas tree each year and decorate it and put a nativity '.cene under it, she said M rking nativity scenes is a contest in Quito About 40 years ago. people would fill an entire room m their house with the scene Peoplo try to build a nativity scene that resembles Quito and its mountains, valleys and rivers The figures are made out of cm ramie and are sold in many stores The result is like a mix ture of Israel and Quito Uquillas explained Nine days before Christmas, nine families get together each night to pray and enjoy each oth «r s company On the 24th, my family likes to D«i atone and wo pray toguth or and put the baby Jesus in the manger in the nativity scene to sign ty the night he was born,' she said Presents are exchanged that night when the children receive their gifts Jesus is the one who we were told gave us our pre sents when wo were little, Uqillas explained Similar to Santa Claus, then, Jesus gave the parents the money to buy presents for their children Santa Claus is just in the do partment stores in Quito, she said It is not very popular with the people, but it is growing w th commercialism The holiday season in Japan for Kyoko Kaneko ICC student, is mostly centered around her country s New Year At my house, my mother usually buys a Christmas cake to celebrate the holiday, Kaneko said We have a special dinner and just enjoy Christmas day We usually don't have school oft and people have to work on tf ■ day I ir-iti IK \l)l I lu\ lv it Mufiique Gourmet Cfltoftng lo the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC A OPERA ON COMPACT DISC A CASSETTE rn •, f rom s I TAPES FROM >2 96 ] In the Fifthpearl Building ■ ■ 343-9000 EUGENE MAIL CENTER I'UC A J'Ti Si'»t WOKE ,5C3; 1W-58S9 ^ FAX 5C3 «5-AS2S SPECIAL HOLIDAY SEASON HOURS Mon Fri. Dec. 2 thru Dec. 24. 8am 6pm Sat.. Dec. 7. 14 & 21. 10am 3pm Sun., Dec. 23. 10am 2pm Beginning Dec. 26 Regular hours, 8 30am 5:30pm COMPARE OUR PRICES! A BEST SEEECnON i Ol Cl-OTHES IN TOWN! . X.t>«* ;PI ' . Nils • ■' . Marmot ami mu' ll mom 71 demo PROGRAM IYv b^°rc buV you il^nu»s . t>,v • Man •(,lim . VolWl • Solcii'ix' /7-W SKI { ACKA(;j<; P>k i s liindj!Ws Pair: 189 ULLR SKI AM) SIHJK'I'S SHOP 7th \ Chamiiers •