MOTHER KALI'S BOOKSTORE j (ilftmiluuj Wun urn's lilts In All Our I Hi* rsitus ; B S () K O () K B S 1 ! j CARDS POSTERS MUSIC Girrncm'iFK'ATES 10 6 Mon thru Thurs and Sat. 10 8 Fri | OPKN SUNDAYS 12 Sum IN DFX’KMliKR i Free Parking 2001 Franklin 2 Blocks East of Agate ( 343-4864 i _t V v-TORICON-HOHMI ■ THF FINFST A ‘tnRUr.H ^ 1 AA ^ THE FINEST A •WRUSH AVAIL ABLE rg ' . M 'V >«n • n<1 n r»« '$*• e*U« $199.99 20%0FF PAASCHE AIRBRUSHES & ACCESSORIES 20°o0FF IWATA 50% OFF01YMP0S A A ACCt&SOHSfrS • ?KJ CC M Ain PAINT 5 Ain HR r .Hf S SAVE BIG! SAVE $59.00 -$115.00!! ON PAASCHr AIRBRUSH and COMPRESSOR COMBOS SAW tIVJ'tt' 'O VOC* Oh KAMJ I OPEN WEEKENDS! I n»UtUM« t JOM JO SuMdty m OPEN EVENINGS! A famous shopper se/. ' 7 ,i>et my tov.s from .' Exclusively Adult Because it doesn’t have j to be dirts to be gixxl. Holiday gifts for the discerning adult * (iu'clini; ( .ink * \o\ cities j * \ lilcu # (ijllKs S,iUinl.i\ 24 hours Suiulav : O r \t !t., III 1124 Main Sprmufichl 726 7|(M ,\ sons re c t in jjs This year try a ‘green’ Christinas ttux Earth-wise gifts for friends I Is nearly December Final'.. .rid the holidays lurk on next page of your monthly wail calendar like the Gr inch in his lair Thoughts of grades, fr nances and what to give your friends tra you unnervmgfy Don't panic t ot >doas of trendy globally i ensoous arid u! tartan gifts * . yo.;r mind They may not help grades or earn you extra r«' >•> but they mght lead you to holiday shopping am w(<"> Try this french press pots " c»rw so >• w as coffee mak r g : .ps t ha' tent r eod m essy ' de-s f a- ! .1 r ng popularity the Cup- are pr i ed from $10 !0 $,'S at A r Brothers Coffee HK Lm tod m trio Vaoy River 1 e' ter be as'- w ■ e g!;tv • and w d!;te 1 sf rt- both favor,tes the, year P-iitn range from $? to to $10 per glass and from $18 to $;’f) per T s’-, g The sate i,r ear h style of T s'- -t even ben e* ■ a different cause k i-e tow ark ow"i-’ of the Book Mart . • t . point .• t _■ .-m.v- x r.i «<•; tor a A . e e-afffld Ctj;tUfv for $ V -.*> a- 1 /Vje-./.-ng the C 1 / a ,} Oltu-r CarfiV" fii five By for $8 After a t.HK)■ - a’li I way- pc,-,, a' Womens - books are > so strong • .• e’s - the tost 1 -■ jntfv or ft ere ’ is bee' a w’ e ew wave of we 'o Photo by John Stoop* lootwiso tjirkenstocks. 296 l Filth 4v*> , features singing reindeer socks /usl press the little reindeer and the socks conic to hie vsith music t’Od book' ■ id McCom.r p'opt . • 1 of '.t" i Mofi ir■' i* ?4 ' A Spocif.c leas nciudti Rem * anting Eve. by Kirn Chernon, $ ’ 95 all A i e Walker book'. ■ i'H! collections of womt" ! w ' wisdom and quofaiions, such as A--.1 Thun She Sari, comp-led by J D Zahmser Or how about singing rein deer socks t o f $ 1 5 from •w ■■(> Birkenstoi- I'96 r. ; iftr, Ave By just pressing the iittie reindeer, the socks come to I urn u> < HR S I'.iy.o 1 1 H e deliver faster than Santa Claus. / < l iis tin tin \hcpi’im; for \t >u \\c send flowers all o\ei the world ‘Event's flowtr Horn mi: iMM-Ksm florist 610 K. 13th at Patterson 485-3655 i»n»«i*aikmK i RIGHT ON TARGET! < all tN- Or«v -n Dai!, f | Aif»*a»i;,i'nj Dot .irtfienl .1! 346-3712 1 V V V Season’s Greetings Have A Safe & Happy Holiday, from all of us at... Ore von Daily o