♦> a s on s V SANTA l ontmucd I rum Page -i H what Christmas means to them Ch- stmas a magical moment tor kids and though Santa is the mystical Christmas person he dow to earth and real to them because he know them, cares tor them, listens to. them ,md more importantly, understands them md the r needs 'I love what I do I love talking wfn chd dren. making them happy, seeing them smile and their laces light up I wouldn ! trade this for anything in the world, he added But it s no! easy to taik with someone 1 you can't relate or reach out to them o<; •• cially when Santa's Ians are not only children but teenagers, adults and even the elderly We were ail kids once and no •» ever quite loses thee feel for Santa and what ■ meant to them .when they' we're' < r id’e reach out to both ft e young an. (ace .md his clothes to givo hot i uir' l.f v son of who Santa re a y is and to >" k/ a that he is there lor he Doing what I do. I got to know a kinds of people through the generations arid what in life is important to them, and I relate to tf om through that knowledge, he said wouk!' ' talk about the same things to a teen ager and someone in their forties, for example and people appreciate it when someone ar'der stands them Now that he's at the —a everyday, f sands of kids, teen agers and parents wait n line to chat with Santa and, inevitably he jots many requests for gifts With tons of presents to con •* w !’ Fndo tTf Jeftn Sloop* Santa Claus discusses lite at the North Pole with a local youngster );:• ! want to hmmi any :00'n> pfOO • to !t •• k■ r it*! t' orr (jOA“ ■ o . , .1 to !' *•" '' t! do tho best 1 can to got what they war' .t'c! :! thavjs don ! work out. would they settle ■ ■ r !th»f ;j *• tie ka.d 'Jt.ua y " oy ippro . at.' t Wt i'f- ‘ f yOi. Art to ' > I ' I r t.rno i p« tolt; A ■! ’ h;,'r yo, l i i .Itch t, 'll du.'H ij II l (UKJI it V 11 .-y River Cf tnr .in.l fiatuA.iy M i ; W' cn h«i n.c. to ' «.»d twnm to ■ i*•! •to ty tor '■ OKJ f. ijht Uiru; h’l’ilrn'Jit'\ Buy 2 Used Records or Tapes and Get One FREE t^^Yail Happy Trails lOr*- l oupor IVr C lutomrr or $1.50 OR any Compact Disc ivr ix.>» "(Free um\! rivorii or tape of equal or lessor value) We pay cash for used Records, Tapes & CDs 361 E. 13th • 485-5351 • Expires 12/31/91 WARM and COZY A IJNIlilJK HOLIDAY (HIT Toilet Seat Covers w/ Matching Lid Cover decorative ivory wnne Washable Soft Acrylic Imported From Japan Fits Standard Toilet Seat Free Shipping $17 Per Set, 2 Sets or More Save 10% Send Check /' or Money Order ''Warmest Seat In The House” San Joa<|uin Valiev Trading Company P C). Box 17136 Fresno, Cal. 93744 __ unique CHRISTMAS CUT ID! AS Now $97 ri'g. $139 We h.tve more Hum josl baskets tor C hristmas! At the Basket Market, you will find y;ifts for... Family Friends :i= Secret Santas :!: Stocking Stuffers :|: Craft supplies &. ideas .......and much more! ★ All Posters 257, off ★ All Bookshelves 207, off 0 0' 000000 0 0 0' 00' 0 0 0 BASKET MARKET mmmm • >ri \ * • i - **k"' " _ 4. CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS UNDER *20 ^Turtle Necks $995 omfHjrt >i( '4 FDown l Booties I $ 19 95 ( (impart at Si I V Wool i Sweaters 1 30-60‘v Factory Direct I Savings Everyday! | C ire at Outdoor Clothing r Company I98W BROADWAY 1 ■ .■ _Wlh'iH You can buy STAMPS at the UO Bookstore!