TIGHT S In WO* gut* not through »om*n ■ guMn ilia '.•Qptojr ^TOOf INSIDE FOOTWISE The Birkenstock Store 5th Street Public Market Eugene • 342-6107 HOW'S YOUR RECORDS? HOUSE YOUR RECORDS mm BUY SELL TRADE RECORDS TAPES CDS OPEN 7 DA VS A WEEK "!58 E. 13th tUGENE 342-7975 ( > I < >- I \ -4 \ rectin EJl c a s o n s ante Claus takes gilt wishes from Ashley Gonzales age 6 and Came t vans itge 9, both ot Eugene I tofu by John t> io.jp* Real-world Santa Claus rides into town So you thought Sanla s pb was all ho ho fun he gets Ian mail from kids all over the world and. come Christ mas, dons his red and white suit, hops on his sleigh and bree/es round the world deiiv onng presents to the children Think again Santa said what he does is pst as demanding as any pb and he is as committed and a-., hanl a ivofKiif as you md However his job is probably .» hundred ! •• 'y Santa has never •opped iov