Oregon Daily TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3.1991 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93, ISSUE 67 Brand broke state laws, report says Ai') ! :;:\ i"! sitv I’ri-Miii-nt VU 1’ Brand probably broke state law whet, t r offeree! free trips In the luH't iiui«•)>• n deli- ' Bow '.Ill Wives ol tllr ttlllV o'I's. of Kugene and Springfield, an llii'nm twivemnent t il hies (lommtsston re purl sav Tin- report I)\ investigator lint I'. s.iS' thete is ,ut administrative interrs! hot ween the l 'nivVrsitv , inti flit two it! ins Si.ill- lavs prohibits .I person with .1 1 ogis 1 a11Vit nr economic interest lit a public offii tal s , the first in \ Vears, ceasing all attac ks cm the hi Salvadoran military in sup port of 1 N -sponsored negoti ations in New York 1'he FMI.N. the burabundo Marti National Liberation Front, is a coalition of five re bel groups fighting the Salvado ran government Fighting lias continued, but in defense only on the 1 Ml N side Sihrian said The group hoped for reciprocity from the government armed lories. she ■■■iiii but tli.it 11,isn't been the ( use 1 hi- S.ilviidonm military has instead taken advantage lit the truce to take [iri-viouslv l-MI.N occupied territories. Sibrian said However, she remains staunch in tn-r support ot lie trui e Wi- .ire committed to mam taming tin- truce. she satil We won't tire.it it tint as a last resort YVe believe the Salv.tiio ran people want peat e One fundamental issue in continuing negotiations is the l-'MLN's proposeti restructuring of LI Salvador's military, name ly bv reduction, she said i he l-'MI.N also strongly sup ports punishing members of military death squads responsi ble for killing civilians The I-Ml.S' proposed elimi nating the army a year ago, Sibrian said, but the United Na turns thought this impossible Both the United Nations and the ' ruled States support mili tary restructuring, however ;:id Sibrian doesn't rule out the possibility of abolishing the Gladis Sibrlan army sometime in the future The military fears peai e lie cause war is the wav it has I>e some polite ally powerful, she sail! The milltars is lighting to keep fighting. Sihrian said w hit h has si. ini d d> :i riegoti a t ions i ons i derail;.1 nd 11 keeps hue klrai k : rig igree merits hvell wfien agreements are re i her! ■;egntinters (ten .!■ 1 not li.ivr the .il [lower !o implement ihrm. Sihriirn sun) She i Hed huiiuin rights agree I lie Ml -• > i! ' id \ ! 'i'll) 111,11 ! lie gov eminent h.is vet to honor I on mg the 1,1 S.iIv.idor.m government's hand is the role the I mled Slates and other ( outlines must [lliiv. ' he said The I S (.impress [Missed legislation to suspend half id !' S military aid to l.l Salvador to encourage negotiations last Vat, hut Sihrian said this isn't enough When asked what ;t would take lor the l ulled States to fori e ai tion on negoliation agreements. Sihrian said it should threaten to i ut .ill aid unless negotiations are re surned and unresolved issues are addressed I tesplte l.l! k o! [in igress 111 negotiations, Sihrian remains i om mi t led ! o peane I n her Whv i on; i run ' 'Wi must, she said People an il ■, mg the : ernlrv : destroyed \\ ■ ion i want H) lie a e . ear s -