Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 02, 1991, Page 8, Image 8

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Ducks fall short in exhibition play
By Don Peters
• I rr a J A'. V. a’«- • 5 ’ *
Afl**r I^I week's mauling in
Montariii the Oregon men's
basketball team returned Satur
ci.1 \ night In the frirmlIler r nn
fines nf Mi Arthur ( ourt hoping
for a ( h.ingp
Oregon got K, even though
thr Ducks suffered an exhibi
lion loss to Athletes m Action.
{•rigid shooting, turnovers
.mil defensive laps* s plagued
the* i )uc ks !h«- last tinn 11s* \
took th*( court Saturdav Ore*
gon had no problems shooting,
though t h«• other vs <» - » re
() fieri si v r j v. we pinved a lot
belter, Oregon c oai h I )on
Munson said \\'« exec .tiled
he Iter, hut we had no f onslsten
l V "
Against the nuir h more *\p*
i ■.«■!,! • il Al A !' .ill; lhr Duc ks
h i! behind eurl\ and iitvet
( .High! Up . !• i : W is!:: I Igtt :
star Lorc’ii/o Komar c .min’d a
three pointer to put \ IA up
. '* .Hid ( >t» ;s a . • *u ;d ; I i
tlosu; than thn < points after
K oMiai vs h o p la \ ffl fmi r
\ rai •. Hi ! tu %H \ vs itii l a tide o
Mat*' and V : vs . * * i ''j ,i!!
sc ore i s with ’ I ■ i mrr Ilc thol
College standout Dali*
l urncpiisl added 2J.. and Kevin
Smith, who starred at ( alifor
ma. < hipped in 14
111rdv Lvden was high man
lor the Dm ks pour mg m J t
points on ' i«! n sin>otmg \n
d r r (.oilier scored 11> and
(j ishecl off fiv e assists, while
( lyde Jordan and ( hue k Patter
son i at h brushed with 14
( oiler drew the defeiisiv r IS
signnu*nt against Komar a
tough joh for the junior transfer
from iVAn/a < College
It vs as a good ex per am e tor
Amin Mohson said Me did
a c redihle joh against Komar
j'hr i hi •• ks p !.» Wt! Writ, f . J
I Uiilil fir v rr pr i A ! A witjnn
rr.it h i hr hr st half lot• k r. 1
mui h i»kr Montana
.s ith t )rrpon grUin^ pour shu!
‘.rlui turn 1 ; turnovers mui m i
» r.ii (.ills lor illrgnl m rrms
VS r v r ► t -1 you I)#, mrxpi-r •
• ■mn! koIs Morison said
Thr\ ills! havin'! plnvini
ap.nnsl this Ivpr ol Irani hr
A ! A ‘ r \ p r M r n i «‘ ShOW « • i
1 hr l)mks mm!r \rvrral runs
m tin hrst half. ( losing to » .'J
,i ! rij.ill (irr UlfuVS Ihlt Of
r-j'i'" v'.is Ittfyji'd u ilh three
c i)iim-i uliv e hulls and A!A
Will! U}
U 1 piin Iii III ( a)l
■ aid \\ i lun si; i j,:.iv
■Id minuter, .1 11.1 - n i: - ' lunelh
< r !! ivr play in j .,rls \h
i an I w in
AIA Iml -)’i 1! al the hull on
Komar's 71' (oilier a ill, lliree
Mioliiis left AIA la i out lull
in (he somill hull ami led In as
many as 17 before Oregon ^ol
tile inside name nollly;
Turn !■ AIA, Pnqo 1 ?
Women win big on road
By Victor Chi
I "’I'jM C- •• t
IA ANS I ON 111 North
western had shaved Ore
Him > 15 point sec ond-half
lead lo three Thu- c rowd of
i' i t at \\ elsh K van Arena
screamed approval, sensing
the Ducks were about to
Instead, the Oregon worn
■ it s basketball team re
sponded to the challenge
I lie team c ranked the lead
hue k la and held on for a
7‘Mi9 y ic lory over the ! fith
ranked Wilcii ats Sunday af
()rc gon. w huh won i ts
opener .it North Dakota,
tec n I l rid.iy . completes lh>
mad trip tonight with a r> 10
game at lk-l’iitil
After leading ft 7 !J. the
Dim ks look* I as it they were
going to give tile game aw.iv
when Northwestern, .t 1
hat!; i-d to w 11 Inn (> 1 AM
In the t>ac k of your head
y ou i an leel the momentum
ha eg i tig w ith the crow d
getting into it,' said Ore
goo’s Dehhie Spoil ah, yvlll)
p - i-d a game h i gh 1
points and 1 J rebounds
hut you don't want to let a
It a i ,:k< that slip aw a y es
pec ialiy on the road ' she
II tile- Due k-- had died, no
hudy would ha v e hlamed
I h e III I hey h a d t) e e 11
go uinded in I-argo N I) . hr
ia use o! heavy snow and
w en oh!iged to stay over an
extra day
They flew out ol North
Dakota at 1 am CST Sun
day arrived at their Kvans
ton hole I at 1 ! a rn and at 2
pm played Northwestern, a
lentil that w as i oilimg of I a
smashing road win it fourth
ranked Auburn
! was trying in lose lx;
.lii-.r mew the tram might
want to prepare lur games
the same yvay." Dm k t roach
i.lwin Heinv joked
H-.il losing is as not on t he
itinerary Sunday After the
\V i bit als cut llii‘ lead lo
three. Missy Stoyvell. who
fi n i shed yv 11 h 2 pinn Is.
i armed two of her six three
poi n ters . and S pore i e h
shook fret- inside Iwn lor
Ihrce lay-ups to sipiolch the
( omebiii k hid
\W had I hem on the
ropes," Northyvesiern roach
Don Perelli said Hut you
hitvi to give them credit
They did yvhat they wore
supposed lo do They out
hustled us, too 1 don’t think
we ivere mentally into the
game "
Whu h does not speak too
highly of the Wildcats’ in
tensity They yv ere n’t the
ones yy ho flew out ol North
Dakota .it 1 a in They were
tile ones who should have
bei n tired up about their
home opener
I thought they yv e re
slow. said Sporcich. who
also donated live assists and
three steals to the cause "I
w.is surprised 1 though yve i|
Im- slow bncause ol the trav
el lh(tn I S.IU they were
si.iw Alter that 1 thought yve
should blow them ayy ay
S t o w e 11 e a m e off the
heui h to hit t> ol ‘l shots
tr. an three point land
l ye been shooting well
in pnn.lire, and today it pist
lame together lor me in tin:
game Stowell said
Oregon point guard Va
liessa Selden made lire
Nortbw eslern guards look
silly stealing tile ball hoin
them six times
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