Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 02, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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“29 years of Quality Service”
Mercedes • BMW • v'u «••••. igoo
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342-2912 2025 Franklin B.vd Eugene, Oregon 97403
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The (>i I).til\ Kmi-rahi i' non takinp applic.it urns
fm a |n>s11mu an our di pla\ a k • i 11'.uij; sales slafl
Applicant s should has. < a minimum of d hours per das
to spend selling retail di pla\ space to an established
client list I I.e position ii i|Uin u . ot a eat and the
applicant must he a full time I ot i ) 'Indent Previous
sales e\pei lent e and sophotmn < or juiiioi standing is a
Please appls todav tor this po-ition h\ picking up an
applirat ion at suite dill) KM l I he closing date is
l uesdas, I)ec III at 5 p m
0 t/>,«/v Emerald
1 /* (/>jW* / Jim Mil t\ jii i inf timer
The following ini tdents were
reported to thlt Offue of Public
S’.i!i-tv. from Nov h ,:n
• A in.i if ! IllVers it V student
.iiiii .imittirr man witv arrested
. ‘i mi i barges of first Hr
etheft fur .1 book valued (it
S! ,000 (.brie said !hi’ IkiuK a
i lil.uii titled A It ulmhi s
1 /:o/r v Hums, w .is stolon some
’ \r.rr from the Knight
l riil .if V I’olli i Siilll tin flunk
was r«• i ■ -rills solii lor SOSO
( line said poll! i' arrested tilr
:■.. n after learning of flu- sale
• i firri 'uli'ii rifli's wen- re
■ Arrr.i on Nos ft from 750 1.
: 4!tv \ve apartment 10A, at
< Hiding lo police rvjHirts Afl>'r
poliri' received inform.ition
ihilt llir rifles wori! ill tile .id
.tress. offh ers arrived .it tile
apartment An o< < up.ml r on
sented to a se.iri h f ile three
h|gl: : dill, r rifles found vs ere
to let; iii .1 Springfield burglary,
mi Mike ( line of the Kugene
pul. e department
• A burglon ■■■ ' . rli 1 in
Nov 'I n the 'too him k ol 10th
Avenue Knlrv ot itirred though
i hed r.« an window a! the h.u k
nt the building Ihe stolen
it. his value was estimated at
S 1 .01)0 I’olii e hav e no sus
pel ts
• \ ; :•:,(!) p layer Old SO
UK were stolon from a car alter
ji■. win I. .vs wen broken fie
!vs eeli Nov 10 a! aUiut 1 1 p m
and '. \ 1 1 at alii art 0 a rti lie
; ar w a*, parked on the loot)
hi ; k :1 ’ K in: aid Street i.st
maled value ol the stolen items
v : IH 111 have no sus
pis ts
• ludont was
i:ed with assault Nov 11
.:I t pm m if; I M! a
lording lo jHiIhe reports The
student allegedly '•Iruik anoth
■■■• s11;i!f-.Ii! Wi!H u hurTt she had
■ arguing. will) .1 rolled up
i i ass m lii lull’. a< iordmg In the
• A tudent was i
ge ! i >, assaulted Nov 9 < J t M s ■ I!
11'. 4 s' pm in .in alley between
lth and !2th avenues iind I’m
'T‘ n .uni Mil I yard streets A<
> ordmg to pnlu (• reports. .i m.m
.inii ins girlfriend both I ’nivct
• ilt students win: walking
•»\ • situ mmi in the alley when
t hi y were .ippro.ii hi'il by three
nien fine >! the men. descril>ed
as ,i (> foot• 1 inch while male,
du i.t 1 Hit pounds, began in
ling the female student. ,u
i ud mg to polu e reports She
■dapped the man m the far e
The suspei t turned, threatened
to kill the male student, then
struck him in the fare The
male student fell Ixu kvvard. an
other man jumped on lop id
hurt and the\ struggled on the
ground The female student
ku ki d the lirst suspei t in the
groin, according. In police re
ports I lie suspei is tlien left
1 tie mil I e si ud ell I rec e 1 veil
three stitches m Ins lower lip.
he also had a Mat k eye accord
ing to police reports
• he Delta Delta Delta sorority
reported four men attempting
!■ dimh through a window of
tin so.o.nty house Nov 15 A
suioritv resident said the four
men appeared to he between
the ages of 1H and ! They
damaged a doyvn sp. it yvhfle
trying to enter the house There
are no suspei !s
• A U U..O' my ersi! y graduate
' .dell! ami Wrstrii aria: id Sill
di nt Housing resident reported
•m attempted publir indet encv
d!! \ov lft ! hr vii tim report
riiiv walked lh.ii I.tuncironi.il
,ii mss the street from tier apart
merit where a man approat tied
her ami asked fur the lot at inn
of art ipartment
Ai rirding to it polin' report,
the man began rubbing his
groin and when the v 1; tint tried
to explain she spoke little ling
lisli, lie an/ipped his punts
I'lie s h 1 im reported I v ra n
at tos*. the street to her apart
men! and observed the suspet I
running southbound on the
sidewalk from the laundromat
to Kith Was and then disap
pearing around the apartment
t (iinpiev The victim said she
didn't believe the man was in
toxic ated or armed There are
no suspects
• A mail' I tin ersily student re
ported a robbery on \uv ill)
The victim said lie was walking
east on With -Avenue when lie
saw a while car turn into a
Domino s Pi//u parking lot
I w o men i eporled I y tip -
pruat in'ti him from the rear a
few minutes later and one ol
the suspects hit him
Ttie victim said lie tried to
move near the street to call for
help but was pulled back out ol
the road h\ tile two men \t
cording to a police report, one
ol tin suspet is threatened him
and demanded monev
One o! the suspet Is reported
iy reached toward Ins waist
band -is if to draw a gun hut the
victim saw no weapons The
men departed west on tilth
\venue after robbing tile victim
of his w allet, whit h int lutied
credit cards and t ash totaling
abnut Vl There are no sus
Cont nued from Page 5
trm,irk.ihlr tiling I am delighted (ha! mv knl*» arc
able In rxprrirnc r it
S< ti.tlju said her daughter. jenny. learned frai
turns ill one il.iv bs making cookies \i! ()f the
residents in the lomrnunitv help lr.n ti tin- i lnl
,iim One member. fur example, in a nuclear
physicist win (an answer am phssi ■ jurstions
thal the i hildren mas base ami >Sin-r is an ail
i n! sn tui Irai lies Itii1 i 11l!i!irn origaml
A Her lisl rn mg In Lost \ a Mrs s jirrsrnia! r. m. i)i
alir Albino an environmental sUulies ma|or, said
silt- ssas impressed (nil concerned all.nil l hr t In I -
ilrru's development as thus grl oliirr
ll m'i’iiis reasonable " sin- said *>!s mils um
i rrn is that thi s II svanl In inln.ul ssilii others
i hrs 'll svanl a Jii-i*l group
Si haljo. however. said tin* children an- Inn In
i house whether nr nut they ssant In he taught al
Tr.u s Doherty, a sociology major, agreed thal
i! s .1 good idea in liurn Irum a v.mrii ol <JtUtrtcut
people who are i:om:nrm'il, but she s.iui she
doesn't nei essarily agree with ( ommuiiul living
i have a problem with commune living be
i .mse I find il to be class exclusionary. she xalii,
adding that she feels that many ((immunities
have mainly white, middle ( lass memtiers
besides listening to speakers and lectures, stu
dents in The Community class also partii ipute in
group props ts In which each individual is re
sponsible tor creating a particular portion ol an
ideal community l.ach member ol the group re
• fives the same letter grade lor the props l
Ingalsitee said lie Udieves that tile grading sys
tem gives students an idea ol vvliat it is like to be
a par t of a community
I bis is an exon ise in life, he said Surv ival
is a collet live reality, and I'm try ing to give them
a taste ol communilanamstn
The Community will be offered during winter
and spring terms and will again lie held at the
same time and loiation Ingalsbee encourages the
public to attend
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