COMMUNITY New class gives students community education By Tiffany Woods i me'a ,1 ' Dubbeii a 'sm i.i 1 sureiv.iI class." the University's new course, The ('.oniinuntU oilers students .1 ( ham e to explore community government, eco notntr s and sor nil inter,k tion 1','yerv Tuesday evening ,i group, of about I'll students gathers to bear speakers tllst uss their experiences with stu b topics ,is home birthing and at tivism The three-credit course is taught hv graduate student Tun Ingalsbee Ingalsbee said The Uommunitv is "a social sur\Tv ul.class exploring how we can survive in a socially harmoni ous ecologii alb, sustainable and petsonal planetary respon sih|e manner ” Ingalsbee said lie always wanted to take a course like I be ( aimmunitv during his i a years ,it the l niv ersttS, but the si bool never offered one The class invites speakers because they give examples of the com munity that the students are study mg. be said I he guests otter flush-and hfood liv ing examples that vail date some of die abstrar t infor mation that we get from lei lures." lie said They are the most powerful because they speak from their hearts (conifer (look, a general sec cine major said the speakers are eye-opening It does hit home, she said "It’s riot college educated it s people out there from tin world ft makes you question your own lifestyle and your ‘(The Community is) a social survival class exploring how we can survive in a socially harmonious, ecologically sustainable personal and planetary responsible manner !irri :n(j, ! <>«*n sot :.i11/.»11. !ii otic ( lass, 10 adults trom ; i>sl \ ,i-l ic \ Mat 4!;i iii.i i i ciilci, ,i nun jif.ilit ciim . mn III II 111 ! \ I 111 4 1 cd i n I )c x I c.i spoke ilbllUt llOIIJC cilui ation l lic I filler tin uses mi cilui at mg people aboilI sustainable 414m ulturc. in.iilc envi ronments. and personal and growth It also sjiei i.d izes m teat fling the children 111 the i (immunity at home S jif.i kc r 1.1 isc Si ha I) (1 a member of the i enter, told the ( lass she preferred to have her children taught a! home be ; ail-.- die d ain't w ant them In be in an environment in wInch they had to learn a spei llii sub ject at a given time U hen tile 1 hildren and 1 are m svnchroiiitTity, there is .1 tan gible feeling in the air. Scdlaljo said V\ e are (Olint i ted it is a Turn to COMMUNITY Pacpi b COMMUNITY BRIEFS BLM to allow public tree cutting on 2 sites People who < ant find the right Christmas tree from dm lo cal parking lot vendor, can hunt down and ( hop their own tree tills year at one of two government sites The Bureau of hand Management will allow puhlu tree ( uttlng on two of its sites the first two weeks in l)e< euilxir Permits for i utting. whit h tart only tie obtained .it the tree cutting sites from (l am to I pm each day cost St a tree Hot ti family or group is limited to cutting three trees Maps to the tree ( utting 1cm ations can he pu ked up at tin' Kugene BhM office at 2H'K) Chad Drive from H a in to t p in daily Christmas tour to feature historic home This holiday season Eugene area residents i an attend the Victorian Christmas Tour," a tour of a historic house built by a relative of Abraham Lincoln The Douglas House, built in I non hv Lincoln's cousin. Samuel Douglas, will be open Dei 14 for puhlii viewing from 10 a m to -I p m The tour will feature elegant Christ mas decorations refreshments a country store and drawings for prizes Tii kets are $5 ai the door and proceeds go to the Spring field Museum's permanent exhibit fund The house, located at 1H>1 South 12nd St in Springfield. is an example of turn-of-the-i enturv ari hitei turn and has a thud floor ballroom Before the house was moved to its present lex ation It was on a dairy iarm owned by Douglas Basketball fans get LTD shuttle service Dec. 5 Lane I ransit District s park-ami ride shuttle bus service !or i diversity men's basketball fans will begin with the Dec r> Fresno St.tie game The L ID shuttle service will continue through the remain dor of the 1491-92 basketball season The shuttle bus fare is 75 cents eai h way for adults and 1T> cents for children 11 and under People can catch the shuttles from South Eugene High School at 19th Avenue and Patterson Street every 1r. min utes beginning 5H minutes before tip-off The shuttle w ill leave the River Road Transit Station every 20 minutes, beginning an hour and 15 minutes before tip-off The Springfield Transit Station will pick up fans every 25 minutes, beginning an hour and 10 minutes before tip-off. 1W1 I-Ml' Craft Center cV: Cultural I'oruni WINTER CRAFT FAIR * ! AN I AS I K' IIANDMADi Gil I S * * HOT SPICED CIDER Hj I 1VE MUSIC * I NI l Kir lloom Dn'rinlirr I «\ ,> \\ rk In Inn mu it t\ peset at I. etter (Vr te< t (irapIlK s. Suite ft HI I \U f4f)-4 ffi 1 Mon-Fri