UNIVERSITY Housing lawsuit still pending By Colleen Pohlig EfTWWtlkl R**( * V’iH Student Ann Piazza and her domestic partner are still wait ing. six months after filing a lawsuit against the State Board of Higher Kdueation for deny mg them fnmllv housing on the basis of their sexual orient.i tion 1’ in// a a n d 1’ a m e I a Harbeintner filed the Lays suit lute last spring after their claim with the University's Office of Affirmatixe Action and Kqual Opportunity was denied in lulv 1 *190 The claim was denied he cause University family lions mg requires that couples tie le gally married or have custody of minor i hildren Housing aii epts married i mi pies, married couples with < h i I - dren and single parents with children Although the couple offered proof that they were joined in a i eremonv ol holy union by a minister of the Unitarian Church ol lingerie and Lane County four years ago, neither family housing, nor the state, recognize this as a legal mar riage Piazza said she believes it is unfair that she and her partner are denied housing on the basis id their sexual orientation "It's unfair that we have to pay a fortune for rent when straight couples are barely pay ing anything in family bous ing." Piazza said We've al ways thought of ourselves as regular people, and we think it is our natural right to have uc i ess to family housing We are just as domestic as everyone else A fairly ret ent change in housing policy allows single parents to have another adult living with them without re porting their relationship to housing 1 his is the closest a gay or lesbian i ouple can come to liv ing in family housing f *• O Pamela Harbemlner and Ann Piazza are suing the Stale Hoard ol Higher Education lor denying them lamily housing on the basis ol their sexual orientation lire a .use neither I’m//.i nor her purlner have ( hiidren. The i ouple, is suing lor disc rimin.1 t'lori bee alise Ihcv do not have c hJIdren A heterosexual mu (ilc without children may live in family housing, but .1 gav or lesbian couple without chil dren Is denied housing Another facet to this issue Is llie amount of current available space; in bousing I’ie/zu said tier hopes raised when site saw a rt-c «-nl ad for available space In family bousing I’ltl/.za said siie believed bousing would let her and her partner in if they needed to fill spaces, but the answer was no onc:tt again Housing allows, on certain occasions, couples who are en gaged to lie married to live in bousing, yet they do not recog nize a domestic: partnership Two or three couples tin gaged to Is- married within one month are now living in hous ing, said Michael l-.yster, hous ing tiirec tor The couples have to show evidence of sincere marriage 111 tenhons mu li as a wedding m s itatmn I s sti r said |*M//.I s lass xU i t . which IS mainly contesting on the Ixtsis of disi nminatton because Un couple has no children, is siill in thu "pushing papers stugu, i’la/za said I’ia/v.a said tlu' lawyers, from lliu Oregon Oils and Lesbian Assoi ialion in Portland. who are handling thu ease told her to expel t a w all of one to two years until the trial material i/es i’ia/./a. now a post liana laureate, said she will most likely graduate by tin' time tfie < use goes to trial Because of this, the Lesbian, (las and Bisexual Alliance is the in signer on the i axe In the usurp that thu/vui graduates lu llin' tile ease goes to trial, the LO.liA will take over the ease I think it's rule ulous that in this das and age with so many advances for gas and lesbian couples, the I diversity persists in tins monolithic ideal of mar Tied heterosexual relationships being tile nnty valid family units said Sue Dm kstader. cu LOB A d i rm tor COLSON Continued from Page 1 lho 1FC txicauM'. according In the court - opinion, "reinstating him to office would tnereh result in the IFC revoting to remove him from offic e justices Matthew Cate and Joseph Ssrbanakltta concurred with this opinion Chief Justice- Stephen Hriggs agreed that Col son's rights wc-re violated hut disagreed with the court's rationale for refusing to reinstate lum to the lit: In the dissenting opinion Hriggs wrote If the [PC revotes to remove him from office, that is their prerogative It is not lor lfit* court to predict what the lit: would do." Colson called the court's decision paradoxical, and wrote a letter to the court asking it to recon sider Ills reinstatement "They're going to uphold the rights of individ uals in the future." Colson said, "hut I'm heirig left out of it and I'm the one that filed the c ase In this case I think (the court) reac led into the grab bag .mil rnotli* .1 yalue judgment iitxiut thi‘ 1IC, and lu iih- that's troubling All I teallv wanted In filing tins suit was a i hant * to present tm sidehe said '! recognize, just as any rational jrerson out there, that they 1 mild still vote me out for whatever reason Colson sani he also believes tills decision re moves the electoral accountability of current li t members because they will not have to re< ast their votes in light of his defense which Colson has never lieeti allowed (o present publicly Voters have a right to know tie cause tiial a person is tieing removed for. and who voted yea or nay 'Colson said "That's a fundamental tenet lor being accountable for your de< isions “I! these people stand lor kii king people out ot olfue because they don't like them because they hold different political views the voters should know that," he said " There was absolutely nothing ol substance to why they kic ked me out based upon the facts as 1 know them." Colson said ET ALS MELTINGS Alpha Phi Omega will have a mot'ling and a party tonight, call 346-9911 for moro informa tion. Graduate School Mentorship Program will moot tonight at 5 30 in tho EMU Board Room Call 346-2803 for moro infor mation MISCELLANEOl IS Jo Sonja Watson retail peti tion signing table will lie set up in the EMU Courtyard today from l) ;t() .1 m to t |>m < 'ill :J44-HBU for more Information (iladis Sibriun u FMLN rep resentalive, will speak on the prospects for e in El Salva dor tonight at 7 :t() in the EMI ' Fir Room Call l-tt.-il'M for more information Deadline Inr suhinitling ill als to the Kmerulii Iron! desk, ilklt Suite 11)0, is rumi 1 tin' da\ !»• furr publication ill nls run the day of the event unless the event hikes place Indore noon ul events with a ‘In tuition nr admission 1 harge will mil he accepted Campus events ami those scheduled nearest the publication date vt ill he given priority _emu Recreation Center CAMPUS LOST & FOUND SALE ‘ Umbrellas * Coats Sweater s Gloves'! Books kit s ■Misc. Goodies Nothing Over Three Dollars! | Dead Week, Dec. 9-5pm Dally ( ash ()nl\ ( No ( lift ksj WE CAN PROCESS YOUR E-6 SLIDES IN JUST 1 HOUR! LrJ INC. EUGENE’S QUALITY 1-HOUR PHOTOFINISHER! 24 EXP. $439 36 EXP. $639 18th & Willamette 484-6116 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON W 1 You re a cold tish, Raymond