EDITORIAL Thanks very much, but we already know I lie under Useless Information We Already Knew The I 'diversity's (Jffice of Student Affairs conduct ed a. telephone poll in late Oi tohei to determine the reasons 1.1 t-t University undergraduates did not return to campus this fail To the surprise of ho one more than a third had the same response money What a shrink When members'of'the Oregon State System of Higher Education last sear ballooned tuition rates at the University, by 12 percent, they expected an enrollment drop In aitualitv. it ssas part of the plan to relieve some of the higher eh.a iition deficit compound erf b\ Measure U Unfortunately. they yvere .u too mi« eessful They were shootitig for .1 loss of g,(X)() stw t ss a e a • mm ii as ad m . a , s! rat ois pred it I ONSHI. s 'business sens* laughable Trimming •in tat off. enrollment figures is out 111 ug tiat stu king ' 'o si ah ' o they (an ' at!ofd ’11 re' ifn is quite an " ■ \ . . .. " I . yei ts ■ . offers got from the tu 'ion Joke ! ..s ;a e ' id tr. ''u sf..dents flex king l or .n st.ite n sidents. it's a ::o svm proposition lit- tuit.n" rate tor the I luveisits is S >08 a sear Only tin- University of Uaiifornia at Hcrkeiev has a higher rate among I’ac It) si lau :-, Oregon residents ssi’o (at: ! afford out of state ' atiofi noss ean sc an els ( oagt: ip what the University is asking In a state dying for college graduates. ONMIb. h.cs i ttei tise.s s ;t its osvii throat I! it continues to cut pro i’ran is and services svhi le i ncreasi ng tuition. nnhn . ' svant to heat Measure i left tins slate in poverty ai'.tt nos! 11",111ents are just iioss getting around to real / ■ g .! I.sen slimming doss n existing programs won't he ■ n gh More mimes is needed and a sales tax .s the best ssas to get it H .: ()iegonian's won't go tor it or at least not set I’cth.ips the state will change its rolevtive mind s\' e: n.ghei edtn at ion in Orego i i,, mb us mto dust l "'O'*! •% putMtt’HKl «WV'| U «lav •' >> g}*" » • (Mr I? -g UAM k»i .» «' I wii. i'll T’ '"wJay ij. ,:«g "**» !*y !'u - «gor I>a> I ^oraul 4‘ • « i *f *•«*'•- *y o' (Vn^^ ( .Mj&'+J Owj,^ I’-o f "vuii ^«M tR 'nJwi*0'*>»-’''» of !'-«> ‘ m*, m •■ of«M% 4: . 'u *:>.. o* trm i *: 1 -n! •% a aut-:** o' !h*» At'-* .«-«»! »'■•**.♦. !'.* f ".»'.**• n ; .:*« ptoparty ! '*» . .m' u'ova or *,« o' a jy rveu.M.’^ i dftor in Chwf . ■, ■ «# IU» M*n»gtr»g l iMui I ifltOfMil I tJltOf G»ItphM. • I 4i\Ot Jl ( rrt«rt*inm«nt I ditof l «»■■» «i t Wv M#»r» t d*Of ( dtioft«i ( cJMor Sport* t dflot Ntghl I Jiloi ' a Hex.'*»" Stud»n4 Gov*rnrn«nt ActivRi** iK« .»> • Va^h* Ctxnmuntty IW «* l «#• a M*gh*r f diX'AtKm Administration .1 .. IV .• ^MturM i wUiwga; U •porter* 1 *' t*.*••#> Itavnl ua I -tyrs v*-- .tn.^ • * >•>. . \J ► V«v- i k Vi Hupo Nort'^or' T Nu" ■ «-. fWmg Copy f ddor* . 1 ’ «m Da l <***' ► . .. f • • f'1*3 f‘,j «w>o*’*on • 0 :a U i* 4 K.v’y '■•wtoo Kat^Y '**uv*»> Photogr *pftef* :xw »*o*!on And mi f tote* Advertising Jim- I)' lately Iioatt Oa'ta l *»*. « * .1 . i-.-.-riv |l- \% ► t' " tori' . «m» • (U'») • H «»» A"w -m M«Y -M Mi%> M» ^u» - >• Tm#4 :■ •;»'• VX* »’t«rar ■» a; CUiiNwd Mk < »!V\ Kw>'~ A.ft!o/r* ., A-V'tm. 4 l ■ *, 70 Bo*m*a* K.v” y .vtRxte Strain »or >*T> -ct) Atf'A* *■ •. ■* (.,’*■ .k»- ‘s* Mi-«»> J»n- M.»wvy’ [>a» M. v obti S:a.> M *** M4' »A- .»» ' 'U.* fk>«»rxl .***" '»* S^-1'' A'n© Utti -xv w Jb^ •• ta’ * .1*1 Tc*1U W ,*m* General Manager 1 «T> M«' N*w»foom IkiimMi Of1tc« 146SS12 rroaucnon mansgmt w .» Dt*p**V Advertising Clmiliid Actv#f1i»*ng U€ 3712 1464143 -\& P^oplE *U0 WCXfiMr OJ ~'-“t. ioc*i.s6CJ«r^."M6 ^»^ooaic-». ^ *w90Mfc MCJf = :ojSV\. PKutNTS _ » -i'.i; ; : i m \\ at soil (a ish mv frit’m! ! keep road!rig .ill tins stuff .ilmu! bow vvu k*•.I vim -in fur stealing .1 (roll And vs bat about my kn!s' I moan. I'm a molbor and ovorynuo knows what a ro sponsibihiv ilia! is Mothers novor do anything wrong (itspo 1 tally li d s against tin- lavs )’ What sbot.iti pooplo like us do Apologize I g u o ss W o should lio sorry lor everything Sorry lor our past sorry lor speaking up. sorry lor being alive That s what wo should do Hut you know Watson, it s weird I don't feel sorry a! .ill l da/v vs orld. bub ' IJeltra Ferguson Kugene Don’t believe it Will Rogers oner said, "All I know is what I read in the newspapers" Well don't be lieve it1 Newspapers seldom get it right The quote attributed to me saving the University should graduate Blink students [ODE. Nov .IS) was taken totally out f i onlext Nothing was men tioned ot mv strong emphasis nn individual responsibility along with institutional respun ■■ability in m ademit pursuits Mat k students have an op portunity to get an education here, but that opportunity Is se rioucly hampered In a pro found la< k of Black and other minority faculty, especially mi nority female faculty