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(. lassos begin January 2a Call 345-7496 SS1AMJ Y II KAI’IAN £ lakr kjpLm C >t late Vmr i lun » •» This Year, Start Your Own Beautiful Tradition With Exquisite Snow Baby Collectibles They’ll Melt Your Heart; Book reveals ‘inside story’ of Bulls’ winning season The Jordan Rules by Sam Smith Simon & Schuster. 1991 333 pages Hardcover prce S22 ★ ★ ★ » • • •«.-»* IK« »•**• • • • • • '*» « Perhaps tl was loo good to be trio Mu hael Jordan. «■!«• v*»li*ci h\ the .ninrmg media ami many basketball fans to demigod slat defies all odd's bv hefnit «iIi\ fak ,ia \ < mg. sti uggimg < hi t Buiis Iimiii to NBA i ham piunship glorv At < ording to ! hr Ionian Nu it *» .t ! i;: i! i ; v1 *. >k ijUail tin Bulls < hamplonship •. .rv, ! , ("hit ./>:• • Tniiunr n porter Sam Smith, I hr* trip to the finals was neither glorious nor bright.•mil bv Jordan and h-s u inning vn aV s !; i ! k t V.u Ii i t i iordrlJ: n jar from being the horn of this "in talented but egotistic al hall hog who refused to pass to eerlain str ateg\ and .niv n e of a long ism- oi {oat hos Then thorn's the i liargn that Jordan's ego got in the wav of winning, that he n-fuMsI to sh(mit .it !h«■ end of important games, lotting the i*>,i !(>m- ti! ijcn.. ri^triitt- his important • l hr fordiitx Kith's leaves no doubt that Iordan rna\ not he th, pr ii,■; e ’.lie m< dia m.i* him oat to tn Hi-, treatment and disrespo* t for bos teammates is .it ! lines sh.oi King But Smith apparently omits some vital parts of the story II the M .iMiti was really as turnuh iuems as he ( bums, how did the Mu! • ever manage tii win M games lost \ ear ' Or the 11C i * * Smith doesn't elatw'niii1 Hus is yvbers / hr httti&n Ku/cs hills shnrt l! claims io he !!ir tnsiiir story n! .1 turbulent si .!■ ■ ,11. hat 1! is i.n km>> W tying learns .it' made of win hr!- and this book portrays the Bulls as anything but Thev whine about their saia ricv they complain about pla\ mg time. and. al the center ol it all, they gripe about Ionian ; In- bunk does not adequately explain how the Hulls managed lo fit Winning basketball m the pic tore Despite any flaws, the hook should In required reading lor any NBA fan. or for that, matter, anyone who follows profession al sports .Smith buys us a (ourtside seat at MBA games, and what we see is both aimi/ mg and disillusioning We see adjusted runs and uyerinflated basketballs that give a home team an advantage We hear players on the court 1 hallengmg each other to fights alter games and get a good look at the Bulls 1 rummy lix ker room atmosphere And it's im portant to realize that infighting could be happening anywhere in Detroit San Antonio or e\ r n m ln-loved Portland A soi iety that idolizes men who throw leather balls ;g.! In rips needs .1 book s' !’ s n iw and Ifien. Smith, in his 1 losing ; omments. says it best I rankh he writes, it s unnatural to lake 1.’ young men united only fry their athletic ability, put them together for about eight months, pay them carving fortunes of money give them one hall to play with, and !lien expect them to maintain some sort (it storybook, harino moils relationship That says it all. not just about :'.r ( he.:.,, Bulls or the NBA hut ,tlimit all uf the sporting not Id as well By Christopher Blair Runners honored for academics Three Oregon women am) two men were named to the 1 'a (tin it) Conferences first-team all academic cross country squad last week Heading the list was Oregon's i.isa harnopp. who captured the individual I’m 10 women's title heftire finishing third in the N< \.\ championships a week, ago 1 lie Bend senior has already lompleted require ments tor an undergraduate de gree m urban planning vsith a t ;i*a of i r>*. Mso named to tile lirst learn were the Ducks' Lucy Nusrulu and ( arol Holmen \usrala who finished eighth at the na tional meet, has a I 00 in scl era e. and Holmen. a junior in chemistry . has a -1 01 Orison junior Frika Klein m.uit the mention list h itti ,i I J ?> in psyr hulogv Named to the men’s first team Here juniors .Man foster and I've V an Si hotai k Faster has a I Jti 111 physical e and Uimulf has a t lit) in ei onom l( s To he eligible, runners must he a st.irter or prominent re serve with an overall CPA ol t 00 or heller AIA Continued from Page 8 Patterson ss as inelte< tivo in Ihi1 lirst half .uni wall bed most o! ii from ilic bcni h Munson put m the originul five to start tlie sci ond half, ami Patterson responded In dumping in 12 and grabbing four rntxiunds in the last 20 minutes Pattersons inside p I a s o|c ned up Iordan and Johnnie Knur who both nulled three pointers to lead Oregon on u '!-() run that closed it to fiti-fiti But again, the Ducks could get no closer, and Komar hit two long jumpers to extend the lead Despite losing Monsor, said he liked what he saw "We hung in there defensive ly. he said "Andre made bet ter dec isions. and we shot bet ter "