Simon to kick off lecture series By Tim Neff Emerald Reporter Son Paul Simon will bo on hand at the Eu gene Valley River Inn Dec. 5 to receive an award for Integrity in politics and to inaugu rate a University lecture series During a dinner ceremony, the Illinois Dem ocrat and former student of the University will receive the "Wayne Morse Integrity in Politic:* Award" from the Eugene-based Wayne Morse Historical Park Corporation. Simon will also deliver the inaugural address for a series of loctures sponsored by the group called "Dis sent in the Political Process." "The award commemorates the indepen dence and personal integrity of Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon.” said George Bores, member of the Wayne Morse Historical Park Corpora tion Board of Directors. Morse represented Oregon in the U.S. Senate from 1944 to 1968. During that time, he be came an outspoken opponent of U.S. Involve ment in Vietnam. Prior to his election to tho Senate, Morse was Dean of the University School of Law. The award given in Morse's name honors Si mon for his willingness to take "his political life in his own hands" and speak out against popular opinion. Bcros said. This is the fourth year that the local organi zation has given tho award. Other recipients of tho award include former Senator Bill Prox mire. Rose Bird, former chief of justice of the California Supreme Court, and current Gover nor of Connecticut Lowell Wetckor "The people who are picked for the award are people with Wayne Morse's standards of political Integrity." said Charles Porter, mem ber of the organization's board of directors. The Wayne Morse Historical Park Corpora tion and the University Student Bar Associa tion are co-sponsormg a public forum on poli tical dissent Sen Simon will Introduce the se ries of monthly lectures The forum will feature several prominent elected officials and media representatives. Bores said Possible speakers Include Sen Mark Hat field. R-Oro. Norma Paulus, Oregon Superin tendent of Public Instruction; and Prod Friend ly, former President of CBS Nows "Each of them has a perspective or experi ence that relates to political dissent," Boros said. The monthly lectures will run from January to October at the law school. Beres said "They are timed to load into the HW2 presi dential election," he said "We want to put a focus on the expression of political dissent In the political system " The public Is invited to attend the Doe 5 dinner ceremony Admission for the event is $24 Tickets are available at Marketplace Books at Fifth Street Market. Beres said a student section may also he available for a nominal charge For more infor matlon. contact Beres at .144-02B2 Man charged for bathroom incident A former University student was charged with trespassing after he entered a woman's bathroom in the EMU and Irxjked over a stall divider at a female student Timothy Daniel C.reen, ~ 1, of Springfield, was cited with vio lating the privacy of another, given a letter of trespass and re leased after tin? incident on Nov Hi The ( harge was changed to trespassing because violating the privacy of another deals with incidents involving a pn vale residence, Eugene pole e said Tin?, Nichole Mu hammad. said she and her buy friend went to use the rest rooms near the Footnotes office shortly before (> p m Muhammad said she was m one of the stalls when she heard someone quietly enter the bathroom She saw a pair of men's cowboy (loots appear in the next stall, heard a zipper, then saw the bools disappear When Muhammad looked up, she said she saw Green looking down at her. and she began screaming Muhammad's boyfriend heard her sr reams and saw Green run out of the bathroom. pulling up Ills punts Her tioyfruind ran after (.r«-«-n end detained him on the stairs .11 mss from footnotes Ai i urdmg lu lho pollco re purl, (iroiin sold ho hud drunk two or three I mors i,iirllcir .md nondnd to urinate. im! the men's restroom was busy He send he knocked on the wom en's restroom door, end en tered M u ii e m m ii d s e Id (I ree n iiKiked like .1 typical college student,' .ind the lfit idonI serves es ,i reminder that wom en should he aware of everyone In tiieir surroundings Weasel’s World Kraig Norris OH au&B'f I'M SO GiX Mtr ? Hu MACC it ' HI MA MA _ TH''_ iS WU3®w'T LAftAM. t TEU. ME ■ Wi HI 5 M.A >>. ; *v>. th** . r »n ' ' ik : ' Ui C ' mv. *v • , /• • a *•■ w**» i Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen . I MT Vt rotp Pan O' V nszag# • tA ha f< a y I wf Rf. v.A.t ] an:- ryftoNt. 1 *Hf N£ kv- STAR :>) Atr* ».r H£B£'' r. . 4 > ■ r.r«" * \ c V, ■ ' HIGHER EDUCATION UPDATE Two scholarships offered lull-time student* who mull in their tuition payments hy l)e< 27 will lie eligible to win one of two $500 scholarships I'he Office of Rusinevs Affairs will he mailing out Keglstra turn Hilling statements sixin, ami is em oiiraglng students to pay hy mail to avoid standing in long lines To he eligible for the si holarship sweepstakes. students must pay the lull amount of their hill or use the l'mtion Loan option The en velope must he dropped 111 the University drop txix outside Oregon Hall, or mailed with the correi t amount of postage, and he res elved by -1 .10 p m on Lhs 25. Si holarship winners will he nolllitxi during the week ol |un I t. said Larry Tergesen. associate director ol the accounting office Knch winner will receive the scholarship in the form of a $500 check In addition to sparing students from long lines, lergesen said mail in payments save the University money, because feyver cash iers need to U> hired Library adds computer databases Ihe University Library has added a new dimension In the [anus system Janus, which includes the .online catalog.''circulation sys tern and acquisitions module. \s i 11 now include commercial databases such as periodical Indexes I he flrsl -database to he added. 1 .xpanded Acudemil Index. Is' came available Nov IH Hus index will allow library users to lo i ate i notions to journal arth les from any Janus terminal I.xpanded V ade.mii Index ini hides i nations from more than •Hit) journals in the. humanities, six cil m ieni es. and si tern ns Dur mg loo.’ the indexing of an additional 5 ID journals will Is- added to the database The library expel Is lo add other indexes and full text databases lo the Janus system in the future, working toward a lully integrated library system Profs receive $2.5 million grant I'wn 1‘nivrfMlV iii I i«lll( atn ■!: prolf .-.i if. h HV in 1‘ivnl .1 V’ ’ nillllun grant In tislablish tin' Nallnllal I mil : In Imprint' tin Quality t'f I'm hnologv . Mmli.i *1 iii i M,ilrni.ii . !.a imliv .duals with Uis.iliililius, llic 11rl u( Us kind in Iln- 1 iiilril si.ill's Douglas (nirnliir ami luiward Kanii'i'iuii haw I-mi awardmi iln1 fiw visii >»r.iiiI In gather ami dislributr information will im priivi' thr ily ill isi in sit lima I '.nlKv.iir, vnli'iiillM s, textbooks ■ mil curriculum programs fur all slmimils, partii ularlv those with disabilities Irom kindergarten through eighth grade fin' l; s Department of luiui at Ion's ()Ifn • ■ id Spot ml iaim alum ami Keh.ibdilution Services will IiiihI tin new minimal t imlrr through September 1‘Hlfi (lurninr will serve as thi' i enter s director ami kameemii w ill MTU' as axsislaiil dlrri lur I'here aru liarrirrs in teai lung materials Unit keep people I runt aiipiiflng lilt' iniunnaUoii, jus! as there am barriers in ari hitei lure Unil limit a person's ai i ess to buildings. hameefitii said S I t l)l N I S • I AC I I I V • S I AM 7 hi i 'ticcimition InthK'i'.Ai v.k matim* " :!l be jjivcn .it the '••tu.I. !>: I li-.ilth C enter everv WliDNI ‘ • *A i I i II KN >AN AND I KIDA'r I lit >M h in ti. M*' a m !v,;i;in,i^ ( K ti ib» r 'r I .irnl , : ! - ::•>>; until tin-1 mi or Rill trim ()f.., nnt’ li non is mssltsl Stutifiits SA.SU I .unitv .ind Nt.if t S I.00 A : : . I! ‘ ! I : :• t: ■ . ■ . ■ \ Ki 1\ I l ( *\1 Ml V >1 i ) tor the t“l ::y, ] Health** jH-rsi*: » • v«-.irs nr i>UJur ? Persons with lor/, term heart or lung problems \ l\TMUtb with urn oMb.t following Kislr. v .li * i .«•, tvs!,i tibr - ’i' tiuibilis, anemia, *■<' vere asthma, ami conditions which compro misu immuru' not hur • in IlUhnn/j v.iit inoMAi b«• >‘»v«*n ! > p< i •>. m% vvr.hiry tu r« 'tu *• thi ir . It.iM* ■ I itching the flu a. ins vvliti pr > i. i • ■ n ‘t run unity r v u • .»n*i 111 J- : r others in *♦* luit t >r ci 4Uycs 1 or more information, call the ST l 1)1 \I Ml \! HI C 1 Ml K at do 4441 A