Stairwell display carries totems’ spiritual power By Came Dennett fm«jfator Anyone who has used the CMC Ballroom staircase this month has probably noticed an unusual art piece in the me//a nine display case The pint e has four white panels set m .1 black back ground and each panel has cut outs of photos from fashion and business magazines When a light shines from behind each successive panel, observers can see what lies on the other side of the photo The piece's title Is "Totems," because the eai h panel's im ages are stacked in totem form, an idea not uncommon in ari, said John Chapman, ihr artist who crated and installed the piece Chapman said lie is not an expert on the subject, but N'.i live A merit an totems usually ini orporated images of animals and mythological 1 nurtures, carrying a .spiritual;power Advertising and capitalism carries that kind of spiritual power now. he said Chapman said some observ ers might think he pasted to gether two magazine photos to get the desired effet t, but w hat shows through from the other side is exactly how he found it m the magazines ‘The ways that magazines advertise suggest that we desire certain things for our bodies. The media have a tendency to corrupt our own sense of desire.’ John Champrnan, mstanation-format artist I think that its truthfulness is i entral to the piece, he said ' ! h.ui to hunt, hut I didn't hunt that hard Advertising and the media can have a powerful effec ! on our society. Chapman said The wavs that magazines advertise suggest that we desire certain things for our bodies.'' he said 'The media have a ten dency to corrupt our own sense of desire Chapman said humans natu rally desire things such as food, shelter and companionship, but media images lead humans to desire material goods In capitalist societies. Chap man said, people become like products, and products become like people When people start to think of objects as having human qualities, they become like the objects For example, the piece in cludes a picture of a woman crouched down that reveals a PROFESSIONAL DRIVING SCHOOL Serving EUG SPRINGFIELD Since I9FS Y ouiM S»onc* AuB t>w*<8 Scf®01 “TEWS OUR SPECIALTY" • PwruyuH'J**) ■r-iitvc90c • - •«*» Pc* :WAd*: i j< <.<•*»% Ar -cORGGf* STUDOiTS WELCOME" 11 Tf#**.- 5«t*N f ' AM*1'T 747-4411 sports i iir when lit from be hind Chapman also points to one cutout photo of .1 woman's eye When the light shines through, several eyeliner pencils show through Another cutout shows a woman's painted lips "Is the makeup there to make .1 belter person, or is the person there to sell makeup7'" he asks Although he is trying to ex pose some of what he thinks are advertisers motives. Chap man does not think he is doing a disservice to advertisers "I don't think they are aware of what shines through the page, he said (Chapman said he rarely watches television or looks at magazines, and is always sur prised when he does at "how much the image ante gets upped "I've stolen all these pu turns to use them against themselves the wav they are used against us.' he said Chapman said he has heard people complain that "Totems has tiKi many images to look at. vet he had hoped to int lude more 1 would have liked there to in' more images of militarism twhmd the IxHfit's. and images ot sickness, espet iully AIDS, ho said In 19.90, (Ihupman created and installed l ight Bar k l ight AIDS a trrn|iorarv mural fur the front outside KMU stair well Tho work hung for two months tieforo it was irrepara blv damaged hv vandals ( hapman Is an installation format artist, designing and in stalling pieces for spe< ifi< sites fry invitation I like transforming a spate Ill'll W UK nv ev IT \ < 1.1 \ he said 'Offering them .1 trails formed spin i' (jin's ihiMii .1 sense of surprise 'iinl possdul nv " Exhibits like "Totems rv pose Chapman's work. to .1 broader uudlerue tli.m would norni.illv attend an exhibit at an art gallery Chapman is a former Culver sitv student who ended Ills studies three r redds short ol a hai helor of line arts in visual design I learned what I needed to learn." he said At the UO Bookstore It’s Beginning to Sound A Lot like Christmas! ■ FURNITURE \ ■ CASE LOGIC Oak CD Cabinet ONLY $29.95 ■ CASE LOGIC Oak Cassette Cabinet ONLY $29.95 ■ OAK CASSETTE Caddy ONLY $19.95 ★ NO INTEREST ★ EASY PAYMENT PLAN PORTABLE STEREOS ■ SANYO M9721 Portable Stereo • >; , n ■ • *•.,» . ;. • am t v 1, t • • f > - ONLY S59.95 U SHARP WFA 600 • am f-M • i-t .■ i . • ■Si ,i 1 tMju.i (V > Hr ‘duals I'.-.ette ONLY $189.00 ■ SHARP QT-CD5 • CD player • single a .sette • X Bass ONLY $199.95 ■ TELEPHONES ■ BELL Photo Touch Phone • 3 number memory • is! number retli.n • Aimli n numr>er keys ONLY $39.95 m ALL COBRA. 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