Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 27, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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Library expands hours
Tin knight Library will extend, sc rvue hours far eight days dur
ing (lend and finals weeks. Wednesday Dec -I to Wednesday, Dee
: Circulation servic e, study <tp.ii e .nut ac c ess to the collecdloris
ys i i i he available in reference sery ,i ' vs 111 hie provided after early
evening hours
The hours are as loilow s
• Wednesday. Dec •< and Thursday. Dec 5 Ham to tarn;
• i ruiay, Dec ti H a m to 1 u p in
• Saturday. I Ve 7 10a m to 10 p in
• Sunday Dei H noon to 1 a m
• Monclav Dei u throughAVrdnes.iay Dei 11 Ham ’ 1 am
These liours do not apply to tin other libraries on campus,
which will retain their present liours I <>r more information, call
the office of the 'librarian. . HO l()f>(>
Continued from Page 1
ritv guards watch people whose
,ii lions .ijip?-.!r Mispic tuns not
people wiio .ire of .1 ( t-rl.im col
or, ho said
()l thi- 1 1H people arrested
for shop 11ft mg sim i> lariuary
1 '»<) 1 i>(i peri ent (7H) were
white m.ill's mill 2(> pen eht
(.it) vvrri1 whiti' females Ull
1 uins said
Josnph said most shoplifters
,it the bookstore .in- between
the ages of 18 and 21, but ilia!
lie fias arrested people as old as
55 and as young as 0 for shop
lifting \ tvpii >iI shoplifter
daesn l ex 1st. he said
"I’ve seen guvs m suits and
ties shop 1 lit, Joseph said I ve
seen little old ladles shoplift
I've seen little kids shoplitt
Joseph said shoplifters have
given linn ext uses ranging trorn
I don't want to ask mv parents
tor more monev to I was just
plain stupid
Most shoplifters have the
monev to purehast* tie nisei t
they shoplitt and main times
they have the monev with them
at the time ol the shoplifting
Joseph said
(It the shoplifting i ases this
year, only two wen pre medi
tated. Joseph said Most shop
11Iters at the txiokslore steal on
impulse, he said
Joseph said shoplifters al the
bookstore usually steal non es
sential items Items stolen in
the jiast mi hide hooks pens
liai kv sai ks. l alldv hath salts
and I shirts
The bookstore's philosophy
is thnv would rather deter
Miiiii.'iinu from shoplifting than
apprehend them, Williams
sail! Hit said they Illlrtmpt In do
this In offering good service
and being well-lighted. Wil
liams said
"So many people steal be
cause they re able to, Williams
said We try to make them un
able to do so
The bookstore's security
guards don't follow a specific
route in the bookstore when
making their rounds Hill, an
other Ixxikslore security guard,
said one reason this is done is
to prevent people Irotll identl
lying the security guards
Tlie security guards must
have probable cause (or sus
pe< ting someone ol shoplifting
i>efore approaching them after
tliev leave the store Williams
said This means the guards
must not catch someone in the
process of a theft but rather w it
ness the act from beginning to
end Once a security guard
catches someone shoplifting.
Tfit- shoplifter is treated as:ith re
sprei, iir said
Ur treat (shopidters) svith
tiiKi'11V V\ ilhams said Ur
linn 1 assuror tht>\'r<• ti.nl peo
p i Ml"! ,l!r gi m J‘i pr. ; Mi' IS i 1 i i
!!:ak* .1 til I stake
Shist i.iisi's i>f sir..; , thing at
ttVi'. hi x ik store in i ill :;; the fa i:
anil winter Wilhar •• spud Hi
said this is prohabls lii'i .him' i>t
lia book, rush ami !»i .him- of
the liras n r clothing -t udrnts
-.star iiunn>; lin n seasons
is hu ll i an i mu eal ohiri Is more
During ihn past 1 *» sears.
there hair been J.tJUO last's of
shop!ttting at till’ t‘i ■ * ' >n• ami
unis our suit ut false arrest
IS h 11 h lilt' ! ' -t tlsslfiri' IS : ! VV. i
liams said
1. a gene pi i I li r 1111 11 it I krl,
Saxon said hr would pl.irr the
In. I'.ltili .! i ti’ ! op II pro ■ 1
id iflaiS storrs in ns tints' rftri
t ill books! O If |. as iriiifi'
training than ollirr businesses
Ifies have good ohsrfS'atiun
and tin s wtili' good n-porls
Saxon said 1 ! iir ho. ,kst. im1 is
real competent
Shopiliters is ho ate i'aught
tain p o s s i li 1 r maximum
charge id St.it) Joseph sail!
Shoplifters must go to court
ts\ o weeks alter iiemg i aught
sin putting I hen- ! ta i asuai: s
fat e a s tM) tine and rt-i tme
..Mi leaf id prohatloi! Also as
a Was id helping men h.lilts re
inset some of liletr losses,
shopitilets must pas cisil resli
tutimi to tiie men hauls from
sshom tins stole tins restitu
Ilia, is SUM to vf'Ut pills tin*
i list id tiie item tiies stole
U illiams declined to reseai
(loss mans set urits guards the
store employs. but said tiie
bookstore spends Sl >,()<)(> a
sear on set unis Several ol the
security guards are University
students, he said
I’hi Kta Sigma.Alpha
l .unlHl.i Della new mem
borshlps am tint* i.kIuv In
Koom .IM Orison Hall
( all Uti I21fi for morn
Career Planning anil
Plat ement Offiie Orien
tation Session will take
plai n tonight from r> 10 to
i, to in Koom 23H linn
dm ks
Free Dos 5 Windows
Warkshop will take plat n
to.lay from t to n p m in
I tin (loin(iu 11 ng l nntnr
Koom I ns I’m rngistrn
II on 1ST n.j III mil (all
HO 1700
Sumlai ( elehr.ition an
into': innominaliori.il snr
■. : (Vi! i takn (>li. n Sun
H.iv it 10 It) a it) at th.)
h'irgnnn Carden t luh,
: f • HI gh st (all
twin ] i for morn infor
S li a I ing ()u I III es s -
mgs" vs ill lm thn theme
' 1.:■ Mas-. .Thanksgl V
g !a» ng ; .. .■ tonight at
i.i it tin Newman ( mi
tor, tM SO 1 ■.r!it■ r.11.1 St \
.1 will In Mo W ('all
til. ’. inn ! in.a. m!.>r
Continued trom Page 1
M-n I K.i|ji• -.ad that as
a man In' i an in* a potential
1 when walking down I ho
're*' pr- a-m a possible it an
i;t*r. Brot/man '.aid There in
inj was ’ snow wticllnrr or not
I m a Itiriit It in lor this rra
;n it; it/man ‘.aid. that no
ai. ‘.hiii d In- ala wed oil tin'
s.di-ndi' vans
After tin press conference.
Hi'].:a ..d In- dims not really
evpect to win his (omj)latnt.
la-i east II11 Is. as \.Sl f) prt'sl
1. ; ! vv I!! appoint the judges
who will hf.ir llepner's cum
Ht'pnor said hr believes that
Bills, who spoke at ihn nows
t o it I f r t- ntf m s o p port of
.Safertde. had already made up
her mind on the Naferido issue
and would probably appoint
like minded judges
Emerging Democracy
in El Salvador:
An FMLN Perspective
with FMLNIFDR Representative
December 2
7:30 PM
EMU Fir Room, UofO
Sponwffd by t()l ES SUlrr l nivrr«ity Project, Suoi%aJ < rnu-r.
and Studrnt Campaign for th\armarm*nt
$5 0FF]
pr. Marten Shoes J
w/coupon 1
Lazar's Bazar {
57 W. Broadway I
AND y |
957 Willamette I
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361 E. 13th • 485-5351 • Expires 12/11/91
• >'—. I
Oh yeah' Well, I d rather he a living corpse made
trom dismembered body parts than a hunchbacked
little grave robber like you'