EDITORIAL Time for Bush to focus on home Oh. what the heck — we didn't need ail that crazy ol' money anyway! In addition to the $2.5 billion in Soviet Union loan guarantees approved earlier this year, our President re cently agreed to hand over another $1.5 billion in food aid to the strife-ridden country. No problem! Except that it's getting a little tire some playing party to these official games of "show off.*' Should Bush actually check our balance sheet, he'd see we haven't got the money he is so heroically giving away. OK, OK, so he's huving a little trouble finding his way around Inc Oval Ut ficc with those Ronnie colored glasses on. but the time for excuses is over. We've got big problems at home, folks, and it’s time our fearless leader took a hard look at them We're the world's larg est debtor nation for start er.s. follower! up with things like third world conditions in our c ities, a non-existent health care system, underfunded edu cation and housing pro Bush's memory, along with Ns mmmAImW aaamb #j» nWfwOf S00fn (O have escaped Mm, as evidenced by Ms long-incessant babbling about a u,recovering economy grams, a stalled economy, high unemployment num bers ami rising poverts rates Bush's memory, along with his mind, sisun to have escaped him, as evidenced In his long incessant bab bling about .frecovering economy Alwass the kind er, gentler beacon for the rest of the world, the man has apparentls forgotten whic h countrv he lives in Mavbe these brain lapses just come with the offu e. It will do no good to s,i\ here- that Bush needs to pav more attention to domestic affairs he's already been reminded of this through even possible c hunnel -- espec ially those omnipresent. omnipotent poll re sults. (Though we all know those wild and c.ra/s {»o 11 - sters never actually call anyone) So how about just another generic “Shame on Bush for saving the world before his country" statement? Who knows, maybe tt'll finally break through at some point. (frcf’tm lhiil\ Emerald !’*i v l» I m+tmct r% p.,jO- 'i’-ad «in* l?vi;j»>gh f 'Oa> . ■ g "■» uf» " «« - tag. y ■ (X» , ( ' Pytxa' \Q i-O lv a; 'So o< Otago" f .goto C>uv INtt i m«f4i) i>p*Hrt!ar. ■ndlpAOCN^V’y o# t»va lJnfvw'A*, * •♦- (>n>. ma ,v «> • o‘ 'wr f rt> At«r- •<>'• «v»l a a o< ' 4i At-.u*. rod (*•«»- • f % pmrttls p#i»por?> T*t« itm’ •«»■■-■•' ’>a or „%*i O' papo'■ -*.«* . •<*£>*» Managing t drtor ( drtortal f ditor Graphics ( ditor ( rtfariarnmant t ditot I dNor m Chw! f.t W»a’ D« -0'% Jo” PltfcUiy i *yn« i a*®' v' Chf Vop-n** Htt Nawa I iMor I ditor iai ( ditor Sport a ( drtor Night t ditor Aaaoc tala ld«on Studant Govsrnmsnt Actnrflias D*-.iy Trapp® tfeghar ( duration Administration CnMa (>»» Dor P«at«r* J<%*m Barg Danfttyn T rappa Community IW* DaCa*? I aaturss i -«i M ag.» Hsportara 1 mr ~y l5a;«y (Mind Cha/fcor ’**a ►.to I -go a J«yv> < i *t>y (W • V ► n'u lm.lt llipii So>v*.*' T ~ fat*' •*«• i >’»-g Copy l diiora \\vr**' ’'■»» Da i '*«*• ► « <* t I <»' Hagor l.i tii . - v •»*-'ti" -’«* M ■' 4 K.i’i'y ‘v’-**' vk » Kalhy nuu «t Photographara :*utTO- • An!'« ILr *i Advancing Jwa -B .*!■*»> Scott Da .» i u. •» f a Ala g, .»..-*«■ t ► - T or* l «** ■*- Jti'AJ M-ay a ’to'-« Huy *> M.r» i ■ ••’*..• To'aS' t V « ' '• S‘ « * V4L* Claaaifiad P*V«i> A* Kirv A t A .» . a S'** il »<• : (kjamaaa K.i • » *»'!xxh* .S,.*.aarvs#or >> > » Production tng-d W* o f%tiXhxi*v tutn *\y ii. '.it a o ;v»t'ar * j-m ( \ r » I ' « K' A* Ml . .’rt vgor Jo- MT ll «y J At t ,* l Mnt'obft S'.kA A*’ ”•« M.f AV .to'1 -'o< t A>a-xj Mr 'or A ** * •»; ' •**■■ .*» '■«*• Vuio ! urkl V* >a.-nna Ganaral Marxagar «r» M«« Aav«ntfting imvcior t'><» m < opp«a^u N«w»roorr 146 1J11 OiJimMi Off*c* 146 S5f? Hroouciton Manager m *• t, • \ Display Advertising 344 )71? Classified Advertising 146 4.V43 Superpower compet ltion the final chapter NAySt you can f - ’ S v-f; IN M - D LETTERS JoSonja speaks i write lo t lardy iht- events of tin- past fe-w ivi-ck' \s you itli kr;.last year 1 was involved in it misdemeanor the rnisde •ti<.inuf -.sas the result o! Iiittl iiis;i-.,i-itl ! will !inever regret m\ judgment in that situation \s .t n-Mii! of lh.it event ! yyus brought into court ami fined I was fined .1 large .imoiint of money and was re ijinred to do community ser Vli e iioth of which have tieeii taken (,ire of I paid 111\ debt to MX lety Vet, fieri- at tile l niver sit\. I am forced to pay that del it again and again Whim tin- news articles first appeared tfi.it surrounded tins ordeal. I was momentarily em barrassed. but I decided not to give up and run away I de< id ed lo inine Imi k and deal ysith the situation I thought tl I i imi- h.ii k and talked with my inn s. they would understand that 1 had made .1 tug mistake .tmi paid for d I’nfortunalely .1 lot of people sts * til to feel differently Due lo these feelings. I find myself re sponding tfin High tin neyvspa per “sot once fiaye any of tin people yvho are hemg so < rdli .11 come and talked ysith me to al low me to respond to their trill 1 isms personally If they had. they would truly understand that 1 am not trying to justify my actions, nor up pear unremorseful 1 am simply trying lo address any miscon ceptions tfi.it may exist I esjM-i tolls encourage people to 10nt.il I me if they have any questions or concerns that sur round my joli as your vice pres idrnt In light of this I y\ ill remind V■ >u ih.it mi prrMin.il life is tnv personal life <1 nri .inv questions you may ask mirrounding it m.i\ or nidi not Ur answered ! h.ni ,i tiu!v to perform here I- AM '() % .rr president i lir M-t. ■ tin right to < ontlnur to i) :: v i\ t IV i till nit bring (I tv ruptrt! .uni Ion rd to t.ikr thr IlMir to repeatedly address thrsr dtti'K ks I . > thus, ol you I li.iv r Irt .U vi i. I'm sum , and to those ol you iv lio hai r i outinui d to support uir. 1 thank and reds Mirr you that I iv ill i ontinue to do nil |oh to thr very host id nn ability and murr loSonju Watson ASl () vii i‘ pi psident Fooling Integrity 1 Where has it gone7 Its ourtainlv not in thr ASl’O student government The rei elutions of ASt t) Vice I’rrsi dent JuSonja W atson's shoplift mg. failure to sfioiv up in i our!, and failure to fulfill thr condi tions of her srntrm r m a time ly manner show a serious lui k of integrity and responsibility At tile time of her shoplifting, W atson \v as a member ol thr li t . allocating millions of dol lars of student funds And now stir expet ts us to iielieve that her ar lions don't reflect on her i iiar.ii ter and ability to perform tier toll' Of course iier actions are a reflet lion on her i harat ter and leadership abilities . and those wtio say otherwise are only fooling themselves Watson has shown a total lai k of ethics, honesty and good judgment I know I am only one of mam students who is totally disgusted at her at. thins Wi expel l .1 lot higher standards from our elected leaders If \\ atsort wt re to (li t in the best interests of the students slit would resign mimed citeU but I don't expect her to shut .11 ting in the students' lies! in terests now So it s up to us to show W.itson m l the test id the student government that ves, thev .ire accountable to the students I encourage anyone who tie lic'Ves that integrity is a nines sarv trait in out elected leaders to sign the petition to retail U a (son Sarah Mow i v I’obtii al st ient »• What if The \ oil e ot Reason has a lew questions for our friends in OSI'IKl. How many people who were not already sensitive to the plight ol the homeless joined vour Sleep Out?' How mam people tint you enlighten' How were the homeless lolks sleeping ou! in the ram and cold made better off by a group of OSl’IKt, supporters joining them in the ram and cold? Wouldn't it Irene!it the home less more it OSl’IKt. supporters invited them into their homes to get them out ol the ram and cold7 Would the eight or nine ours you spent Iree/ing vour butts ol Ire belter spent collecting food or looking for the lingerie Mis sion or Salvation Army ' Miings that make va go Hmmm " Mil hael Ferron Student LOST W15J06 «Hra>vm.y LOST HIS HOV LOST HIS SAVINGS LOST HIS MIND RECESSON r_ “ wwracKsioN?