Daily Emerald Jrr. . . Sey= CLASSIFIEDS# HaPPy 1 hanksgiving!346.4343 To Place, Cancel or 105 PERSONALS AXU *** Stuannt A f lie Cty'iy m . «*»* on y ou* p«wwib W» try' you !h® host *n M,,'« l ov® Your &HMn •t*v A XU Austrian man w'« *w* ' I f t* yt>j I w*'a th*s Ifcvclay >ng*» My 'f-’B'wy -'•■ yCX. goo* *•«' bkyond looks You 1 .*t>! n !h* wafmt* o’ !tn» Und 0# (,00*41 * Marry momam o‘ artjndd* f .a tound Au yo*/ trOT” Mot)ou#n* 1 ./dotty <> Perth? I atfnvf "v* rhym* *, .-V a mat, A f <» ?fva ;j ai’.jn I rouPy *,r ' !0 «fc* I m tJ*y and »ji! do *0 through Thu OOf I? .* *- yir.> ho my ' '(* Od*tt (X>-«U*»* A y«tAMM Shtt-Ut XU fh.V A yt>- »OT Ct’otth l QQ% A Mrt • • 'Ort-'y w: W»» t •«»' Mlt'O *..«,* ■■.>'(;arty will Irva on" Thanks KA no LOST & FOUNO Ann M ga>*xJ ma !nr . Off CAHMIt • T»rm poport I tc Pick ; ' upO*f(Y»ry Wo(d ProcoMung ! 1IPW k mp CrtH», r4i a»s ] I DIAL-A-TYPIST MJ 7777 EAGlt I Yt TYPING t (XTMG My nip(v»''' I" t.» <{ !<»< »tu*kirfV *w‘* " *t' f AST VPf WOMD WOCI SSMG l a*af pontwvg ad ft mg prooIrMdtfvg. tftaaaa faa*tonal H OOpaga up 4MJ01I Maggy a Typing Same a i • *y pr.’ %’ ^Vi.BS >• I MM c*r>p. 'tv '■• » ’.'n"- and -***.**■' jy..' IkwwO'.a!>s» 'ft!an ( all Maggy at :U? 4»f.i PROfCSSIONAl TYPING A.%a; a .-'d prucarv*tng taHmg t -im* pa.*.,tv’i liif ila tfVi * Sy.1 Printed feexf to computer files BBammann 7474580 S«J * ( aadaatf *• I*»>1 Appfrn rd | I HufititimL'l Vui?iprti HIM < ompaMtk 1 »i*k i "twn f • l *.»fi lYiabafcT napA* « f iliting, Vfiumn CAROLYN QNDy\ 344-4510 tjl At fTY t*ORI> NIK I.VMM. i.aatH an u ikm ifTimm nmt *tr4Ttritft i.l igtiWkHi I as* m rvtIWTINt, »w<» 605 E. 13th t is TYPING SERVICES TYPING UNLIMITED Barter* land l laarPnnlti 4IV1M1 f ottrwy kKM'w, tlItmast* 0*jc XmWBGS* Typing k word procming NO car* v*>cxit*» ftfwttJBrt pag« ?4 Juan at'Ou'nr} f mm pack -up 4 Owfrvary WORDPROCESSING LASER PRINTING FAST! )oolnoM» I MU H» 8 Jl tYPtMC. tOITIMG f Affof(S*t)te T-Graphv*. MV97I9 1 JO FOP SALE MlSC 0 p 1000 Gym p*c a acaMMVtttt . 11C tn i ", J ooOay m>"W' & a :» <> arorri ' w * « 7030 *ot I'a’-aV'1-! 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Apply for • crodfl card My anywhftfft m th» USA for t ’ 49 Toft* Call TOOAV 4A*> 4638 ‘.a,. $100 A o v'OUCfW* ‘O' i.**X * K.K $• Ciood on rt/”y f.QM >4.' ?’H0 t ?0S opportunities Acadamic l aarrvng Sarvica* r'v 'tr. n.r. ir'*fpK‘>m3 atuCMtf** 'O A •n/M.-hOp Of HOW TO PREPARE FOR FINALS Tuaaday. [)ic«mb«' 1, 1991 3 JO pm 4 30 pm Room 701 Condon Halt Fof mor§ tntormotton csll Ac»d*mtc turning StrvicM 68 PIC. J48-3226 Aaaooatad Studani Sarvtca* Inc to now accepting application* for two Board of Dtractor poimom ASSI contract* with th# ASUO »o managa and maintain ih* ASUO StixJant Maalth Inauranc* program Position daac ration* and application* ara •vailabta m Sun* 4 of in* 1 MU Application Oaadtm* i* Tu#*day Dacambar 3 1091 AAfOf I hear and I forget I see and I remember t I do and I understand < Mum ptmmti b STUDY ABROAD ' on* or more quarters Urn VO credit Use four financial aid For more Information, contact Office of International Senricea. 1JO Oregon Hall. 34« 3207 THINK ABOUT IT! SITDY ABROAD It make* good Cl One of every tlx Jobs in Oregon la related to International trade. I HINK ABOI.T II! I <4 mu* t inf>« rnalton, iunU> I OfTuc .rf InUfMlkinal S«i»kn, "0 < >rrv* Il*H. Ut >207 f Cas/) lor College ~l I (K t-r > Million Mtuli'nts Will I I Qualify For Collect* ('.rant* & ! scholarships Will you K- om-1 Frit* info vail \l >W L1 -WO-******* _x7>6 lj los OPPORTUNITIES f Apphcationafor ASUO Conatftution Court ara avaiiab*a m tha ASUO off tea. Suita 4 EMU Application daadfcna la Now am bar 20. lOOt ASUO ta an affirmative action equal oppor tun My employer Modal a want ad Nightclub ling ana Showa Sc an da I a Dae 17 and Portland I Man, 744-3260 MONEY FOR COLLEGE We guaranies It. For Iraa information call (800) 645-8758 r *'* * * *THF ★ * * * « *i U Schoiarahtpa for oottega funding guarantaad FREE Information SMt Y, PO Bo* 5076. Salam. OR 07304 (503) 343-4404 SI CONI) AH Y SPICIAI E DUC AT ION PROGRAM T„>’*>- Kr.ivft' ptu* monthly fctpond 'ex q ,u **«3 parsons intoraatad • o.v a master's dearm* and *;:** -.a oan»f»ca5*on f o* mor» -n formation *’■'« to Oavta 1 76 l duuMtor Un-varviy Of Oagon HIP W WANTED! InthuftMSttc studants to wort X mn btaafc A pos»t>fy rtoit tarm U : of O TiMund. WX» 210 HELP WANTED Custodial Vaknai, v,payv %4. c<4r ' and TW» • ‘.V CAX^^U^-Tf COrtPaCs ky fW p'o'' *p«y»Cy MuV navu O' &*» WvA>y '••J 1ugh --*xxv«ry Hj* VO ' • Alt' »«**' c YAK !'< A :.‘rtS4jil i o—>« » .■% Tvnng •M««load pMx.aw.so** ‘o mo** sbodft: % pn* u*,*. ■ ••g y- p '• A tit,* A Pay *. $ ■ *** *y 'og.,-A- nch.'*» and f C 50 Vx Ovttrt - tt 'xxo’s upon completion of a>* ’'tn * Room ad board ’>g ”•« 'sfn *n*t* ***»* Contact Van 340 ?4tt5 210 HELP WANTED EARN MONEY DOOfcS' iJO.OOO.yr meow# pOMKTtJUi DatiMft ,8CM aooc ail Y 964?_ lac hang* room A board for child cara anti ;gn* rxx.*a*t«wp-ng No*' campu* Cafl 6W> H871 ('■parlance Eugene a '<«***,' slate of lhaar plasma canter Can 6A1 9430 a?xj w« ’e*! yOo hoar to 'aap yOurse-' and crthan AIRLINE Now seeing student* and graduates fO f many entry 4>vO potior* Stan-ng rary searches tor relevant materials tapenence with persona with disabilities highly preferred need to be available (luring public school hours Position would involve 20 hrs *wfc 5 7Vhr . beginning in Dec 9t thru Mar 93 Send resume (with phone #) and current class schedule by Dec 6th to Patty Schwartxer Specialized Training Program, University of Oregon. Eugene. OR 97403 Candidates wiU be contacted for interviews THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD s now taking «pp< x„at on* ’or a position on o,-' display adverting Mbws st at* App *ant* should nave m ntmufn o? 3 hour* pry day to sp***: sasiing disputy Spec® to an «atl Abashed Ctoent ;/« in® position naqv-./os use o* a car and th® 4pp'<.ant must be a toil time Uo'O student I*»u* xx>s m-ift u* per December 2nd - 9thl... Only in the Classifieds! ) RIGHT ON TARGET! CaM |h** 0»»\,v - Dai » bv^H: A h»Ht •• • ■>»•; urV"»*nf a! 346-3712 Dooncsburv BY GARRY TRUDEAU ■. / rv- i * iWC •. ■ »■'. *V/A . ‘ /v ‘xJVtie *.' '!•!" .! ‘vW.1 * . r * v Off. . (i IK ! ' '* ' L'A.ti’ Af '*£’><*• HI ' + ' . *vffiiM: . rw vr \su W j FIVE- YEARS ‘ •• ■«*.'. . ’M,.• .<\.>vy/v:/,/ .>y ‘VA’ . * ' >W 7H/NH /Hfyj v •IN) , . NNfi HON hjtm Ai.Vv AUf&mcm Afr\n