Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 27, 1991, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
HIV test requests
increasing at SHC
By Colleen Pohlig
t •• i 1
A wave d! students wanting to In- tested lor the HIV
virus -has overwhelmed the Student Health (order
sun r former basketballstar Magu Johnson rc\ ealed lie
tested positive ; a the virus th.it causes Ah )S
Sue v 1 hr Nov 7 Urns : on fere ri( r Johns. >n ('■! I Ini l<>
(list lusr his illness, niorr lhiin hid students have (onir
Intake 'he HIV It III" hr > It!: • .’O'er
Thi hrallh ( rtllrr usu.illv Irsis !() It, i i students in
|hut S.mir tilllr prniMl. s.utl (<t>! .llti i'lris! hiI. (U'illlh
i ruler dircc tor
It S tin reali/ation that people ir.r.i nohSo t orisi.tr:
this i ,tn happen to ih.rm unless tin s k:: r.v someone
personally th.it has been affected, 1 Irischh said "Hie
I rialious!, 11> (it tails n , M iu:, |i iii!,-■ a w ,r, r ■■.In 11a; . at
per hr symlmli/rs soon a t th , prr
sor it! I] V
(lonsrijurntlv. the increase lias put a strain on the
health i enter and its staff, so the system is being
i hanged. I leist hti said
"I he higgrst change is that threi nurses an- tiring
trained to do pro and post test counseling to i ul down
or the amount ot time physicians spend ( ounselmg
Physicians still do sonic <>! th< c:mium wig. hut thr
nurses lire taking over the majority <>l that effort, s.uii
Judy Moffett, nursing dirt* tor of the health center
The pre test counseling involves i onvers.ition fie
tween a nurse and student about risk I,u tors, ways to
practice safer sex and a dear understanding of the test
Post-test counseling depends on the results If tie
test is negative, the nurse will reiterate wavs to remain
healthy and if positive, options and de< isions for tfie
patient s i ate will lie dis< ussed. Mol felt saiii
In another effort to decrease the strain caused by the
increased demand lor the test, the health renter stall Is
offering presentations on the HIV lest to housing units
and student groups, Heist hfi said
fraternities, sororities and dorms are some of the
places that presentations on the testing procedure may
In given if they express an interest. I leischli said
i ieisihli said fie hopes test presentations vx.i! cut
down on the amount of time nuts.tnd physicians
spend counseling afniut the test
He said counseling to groups might weed out some
people who .ire unsure whether they should h.tS’ the
test, thus limiting testing appointments
Results aren't known lor two Weeks alter the test. SO
anybody who doesn't want to wait until January for
the results should wait until after Christmas vacation,
Model! said
Bookstore security keeps eye on shoplifters
By Tammy Batey
t> :t*,M • ! RofXXUjf
l ilt- m.m with thi• red backpack strolled through
(hi' doors nt (iic University Bookstore pausing mi 4
sioiially to |)ii k up *111 ot 1 |i m (. stuiiv (it* jir: r and set
1! iiiii •* iltlH'll
Hr i in Ini (in- ,n sir contain mg University I shirts
anii sweatshirts several limns. 1 uttslanllv darting
Imiks ,1! nrartiy 1 uslomrrs out *,1 tin- turners nl his
rvrs On ins filer appeared ss fi.it the University
Bookstores senior srcufilv supervisor ivhn .iskrd to
in idrntilird only *is Joseph, 1 alls the look
'tie man's funds wandered almost lovingly ovei
tile f shirt he h.ld picked up, and tie appeared to
study it lor five minutes
impulsively, with one limb glare * about him, hr
sluIfrd the T siurt In a pm k* t m lie. ha 1 kpa* k He
then sauntered out ol the store (lull him: the hai k
pal k 1 losely to Ins side
After leaving the bookstore, a man wearing leans
and a sweater approached film I he man held up .1
badge reading University Bookstore Su uritv ind
said, I si use me sir I have a lew piesl, 1, . I would
like to 11 sk you
jtJSf'ph SUIll till’ tlboVe IS >1 good '■< I’ildfit) 111 -I tVjll
! ,iI shoplifting iiu iili-nt at I hr bookstore
The l ? il I V e r s 11 \ Buokstn re loses MID. 1)0(1 In
$100,000 .i \< ir .iIkhiI 1 perienl til tol l) suit’s
ffuni what is called invi-niurv shrink. igi which in
t hull’s Uissi's Irum shoplifting, employee ilit'li .mil
i’ i uniting i • r ri 11 ■- said Jim Will mis, I'niversilv
11- ii >k si ore j*i • r» it >i I m.i nagri
Wllli.iins said hr doesn't know how muc h ol thr
hook store’s .annual loss is trom shoplllttng alone. hut
We h.ive i shoplifting problem bn ause w do arri-si
pei >pI. doing it he sun!
Sim e January 1*1*11. 1 lie people h.ive been ,irn -.led
lur .! uplift i rig .il the hoi ik store on 1 II) d I tier en! ore >i
'.ions. Joseph said
U ilil,on- Slid ltl.lt W fieri people s ! 11 i j»| f I • dll’V don’t
in,iik n. v .ii' stealing from .1 person but from .1 big
1 orpnr.iitoii Howeier. shoplifters do have ,m effcrc 1
in individuals, be said The loss ol income from
shoplifting is lai lured into Imnkstoit- prir es
Allegalions from slucjetlls last \ear that the book
store disi rmnn.iles against people on the basis id i ol
01 an mi urn 1 1. Williams said The hookslore’s m 11
Turn to SHOPLIFT Page 3
Art and the media
Eugene artist John Chapman displays t-s id
Totems, which uses cutouts ot photos from on
inn business magazines See story ARTS. pag< 5
Phu'o by Jeff P-is;ay
Paper break_
Thu Oregon I>.ulv ! nirr.thl
will not publish Thursday or
I' rid.iv lor the Tlmnksgiv mg
holiday, ami will resume
publication on Monday
Simon says_
Illinois Sonutor 1‘aul Si
mot) will be m lingerie next
week lo net ept .in ward lor
integrity in politics and to
inaugurate a University lei
turc series
During a ceremony De<
Simon will receive the
Wayne Morse Integrity m
I'ohtits Award" from the
l-.ligene ! IS I W aviie Mi Is,
Ulstorn ai dark (.of por n
Simon will also deliver tin
inaugural address tor a s<
See story Page 9
Bills supports Saferide’s
women-only van policy
By Gerr:t Koeppnq
s '• .-'a ! Hi’;- rfS.w
Saleride supporters held n
press conlrrenr e Tuesday 111
hi.is! ,i i omplamt th.it i Larges
Saferide's women only pol i
i v is sexually dtsi nmmatorv
The complaint was filed hy a
student m the AS! () Constitu
tion.il (auirt
Sale-ride e. a nighttime shut
tie (or women ! he group s
w omen only pol u v .!■.. n't al
low men t< drive .r ride in the
organization's vans
La-*! Monday. University stu
detl! v Hepncr Filed a om
In ri)'.|iui!M'. Safnridu's sup
pnrlrrs hrM ihr news confer
rill r lu ilrlrnii I llr poll! V. sa\
111,; il Is |M*<rssarv l<> rlistirr llir
s.lfriV III till- wiimrll who Use
thr srrvli r
hrr, l.ohrmrn. .1 mrmhrr i>f
Ihr U man's Lav* forum. vvmt
so l.ir .is lu suggrst llml siim
lions hr brought against Hrpm-r
lor filing what hr s.ini was i
frivolous motion
\ S f t() I’r> s idr nI Jr n n i fr r
If111 s - od worm'll nrrd S.ilendr
b<-( uusr "womim .is .1 i lass arc
nu>rr ,usi cptihlr to rape and
h.ir.r sun-nl than mrn
Shr said tl it Safrridr's poll
. din-si, : mr.in that all men
- hui that 'if mini
III.--, sh.ouhi land
Hoi ftrot/.man. co-dim lor for