SPORTS Women finish fifth behind Kamopp’s strong running By Dave Charbonneau Emerald Si’• vis Reporter Some of the runners on the Oregon women's cross country loam peaked at |usi the right time’, and others were victim izod by illness at the wrong time The result was a fifth-place finish at the NCAA Champion ships Monday at Arizona Senior Lisa Kamopp led the Ducks, finishing third overall, senior Lucy Nusrala took eighth place marked the first time Oregon placed two runners in the top It) at the national meet. Coach Tom Heinonen was overwhelmed hv the perform ant os of the two "In terms of team effort, Lut v and Lisa ran wav beyond ex pectalions," he said "Lisa's p er form a n ( e was beyond words The improvement she’s made in a year is unparal leled Villanova easily won the team title with three of the top 10 finishers and H5 points Ar kansas was a distant second with 1 OH points, Northern An zona was third with 101 points, and Cornell edged Oregon by two with 180 points With two runners in the top 10. it would have seemed as though Oregon was on its way to easily improving on its filth plat e finish of a year ago l.infortunate)v. not all of the Duck runners were feeling .is good as karnopp and Nusrala Junior Nicole Woodward who dropped out of the region al meet a week ago bet atise of latigue could not completely ret operate and ran well oil hoi normal par e. finishing r> lth fieinotici. said Wood wn r d performed well considering the eirrumst.ini es "Nicole ran wav below her level earlier in the year," he said She started out slow but rallied at the end. which was ‘Lisa’s (Kamopp) performance was beyond words. The improvement she’s made in a year is unparalleled.’ Tom Heinonen, women's cross country coach llu- different i- between our li’iim getting fifth or ninth " junior (Tirol Holmen, who finished fifth at the regional meet, was the third Dud fin ishe'r at Tlrd overall Freshman Sally Mater, who was just in sorted into the Duck lineup last week, was the fifth scorer for (Iregon. finishing third Freshmen III! (lallero and |enna (airlson were lx>lh ham pered hv colds ( allern was re covering from a i old she hail hist week and finished t.tJnd (.arisen was in such had shape she had problems mak ing it up routine lulls the day before the r.u e She finished last at the meet Villanovas Sonia O'Sullivan and ( arole /.aj.ii were ! 1 with times of If. it) and Ifi it. re spei lively Karnopji finished at It. !:', and Nusrala came in a! It. 5t) The rai .- marked the lina I collegiate run lor karnopp, yvho finished l()2nd at last year's national meet karnopp's third-plate finish yyas the high esl llnish lor a Dm k sllli e 1<)H 1 yy hen k.ithy Haves also yvas third She has In .-n unable to train with the team lor much of the year lie. anse ot an internship in Portland hut yvon the Pat ifit 10 ( oilier.-in e championship three yy eeks ago Recycle. It works, (if you work it.) Get the experience you need today to be a success in the business world tomorrow. The Oregon Daily Emerald is now taking applications for a position on our display advertising sales staff Applicants should have a minimum of 3 hours per day to spend selling retail display space to an established client list The position requires use of a car and the applicant must be a full time 1' of () Student Previous sales experience and sophomore or junior standing is a plus. Please apply today for this position by picking up an application at suite 300 EMI' The closing date is Wednesday, Dec 10 at .r> p m Oregon Doily I he < In vhi />Jii hjtu rjl-l t\ jn ci/ujI ufifxtrUmih empk'jrr OIL I tl t>«9 ail ♦'•tor $3.00 OFF with this coupon through Sunday, Dec. 1, 1991 on any full-service oil change and lube. World Class Protection L. With our thanks k for your business I all year long. ~ No appointment necessary W. 11 th & Garfield, Eugene 42nd & Main, Springfield ON YOUR DESK IN THREE YEARS CALL NOW FOR A FREE IBM !' ■ ! A; ; •• ,1 ; ' " • ; • ' r d refined .ifu.i p! tw- ' it w jy Oniy NeXT Siond! .v •it ■ ■■< e : ? ifienP-'i fr " ” • • ' •’ NeXT Aitii/1 imp ' i' •< NeXT Our rii h NeXTStep > ' Vir- jnrwt '■ i • dlre.idy di! wed i A ' - r : ,\ feet'!’, re.ife their ''t> ' f t/.: software fXi -up-- it ji - i : f .-?* ,■ • ■ y 1 (»X) ii* AM-it i • * fr, ' /'• ?! * jf • • ”• r j * -j ■ • - t>o m intfv. i V* 1 *4' \ ?> ! : ‘ . * : .f :' * ' ' r « ' A[ iy tf ’' !,i/s put . ntad your , 1 I • - • )* •••• < *Wf \t \ j • X V / fir V.V/ r- V.-\ * *»,(’ \fSrtifrm**:; -■* ■/ S \ / ( . «•? »*- /#« l >tM*l**( \.'t ^hrt mr+b>*nt hri-ftt* tk*f ir>pf»tm •■.«•<• Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center • M-F 9am-5pm • 346-4402 R Don’t miss out on great savings — Clip coupons out of the Oregon Daily Emerald.