ASUO President Jennifer Bills and University President Myles Brand said they will jointly attack discnmination by the military POLICY Continued from Page 1 i nn through ''legitimate chan nels,'' hr oppose-, ,my efforts to try to bun military recruiters from campus ..,(.inning riv i ruili'rs from tanipus, (hr I'm versify would endanger (i.r, dom nf expression and risk It ■ ing 1)01) funding vvhnli he s.iid ,minimis to S HI milhou .1 vuiir l‘Wl I Ml ( fill Ccnlrr A < liiurj! i-'ftini VMM KR (RAFT FAIR IAN I AM 1C MAN DM M'i Mill IS MO I SKK I n MIDI R I I Vi Ml SIC I Ml I ii Hoorn IV..-ml>.r l A \\ (’tiiii'Milu \ A I iiurw.I.ii HMMI .1 rn in [> m C -ill I t>r NinmisMons ‘fimberline (Magazine ITu* mvcrsity ot Otvg* n Lifcnirs an! \r* ! urn *. Bring Artwork Ulni<* only) to: hiu- Art's < Htu c (l aw frfk c I IjII). '; ‘ t; ( in. « nkium .Art Bring IWlrv (I I',: 44 i PLC IHfcjyr*- I •< « r - < r. ! ' • ■ luring fiction (2 copies -vl *r\) I : Jd PI v . l )w ,»yr«* F h. nil.,', f fion l «iu • f !’lraw UwImJi SAM Will* A! I n 1 deadline Nov. 27thI V Strengthening the Effectiveness of the United Nations — to Abolish War, Protect Human Rights, Safeguard the environment... Can it be done?? A discussion of U. N. reform led by Aaron Knight Student Programs Director World Federalists Association 3:30 p.m -Tuts. Nov. 26,1991-EMU Fir Room ScxmuwrJ by the KMC Cultural H.rum, SludcnU lot United NtUrau. '““dciu Camfuugn for Ihramiinicnt. I jure Co l-nilrd \«ti*»n Asmk . lnlem*u*nw. Students A»wx , 1-dgrnr Hr»<.ewofkt A Survivil C enter BEAT THE "FRESHMAN 15" I per month * ?4 houre ^ sSkIooI ID * N‘w