ATTHE UO BOOKSTORE Af# /kymeate W/Jfamuy/ ^ #«ki a nnnAkim /■nmiT ON APPROVED CREDIT Here Are Two Examples of Savings HITACHI VME-10 ■ NOW ONLY *889 SONY CCD-F77 - NOW ONL Y *999 t\*&20% OFF all video accessories UO BOOKSTORE ELECTRONIC DEPT. 13th ft Kincaid. Ph. 3464331, M-f 7:30 - 6. Sat. 10-6 FAST FAST FAST FAST IN A HURRY? USE 7 HR. FILM DEVELOPING AT THE UO BOOKSTORE I M iyilniu; is I AS I these days .hist food, cats So why watt f«»r yuur pu Hires to 101110 kk k from .1 sJou photo’ l \it photo exjvrts will prixess your film in 1 hour usinp the kisfik t ‘1 'li itu .iti h system lor ^■ i|ii.ility V >u‘ll pet I it; •!" | 1 nits on k< s I 11- | ,i| vr, with I \s ! sen k e, just the vs.ty you like it WE ALSO HAVE OVERNIGHT PHOTO! We're proud of our new Fast One Hour Photo Lab, but we want you to remember, we still have regular overnight ' photo at great low prices' 12 EXPOSURE 24 EXPOSURE 36 EXPOSURE 3x51/j - $2.89 3x5V2 - $4.79 3x5V? - $6.99 3TH & KINCAID 346 4331 M F 7 30 6 SAT 10 6 ET ALS vwr1 will rrvew! tonight at ? ,n Room 1V4 Straub Caff 14A >724 fox more information V« mud (Irganifatf ton will mw t sday ii 4 tO nm in KM1 Room D (adl m «j.24 for mart information VlHdettl New*** will meet tonight at 0 tn $ vn < edar R m D Call 144V 1??4 for more in tor matron International SlwdenU Aaaoriftlton tobcfoup iaadort will mw»i tonight at 7 .TO in KM l (ontuty Room F (all I4f* tot more information Maine Amrtunt Student Union will >n««e! t',n;ghl *1 *» jn KMT (.erttury Room l Student* f«*r ( fealtvr An*« hromem will mori tonight et 7 ir. Agate Strwt Building V *. 4*4 4U*t for more information Toe ire I »*lilio« Building (.roup will •T;«et tonight *t ?. in K- m 1S9 Strewn ( jU) i4i* 4i” for m< r» informal!on Stale Knir* and fight Hum Mali' Image* in Advertising t* the Ulle of * in■ * ;!• 11 t>r *?• «s : Inntgfil at 7 in the I Ml A a; r .! K m t all t 46 42(>*i for more Oregon ln«l«tulp of Marine Rw»lo*> % Spnn« fwm Pr»*rem will }'r#w!ii >• , r hr mat: itv*. mi tiff ih« »% tonight *1 7 V) in KVfl («dar R >m ( (-*11 14ft '.««? foi m r« in for mat! on World lrdrr«liili Alioi Ulloh information table will be In the EMI ! obb\ u*day from 1 to 1 pm (-all J42«2W for more In formation Student Health Insurance C.ommitlne Sirrm will take pi* r today from 10 a rr. i, j }>m in the EMU Lobby Cal! 14ft 1702 Jot m< f« information Strengthen in* the efTe« t l*m«« of the U.N will be the topit of a prnwmtatMn by Aaron Knight of tho World lod*ra!»*: * A*v«uUan i l«> a> 1 10 pm in the KMt Han Under Room Call 141 *004 for more information In< idrnlal Ire C ommittee will in* . tonight at S in the EMU Maple Room '(.a; i4ft t *4R for m-orn information < )pf*t )RTt *N1 KIES l .S Marine* «% have r»* rutting table >r. the KMt ! obhy t.wfay from 10 a m t 4 K> pm Summer I rnployment huikthnp h take pl-n e today from 2 to 1 10 p rn ■■ i t K. -t ’ 2. hendii (all 14(> 1214 for m ri I rer (holmterol wreening will lake ;.l.n ■ today from to'.'11 K) am in tho Health f.duration < outer.*d in tho Student Health Cantor (tall t4H 4 4 Mi for mot*' CORRECTION Monduv s article about the Oregon Institute of Marino Biol ogy should have said the slide presentation is tonight front ■ . 7 )() to H.30 in EMIJ Umliir Room C. The Emerald regrets the er ror bngine Service 1000 S Hcrtclscn Rd *1 fugt’ne OR 97*0? One Block NoMh ot W 11th Nolan Ind Pl«i/a '