Norbest recalls smelly turkeys Wk F () K AM) M/jjKjfkf (AIM turkey ■ prot essing t i mp i nv voluntarily ret ailed some of 1!n fresh turkeys in nine Wrsl rrn states Monday because of .1 bud odor ( a used by det .1 v Norbest !m . bused in Sul! Luke C. 11v. said it'had received reports some turkeys pro 1 essed .it its Salem plant smelled of sulfur or rotten eggs The turkeys being rural led are from it group o' 70.000 sold in Oregon. Washington' t .difor nia. Idaho, Nevadii. Arizona Montana, Utah and Wyoming, company spokesman Mike Korologos san! frozen turkeys weren't rei ailed 1'he only turkeys that need to fie returned to where they Were bought are those that smell bud korologos didn't know how many turkeys are affected, hut said that it's probably only a small pen entage of the 70.000 The problem was caused when the turkeys were exposed to fieat, korologos said “It's not a health hazard it just smells had, he said korologos said the company had rei ei ved 10 comp la in Is since N'oy HO. but no reports of illness Turkeys that smell ii! right should be sale to rook kori 1 log!is said Consumers who returned tor keys to stores were ol len d re funds or replat etiu nts The res all yvas initiated by the company, i S Department of Agriculture spokeswoman ( or h iia Morris s.ud The recalled turkeys are ia heled 'Norbest Fresh lender Timed Young Turkey or Norbest Family Tradition Fresh Young ! urkey best SElTCnON OF CLOTHES w town1. anil nun 1' vnon‘ DEMO PROGRAM Fry before you buy’ . tl.m •t,h" . YolWI • SKI package Skis Hindi! Pahs 189"" u^s in IHI TTT.T.R SKI AM) SPORTS SHOP 7tti \ ( JuiiuIits • (Jt t-1'177 New Large Format Copier • maps • posters • drawings • variable enlargement and reduction 40-250% ; kinko's the copy center 1265 Willamette 344-3555 Open Early • Open Late • Open 7 Days ‘During ‘Htis ‘Festive Season, ‘Die VO ‘Bookstore Is ‘Vieused ‘To Offer Our Customers FREE GIFT WRAPPING On 'Your 'Bookstore'Purchases StrfitC^h your dollars by iisin^ coupons from the Oregon Daily Kin era Id. This Week's Luncheon Specials Braised Pori w/Egg .wid PiVjtofn o\tt tut $4.50 Rite w/Teriyaki Chkken Wings $3.65 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT try (Hir dinners, for).' 879 E. 13th • LJpstijns. Next to UO llcokstore • 343-2832 ARE YOU A REBEL WITHOUT A CAMERA? ( u • i • .uV-wi iht\ i .HiK. V ’ ‘ SI K a ilh is r" t \t!u»n *MiVf> .»!ui simp \i! tor //< .'4' 28If. _emu. Recreation Center CAMPUS LOST & FOUND SALE t Jrnbi el las Ci loves/1 Kits Coats/SwedLi s Books ' ;M I S< . CjOO( lit -S Nothing Over Three Dollars! ^oa0o9KKvmoa»r -»oc ^ iDead Week, Dec. 2 & 3 jj 9-5pm Dally " : <3*k *mr mtr smt C iish Onl\ (No ( hoc K-,i THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON L i Early checkers