EDITORIAL ‘If it doesn’t work, blame it on the aide’ It's hard to get good help those days, isn't it? Just ask George Bush After two years of bitter hug gling. he finallv got a civil rights bill he could live w ith But then along comes C. Hoyden Gray, and things aren't so clear anymore Gray, who is the White House counsel, routinely authors ''interpretations" of <.ongressionally passed legislation Or in other words, he gives the semi official policy of how the executive branch views the bill, and what steps it will take to enforce such laws. Gray's statements aren't legally binding, but they do set the: tone for how Bush and Go. deal with the leg islation. Gist Wednesday. Gray circulates! his draft [>olicy on the new civil rights hill and interpreted that it would end racial preferences and quotas in federal government hiring practices Not a law. just something to make you go hmm .. The Democrats, who temporarily sided with Bush to pass the legislation, were apoplectic They consid ered the move treasonous and said Bush was try ing to gut the 19ti5 affirmative action regulations. The next day. Bush back pea ailed, claiming Gray acted on his own and without White House knowledge or approval Bush assured Democrats he didn't view the civil rights hill that way. He may he right Gray is well-known for having a more stringent attitude than Bush toward affirmative action — if such a thing is possible. It is not completely out of the question that the whole controversy is just one slightly rabid aide overstepping his authority However, the timing and the suggestion Bush knew nothing about it art* a little suspect Bush is not known as a loose-rein president His aides do not act on their own without his prior knowledge, except for Sununu. who does pretty much whatever he wants Bush runs a tight ship, and it is unlikely he would he completely clueless to Gray's plan. In addition, it is quite possible Bush was using Gray's draft policy as a "trial balloon" as some critics are suggesting. It makes for a simple way to test public perception. Attach the policy to the bill and watch the reaction. If no fuss is made. Bush wins a political victo ry without having to take on Congress, if the result is too sharp (as in this case), blame the aide and forget about it for now. No harm, no foul. And Bush comes out unscathed. Even after Thursday's signing ceremony, controver sy remained. Bush endorsed an interpretation of the new law. which gives broad legal boundaries under which employers could cite "business necessity" to discriminate against minorities when hiring. What this "business necessity” means is unclear, but giving wide discretion to the clause defeats what the new civil rights bill is supposed to be about. Perceptions of Bush vary, but nobody cun accuse him of not being u canny politician. A no-loss trial bal loon has the taint of Bush mentality. There can be no doubt Bush will eventually try to "fillet" the affirmative action legislation. Now, it mere ly remains to be seen where and when the opportunity will come. < )rf£i>n Puilv PO BOX 3'M tUGINC OHIGON 07403 !'Mi Oogon (>«*> l '-O'*! I* pub.'*1*! OAify Moxlay through T '»Ui> d • -g "•* School «wu 4'*) T xewJay and Thurviay dur*ng ’’wi v-.mmor by ■'«» "uyvv [>*i > I Ttf.u! rg ‘ O Irxl rtJ ”X* l JruvO'v’y 0< OrogOf' { aQO*Mi 0»wg.w !N» l r*M¥(!■! opera;** x>o;»r«>o^'i*y ctf “« l*'«*»'•. •, * "i o'S *»•- .*■ u i ' I ft) Memory UTwort axl t% n ''mk"b**' o* "xi A:.-..* *'■«•-•. I bo t "'«KiW! t% pf vrtJo property Th«* .**' '«>movn vV •.«• pt pai.**'••- p’O*** rtb*i Managing l cfNor t ddorial E drtor Graphics E dilor I nterteinment E ditor Editor m Chief *' H»t Pai Mu .v' Now* l dNor i 4L‘->o (>« j.out Borg Associate ( dNors Community IWs Do'.v Student Government Activities (Xru'y I j.,.*** Titgher f dur ation Administration O's (W ■ Msportors Tommy Ha?ay Oawj C hArtKy’'•*** - !>« * E t.‘jests! .ityw a>-• ' Koepp-ng K '%?«*’ l uc«& l na Super va** -A*Jy •" .< y Production I \yf«d VS> .'u Prcx.hu imn c’iJtxt* -Wt* .ir •«» A »hh «f n‘ t * I * . «»•«»' K.'.\' m C*r»ngsr Jarn Ss M 4*y J '-M t M. '. *>00 S'.* *, M ' t» M.f Mi !»► ‘Of *k>..i «J Jw' ‘ur Smsth A « .'•*»; • tr «> fc» «*■ V'■.« ■«» ’ »> •% .» ' GonorsI Manager *jy IU. Adwsftisirtg Otroctor IV>a M i>pp«*tg« Production Manager W •. Nswsroom 346 5511 Display Advertising 346 371? fius mass Oft ice 346 551? Classified Advertising 346-4343 } LURCH C0*£ IN AnD HtiP wopd ms C'Vtt PJGWS i r