Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS Please Be Advised A* ol November 70. 1991 we will no longer accept personal party _airline llcfcet ed»_ To Place Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 tOS PERSONALS MHli K*ut tfT# Mid amj' Wo sad a bat* Ts*rA fCX.\ ^arromor ■-ST'* *»PP" .-.: . Ar OKT TharWa foi th# Ctvtf War parly w had a Natl1 l ova. OlMa (.ammo _ Jaaaica Juat a ramtrtdar that I lova you. awaathaarl1 Navar formal Dur* »a IIB Tharvfca for a tarrtftc party l at a do rt agatr\ nail yaar* (>rt||iin Duilt I im rjlrt ( luvMftrtlv As*' WI KI V) Mil k M K\ II I uoLOSTIFOUNO Arm M n »••* « A-*.. f '«*.*%<* >« ’ . :o m* My , *>' •-* g**’‘ j . r*M! u> a •4 I <. .* fl H*« found on ll ?? Cill to HiwAd) 746 070® ns TYPING SERVICES ■ T*rrn p*p*r» M«»umos tic Pick i4>0«lrv*ry Word Prnc«Mtng Si |*g A up Ci 7 41 6AA*> !fh» WOKO SPECIALISTS! * ( *A*rd * * I I fcr *<*. Vtprti * HIM ( orujuiiWr 1 >t»k i .mvmi.ni * I AMfl PriRlM&'t»t*p*h * * t dtiing. httnrnf * 344-4510 IJt 41 MS W«Mtl> rmH KSMMi tim «i> i. iiim *rr«nv*i> ?irt%T Wm/Tirffxj ' ( I a\» k pvimim. , wri-?.' i:iTm__ 605 E. 13th IIS TYPING SERVICES A >44 C7$i, HOtWN « CHAD SCMCXX APPROVED T. 1*1 *.& Imp* g*Tt*"* pAfWTV* w- rwwir® Mt-' i a* I ' i «*-»' ► ' ON C AMPW fAClftn T VPMtG-f CHTIWG By •■p*n©rje*cl ^ O ci vw.ii tiOh f xXi/t l iwjA Imping *«4 f'^8 »i VMQ i ingi US tyyHws hnvIm f Mf iccuuli, prcrl«»«iorvil tl 00p«««. up 4M VOW TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara l and l a*«» Pr*nl*» 4i*> 3141 f CX -ng*r*f « jCHSwrt fi n> ; I '-4*V'» B *>Q ssrosimro Typing A wor4 proc««a TYP#4CC DOING last fffician* AftordaW# T-Graphic a. MS 9?Sfi GREEK MATH TUTOR 114 GrfbaM | Tuaa T Kura ’Worn lo 9 00 pm i JO FOR SALE USC OP 1000 Gym jwc n ■ i ■ > ■ v * • - i ( •* V -*»- * ■ +* ** bHW ' * lOf »«!• P.r-i',, Hv* 4lMm i --.*••*.-#-. KX ty> 41 41 ' *-»' M • .. . Ml » *4' ,:.i,• 1M1 CMT . Hk *kt . V- a* US BUY OR TRADE Cap rial tat tOfi»um»r» unrta' Bi/y Buy Buy' n ih« I WINTER CRAFT FAIR, [>•< 4lh A Slh I MU 1 it Hootn Urucyw* giflt'l tv muiK‘CkIW Ma< j a only battar" us CARSTRUCKS GOVIHNMINT SJ I/I D V. ' % M*»- •• «• ‘ \ ,•, p yi*-'*' GOVI MNM NT SI l/l 0 V«f J- » : M- twUr. v\«» » l i - 19/6 Toy Cor H »«> * t * 4i.» ><••■, . ■ v.» *4 > ft< i 196A Suzuki Samurai ■* ■ . ... Q'tki Y' u*. /6 VW Dashaf n s,,. M • 't*. if’ , •»’ , :t «! as ,■ •• S Ot*> T'«» 144 *44B us CARS TRUCKS ?• F or d T Btrd <*aod cxxt! • - >■ tfkS&Q&O 144 ♦« i 1 . so MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS MUM Sf t t *966 R«! 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THINK ABOUT IT! l m* * 'Ml «» •m»9 |ii '»’« '*•**» »* *i»fi# »»1 Council Travel 1 • 9- -V »> r'a rv *•*» 1 < * o MMtt tlN • MO ttS ttM I M rHiHod*! 19% Vi Nm 205 OPPORTUNITIES / hear and I forget I see and I remember I do and I understand STUDY ABROAD 'on» or more quarter* V' Earn UO credit Lite your financial aid For more information, contact Office of International fterrtceB. 3*10 Oregon Hall. 34* 3207 THINK ABOUT IT! ( renting \ Rape-free Environment Course Hus Openings < Sumltrr l DI’M 40*> ( KN fcAOi Mrrling I «rtwr ' HI ' 'Opm. Ihundi ti I <« jturfi Wdl ( imil.mi (.lading I*“Nl* ( i rdii* 0 ( 205 OPPORTUNITIES Ac adamic taarnmg Sarvtcaa n-rsaa a ntartttad ttuoarit lo a w9rt*hop or HOW TO PREPARE FOR FINALS Tuaaday. Daeambar 3. 1M1 330pm - 430pm Room 701 Condon Hall Fof mo/0 informafton c*ll Academic t timing Stfvictt 68 PLC, M6-3226 Applications tor ASUO Constitution Court ara avatfabta in tha ASUO offica. Suita 4 I MU Application daadkna ta Nov am bar 79 1091 ASUO ta an aflirmaftvs act ton aqua I opportunity amp4o|;a» _ ____ A as ocud ad Studant Ssrvicst. Inc la now accapimg applications for two Board of Diractor poaitiona ASSI contracts with tha ASUO to marvaga and maintain tha ASUO Studant Itaatth Inauranca program Position daacrptions and applications ara avatlabt# in Suita 4 of tha f MU Application Daadlma ta Tuaaday Oacambar 3. iMl AA f Of Cash for College~l I Ovor 3 Million Mudent* Will I j Oualifs For Collc-ge (Ir.inb* ft j VhoUrihips Will vou N Lint' ’ Frw info call NOW* L1 -800-944-0066 _x7S61J tA*AAAAAAAAAAA\ MONEY FOR COLLEGE We guarantee it For free Information call (800) 645-8758 r * * * * ilff WAWWn If Scholarships for coWaga funding guarantaad fNLfc information SMfY PO Bo* 50/6. Sal am OR 97304 iS03i 363 6404 SI < ONDAftY SPCCUU I Due A t iON PROGRAM I «« .-of pi -.a monthly M pond lev qua! psnorN ntaraaiaQ ■ t*r •• g a mover's 0**jru*> and *{** .» I-*.'’ 'id'-f I or mev© r tor-napon writ* lo Sand Daws t 75 fduonfron Urwanwty of O*4goo ^ 15* 15 1^ WANTED! t nthuataatic atudanta to work X mas bras* A po safety nail farm U of O Tala fund 346 3433 tflt' iff fflb f*lr Young Gay arvd Hiaaauai Man >«>; LMtt’ttiO'p ne u> ' ?g AjOS pftsvtv ' * • ptugraff 'or yng m*n fr> l *»'*» County lAa-i ’ 'n© ;*« For morn ''kvmaion i t% codtscr 415)59/ 8306 2i0 HELP WANTED f ipartanca t ugana a '««•! uiot® of i Ns an plasma rwnuv Calf fid * 84 3C and WO 1W yo,. now 'O r o»p yoe.'W and o(bar* 210 HELP WANTED EARN MONEY Reading books’ lOC OOOy' ma>ma po»*ntm< DeUb* ;905) aooc Q«1 Y 964? t laclronie Cabla AiMfflbNr, 6 month* atpenonaa %o*)erng cab** cwcuil board assembly PerHufi i»me 5 6 hr (My he*tb»a M 8VT* Cel' ky appt lo Ocma Parker 4h"> 6?40 AA f Of Eicaptionel opportunity lo provkda aarvicaa for an acthra community of okter iduRi Vartad raaponaibilttiaa include dally houaafcaaptng. transportation, and taiaiphona Parmanant part lima positions avatiabia for day or night ahlft Apply 1001 Waahmglon Si . Eugana. noon -4pm. Mon - Frt t Of Eichanga room A board for child cara and tght housekeeping Near campus Cali Bobbie 686 88 71 AIRLINE Now seeking students end graduate*. lo t many unify level potions fiia/ling - P ' A ask a Pay s S ' v • ky '»>; . .1- -vi and $*0 50 ky oven •’ u ho. ,»s upon com pen io*' o’ contrary Room end board are provided 8C hour*. a wkHi % not tyicommor M vr Ctsri ■iyjx*?*-l Krstmirs dial f*ct 1 )tsorvt-ml. Ask about our packages I kinjko's the copy collar 860 t 13th 1265 Willafnono 344 /894 344 3555 FAST St/?V»C£, OPIN 7 VATS | Now accapling application# tor | MtM Biriivtbtll ofltcMli Ply rang* M 7i to 16 par hour Pravioua : officiating aipartanca daairad but I not a raqutramanf tnquira at 103 | (iarlingar or caB 346-4113 J I N Q L E BEAT Place a holiday message to your friend(s)! December 2nd - 9th!... Only in the Classifieds! r HELP HEAL THE EARTH! The Survival Center is look ing tor dedicated individuals with leadership capabilities and creative problem sotv mg strategies Positions are available tor co coordina tors Opportunity tor organ izmg locally, regionally or nationally Stipend avail able For more into stop by suite one in the FMU or phone 346 4356 Survival^® Center n Doonesburv BY GARRY TRUDEAU • * <• •ci tA\ . \ - •. .. iv ‘t-V H ' , * f «*, * 'hAl * 14 fA.’ " *; * ,("*<’ ’*n/ *'. V' \ ‘• **> ', Hf.V ■ -4 <<'*•■ > *, '••/ * »;•**.-V *)*v -' >'j ■ V \ * * * ' -1 \* Ai * ■ :» <>'? V- Of H , ' wiy ;« •* // I H* !■ > TCW tHit Wt£l 6CHN0 TO MU AHOUT oou HO. NO, I JUST »W THAT UP TO UUNHtPf