Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 25, 1991, Page 9, Image 9

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    Panel: Gays and lesbians shouldn’t hide identities
By Rivers Janssen
tmeM'd O ' tru'nr
Homosexuality is not just .1 word or a
feeling, it's .1 wav ol life thiil shouldn't
he ignored. said a gas ami lesbian rights
panel on Friday
University student Mu liai-I, Love lady
said sexuality is a major part of a per
son's character Jusl-as heterosexuals are
allowed In i)c free and open about their
sexual orientation, ga\s and lesbians
should enjoy the same privilege lie
"II you ignore a part ol voursell. it
keeps you from reaching your potential
as a person," Lovelady said
Lmi’l.ui\ was one of ihrt'e p.im-hsls
who spokm against homophobia tiiuf <iis
i rimimition is purl of ttn- wroklong
\St!() Stop Ihr Halo symposium I'hi’
symposium was orgiintzoti It) i-iiuiuU
siuihmls rttsuil lugo’rv .inti violent >•
Olhor p.iro'l p.irlu ipntils im iu.ii-ii
AN WO iiumuIkt Wftuty t iirrin .iml Dung
Dowill. I.itm.iliomil OuIrtMtfl (’oordinu
lor (or thi' Will,imi'lli' Mils I oum il
(uirrun fnrimragtxi gu\s .mil lesbians
lo .it know lo.Igo ttmir sexual identity
saving the more people who are upon
about llmir sexual preforem es, the more
comfortable others will fori about tom
ing out
She s.oil when slm made the det islon
Ml >1.1 tl> <011)1' (Hi!, ilt'f III)' l>ll .11)11' Il'SS ill
.) struggle 'now its tmn h . uswr i > I*’
happy and ul )'.)«' with mysidt. sic
.< .S \. i straight w- in.in I h i-. .It-,
i ritninatvd against urtyw,i\
l))'H lit sllid g.IVS illlil IlsblUllS 11 1* .1
ullii|Ut’ si>t of dlstim lions trttin other till
norltv group*. 1 sing .mihor H<■ 11v
liiir/on .is i wiurt i'. hi* llsttsl some mu
|tir dtffereni i-s. tin* most Mgmlti.ui! one
lining ihul thrrr is ,i chime within the
>;.iv .mil lesbian i ommunitirs w hether to
keep iht’ir sexual identity hidden
Dewitt s.ml people in powerful posi
turns should i oinr out Ins iiusc oltheir
poltmti.il In hi-Ip tin' cans)' \llhmigh he
doesn't want In tori i' guvs and lesbians
to i nine mil against Ihrir M ill. hi* said (i\
keeping si|i*n! they i uuld Is* doing moii'
h.irm th.in gixiii
Unaking silence w as .1 i onitnon
theme throughout the discussion, mil
just for gay s and lesbians hut for heteru
M vu.ils as well
t• raduutc student Ho \dan s.ml pen
pie who keep sili'til .ire fostering tin* ills
i rfmirnitum whu h already exists
| fie panel cm ourilged people to get
involved In gav and lesbian Issues by at
tending meetings or man lies, so tlies
i an mi rease their awareness on gay and
lesbian issues
We have to lake the responsibility to
edui ate uurselves/- Curran said
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