Montana trounces cold-shooting Ducks 78-39 By Dave Charbonneau Errwakj t.i-/'-; Reporter Saturday's Oregon mens has kethnl! gami> ,it Montana was the first Division I r.«nl'*sl of the season for tire team, ami many Put k Ians may tie wish in^ it was the last Montana kit loti the Dinks out of Missoula with a 7H i'l victory In a name that could he a sign of tin- tilings to tome for the young (iregon team The Put ks shot >i miserahle 17 percent'front the fmld in the first half ami only 2A percent for lh>' game .is they wore sir?) ply oiitiminnod by the more ex periemnl (,n//hcx Offensively, we wore pis' mi Inept th>il hi with never in (lit hallgunie " Oregon mm li Don S' nsuii -..iiit 'We were rugging through Mrii’iix and jogging ihrnugh the offense. and otivi ouslv they Were g little tight Montana the defending Mig Skv Oinforeni e champions, im proved its retard to 2 0 an the season Sophomore |ordy Lyden who is expel ted to fie tile lug gest offensive for fin k*> ill ■ year iirfd only m« points on 2 of 11 shooting from the ln'iil t.uurds Antin' < oilier nmi -Johnnie Reece also strug gled, hitting .1 combined l of 1M Jordv's timing was oft ti lit tit bit, Munson suid \Vt need to get something out of I.vden. (Clyde)'Jordan and Col Her to be successful and tom petltive at all Trailing t t H> .it hfilftime. Oregon got siompetI even h.inl er to open the second half Montana went on .1 1 (> run to Itikt tt insurmounitiblt -to 1H I'.irlv m (he m’iomi half Mil 1 .n//lv Unni grtiw !(> ■*' ni.inv -to in tin* s. otnl half Oni' iil shi ft-»v bright spots fur thi- !)ui ks w-is thii phiv *il fri' guard Orlando Uil Imms W illtams was tin* li'.iding siorrr for Oregon. with points on r> of !* shooting, in i Uniing 2 of ri from thri i- point range Tlii! Din ks worn outrelmund i il In tH .11 Ionian, a sophomore forward tin* top Oregon rebounder with H. hul in fouled out miilw.iv through tlii! sii omf half SSS> i VJORD pSocessobS TVpE\NBnEBS^^„«®?T,,ov„c oMS^ «*^e«mTW fS,oc« .«assS^-*“" • ^?'iic«sp*c"iG half ONLY $139.45 bfOtt^ELELEC°BoN'C °A'SV ««***$o^Sho s«u. •;&'$**«** NLy$l54.6i ^Pon processor AUL-'N-O^Ir’%?vuooos pM>E"EvBOftR0 ^ 0nlT$549.95 ^sg?--'afs»» V.«sr— ,.ssS“i ■ ,39.451 «S^iSss‘“:“”’ ocSS „ MOoeu ST^n®oe6^pfF1NE ^ "s692.96 1 c-f$?S*^G and 5*b89SSS3 UO BOOKSTORE ELECTRONICS DEPT. 13th & Kincaid. Ph. 34M331 Open M-F 7:30 -6. Sat 10-6 Duck netters lose to Bruins By Jayson Jacoby i i'-.i cl Si» /is. R«ciort«r The (Iregon vollovimll (earn ended a disappoint mg, injury plagued sea son Sa t u rd a y vs i I h a thriii- game loss to fifth ranked i ’(.1 A in I.os An geles The 15-12, 1Ste 15-4 loss dropped the Ducks season record to 1 •} -1 (> and -I 11 m the Pacific-Id Conferenc e It was only Oregon's fifth losing sea son in Id years of i ompe t i t ion The Dm ks lot a solid 2t.H for the match, hut it w a s n i good o n o u g h against the It ruins' tf. ' mark ITT.A also had t.H kills to Oregon's Senior I law nn (Iharroin c losed out a stellar earner .t (Iregnn with a team iiigh ' i kills (Jiarrom ranks as thr fourth all time leader in kills (or the Dm ks Seniors Mi Watkins a n d t wo year c a p I a I n M i I) d ee A d a m s , w li o missed much ol the sea son with a stress frat turn ol the shin, added 1 2 and 11 kills, respec lively Two oilier Dm ks also finished their c areers Sat artiav Setter Molly Me (Irath had •) t assists, and outside hitter Julie Jeffery c ontrihuted three bloc ks while seeing ac lion in jus! one game 1(1.A tile defending NCAA < h.impJon im proved its records to 2 ! 5 overall and 1-1-2 m tin !’a< 10 Oregon a 1 so played long h I- r l d a v night against USC but lost a hard-fought match 15-10, lt. l i 15-2 to the Tro jans [-SPORTS CARDS and a lot more PLUS • Magic & Jokes • Games & Puzzles • Juggling & Puppets • Costumes & Supplies • Gifts & More ('ha/pro FUNSIIOP un l- 13th Ase. 345(1032 10 h (HI \| ( In p.iK.»k NlHMl S (HI SAT - *’> S.utoU Noon S (HI SIS Ho .ul