Your One-Stop Photo Stop with 10% Student Discount! 18th & Willamette Marketplace West 484-6116 342-1167 CREATE YOUR OWN cPi^o* FULL COLOR CALENDARS A PERFECT GIFT PRICt S STAR TING AT m Cam pus l .oca t ion 860 East 13th Ave 344 7894 13th & Willamette 344 3555 Shipping Avai i awl i Volumt Discounts kinko's the copy center I SPORTS Ducks let another one slip away By Jayson Jacoby {f c.i"; Sports Reporter I h< thousands of Oregon football fans glumly filing mil of Autzon Stadium Saturday af ternoon worn a listing symbol for liv 1 '*'i 1 season Most Du. k faithful loft early and with looks of disbelief on their fai i s not w anting to see Oregon Stair pul the fin ishing tout lies on its only win of the season, a l■} t disman tling of 0 Iistless (iregori listm ■The Heavers gave < oai h jerry .I'etlihune his first victors at Or ogon State and ended tin \( A \ s longest Division I It is ing streak it 1 5 games The win was only the Hea ver* second against Oregon sini e 197'. and their first at A.d/eti Stadium since a 17 11 triumph in i't7H ft was .i type a! Civil War garni from what I understand ■. i-ii si s . I l.ow s< orlng. jihy s;i al and hard lought Oregon Si ,i' ■ k ii keil -out, fannies. Oregon i oat h Rich Hr i aid I'la v deserved w in ! hey outplayed us, and yy i .1 did nut make play s w . ni-i-ard to make at t.r«t iaI times Saturday's offensive peifor main e w as anotfier poor one (or Oregon, which managed only JOH yards anti throe points against an Oregon State defense that tiad ts*en giving up an ay i-rage tij yards and t<• points ill Its first ill games W • have not produced of fensiyad\ Oregon offensive i ooniin.itor Mike Hellottl said fliere s been the rjuarterhai k situation and injuries and all hul we'v«' just I hi ked peo p!«* making tin- tag plavs (Jregon's defense p laved wall at times hul did allow I ha Bea vers 1? firs! downs and 27H yards rushing, holh Oregon Stale season highs The Heavers eame in averaging onh 162 sards on ihe ground As was the (Use in Iasi Satur day s l(>-7 loss at l< I.A, Ore gon lei good chances to put points on the Ixiard slip aw a\ I’robobly the most Important inisi ue c ame late in the third quarter with the Ducks trailing 7 t Bob Brothers replaced Broil Salisbury at quarterback in the second half after Salisbury c ompleted just five of JO passes lor t. i yards in Ihe first half, and on the Dm k-. sec ond pos session of ihe third quarter, led them on their longest drive ot the game The drive, which started at the Oregon 17 yard line, ate up almost stv minutes before the Due ks had a first and Ion cm the (Iregon State 1 5 Oregon couldn't gain a yard on three plavs and had to settle for a tJ yard field goal tr\ That s when disaster struck The snap to Brothers was high, and Cregg McC allum s k ii k never had a t ham e ()re gon State blocked it and recov ered the loose hall That play more than any other in a game that for the most part was dominated In Oregon State seemed to break the Dm ks liai ks Oregon never got past its own it) yard line after the botched field-goal tr\ When w e needed to do something ( omu l and right, wr didn't." Brooks said Thi* Oregon defense shu! down tht- Beavers' next posses sum. but Oregon State put the game away on their first posses sum of the fourth quarter The Beavers started that drive on the Oregon 18. and on a tbird and-11 play from the Dm k JO, they used a trick play to get their set olid touchdown Qua r terbut k ia n Sh telds pitched feu k to sophomore running hut k Chad Paulson on the option, fuit Paulson a sophomore Irom Mountain \ tew High St hool in Bend fooled everyone, including the Oregon defense, by throw ing a J()-Vard touchdown pass to ,i w ale-open Matirit e Wilson Oregon State was more ready tt> play and they execut ed heltet said Brooks, w ho a a,! the t ivil War game for just the second-time ni his IS-'years as (Iregen 's head < oat h Saturday's loss |ust added salt tti the wounds til Oregon's seniors, who after going to two straight bowl games have sill lereii through a disappointing final season It hasn't lut me yet,' nose kh Mart us Wauls said, "hut it's going lo hit me for the rest ot my life This was my last t ol legiate game It was pist one of those seasons What t an ye i say This is going to be a blem ish on ray t aracr." Oregon's season ended at .1-11. their worst mark since a -1 tel ret ord tn 1 OHii The Ducks, who lost eight id their last nine games, also finished tied for last m the Pat lilt U) Confer ent e with the Beavers at 1-7 [> :r COLOR REPRINTS 20 for s.l 00 10 f r $7 29 i,0 for SUl 10 100 for >!:• 00 \? .. ' •! I’ir > 4 punts lint iivuihih it this %/ ■ . i«;/ r. ( P/ (.V,s orJt / /.»rm /of r«7«ri; «/;»/«fv licpnnt utticrs < i\- d . ! } ! 'H nut giwranU*rd l t Ct ./• .. V • * v; >.: ■ it jfti-r r/vlffiu* -.PHOTO & pla it; )\jur Ui\oritv sln>t fH't ;r: tuhttr v . 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